Never Apologize for God’s Word

It should be noted that a Levite (Fivefold Ministry Gift) must never apologize for anything that God has given them to deliver to the people. Levites must guard themselves in this area because there is a great danger present for them in this satanic pitfall.
Levites must know that there is an adversary who is actively seeking their destruction and this adversary is an evil-genius and Satan works to destroy them using their own words. The devil has no power whatsoever over a Fivefold Minister (or any believer for that matter) but if the adversary can get them to speak negative words or speak words of falsehood or speak words that are blasphemous in nature then the devil can trick a Levite into destroying himself. The Levite must be on guard in this area for this reason because they can easily be destroyed by their own words.
Psalm 39:1 (7KB)
1 I said, “I will guard all my ways that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth (as with a muzzle) while in the presence of the wicked.”
The Levite must guard is tongue that he will not sin with his mouth. He must guard his mouth (as with a muzzle) in the presence of the wicked one Satan. If a Levite is tricked into speaking doubt about his calling or gifts or speaking flippant words of self-pity, he can curse himself and have his gift or calling go dormant and the devil can steal everything away from the Levite (using his own negative words against him).
Proverbs 18:21 (7KB)
21 The tongue has power over life and death; those who indulge it must eat its fruit.
There is power in the tongue for life and for death. Therefore, a Levite must guard his tongue above all else that he will not sin with his tongue and speak out any words that can be used by the adversary to destroy him.
It is important for the Levite to guard his thoughts because whatever thoughts that he meditates upon will surely be spoken out loud. Once he speaks out satanic thoughts then he can be destroyed using his own words.
A Levite should get into the habit of speaking the exact opposite of whatever the devil is prompting him to say about himself. If he is attacked by satanic doubts of his calling he should speak the opposite and declare that he is an anointed messenger of God who hears the voice of God and is called from his mother’s womb.
It might seem insane that any Levite would doubt is calling that he is born with but these doubts do not originate with him but these are inserted into the mind of the Levite by the adversary Satan. Normally no Levite could doubt his calling because he knows he is called the same as he knows that he is saved so there is no doubting that. But the source of these doubts come from outside his own mind and these come from the adversary who wants him to speak out these satanic thoughts and thus the devil can snatch away spiritual substance from a Levite and cause his calling to go dormant. This satanic goal can only be accomplished if a Levite will speak out satanic thoughts and give the devil the use if his own words against him!
This is why a Levite should train himself to say the exact opposite of any type of satanic thought that should enter his mind. This can have an effect to cause the devil to back off when he realizes that he is not dealing with someone who is ignorant about spiritual principles (concerning the power of words).
There is most certainly the power of life and death in the power of the tongue and the devil can attack the human mind with satanic thoughts and squeeze his target with feelings of inadequacy or condemnation or despair. Satan also seeks to get the Levite to speak out these satanic thoughts in a moment of distress or mental anguish. Once these satanic thoughts are spoken aloud it can spell the end of the Levite because he has just given the devil the power of his own words to use against him.
This is the main principle that a Levite (as well as any other believer) must be on guard against because the devil can squeeze them to speak something negative and as soon as they do, they can curse themselves and this can result in their own destruction!
Example of Speaking Satanic Words under Distress
Numbers 14:1-4 (7KB)
1 At this all the people of Israel cried out in dismay and wept all night long.
2 All the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, and the whole assembly said to them, “If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this desert!
3 Why is the LORD bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword? Our wives and children will be taken as plunder. Wouldn’t it be better for us to go back to Egypt?”
4 And they said to each other, “We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt.”
After the spies brought back an evil report of the land (spoke out satanic thoughts of defeat) then the people latched onto these satanic words and began to speak them out. Soon this negative talk began to rise like a great dust-storm which blew the negative words into the heavens! They that over 600,000 households all speaking out satanic words of defeat in unison! These satanic words came from the satanic thoughts inserted into their minds and they were quick to latch onto them and speak them and embrace these demonic lies! They said, “If only we had died in Egypt or had died in this desert!” “Why is the Lord bringing us here only to fall by the sword?” “Our wives and children will be taken as plunder!” “It would be better to just give up right now and go back to Egypt and beg the Egyptians to make us their slaves again!”
These Israelites began speaking to each other saying they should choose another leader and go back to Egypt again (because all was lost and it was a hopeless situation so they may as well just give up and quit right now without even trying!)
It is obvious that these people were all speaking out satanic thoughts inserted into their minds by the devil! They totally forgot about the greatness of their God and forgot what God had done to bring them out of Egypt by mighty miracle working power! They gave up and said there is no hope and were ready to quit and go back to slavery again! In fact, at this point none of them had even seen a giant and were only listening to the bad report given to them by the ten evil spies. So, they latched onto these satanic words and all of them began spewing out negative words in a storm that reached into heaven!
Numbers 14:4-10 (NIV)
4 And they said to each other, “We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt.”
5 Then Moses and Aaron fell facedown in front of the whole Israelite assembly gathered there.
6 Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had explored the land, tore their clothes
7 and said to the entire Israelite assembly, “The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good.
8 If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us.
9 Just don’t rebel against the Lord. And don’t be afraid of the people living in the land — we’ll eat them up! Their defense has been taken away from them, and the Lord is with us! Don’t be afraid of them!”
10 But all the congregation (embittered in mind with unbelief) said to stone [Joshua and Caleb] with stones. But the glory of the Lord appeared at the Tent of Meeting before all the Israelites.
The only two people out of a congregation of over 600,000 households who were not speaking negative were Joshua and Caleb. Joshua had Caleb were meditating on how powerful God was and that nothing was impossible for the Lord! So, their positive thoughts drove out the negative thoughts of the devil from their minds. Only Joshua and Caleb spoke in agreement with what God is able to do. Only these two men spoke in agreement with the truth of God while these rest of the congregation all spoke out the devil’s words of doubt and imaginations of failure and defeat!
In fact, the people were so embittered in their minds with doubt and unbelief that they wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb for speaking positive words of truth! When people begin to speak out satanic thoughts, they will even become obsessed with the negative and want to destroy anyone who does not agree with them and join them in spewing out negative satanic words of doubt and unbelief!
Numbers 14:11-12 (7KB)
11 The Lord said to Moses, “How much longer is this people going to treat me with contempt? How much longer will they not trust me, especially considering all the signs I have performed among them?
12 I will strike them down with a plague and destroy them, but I will make you into a nation greater and stronger than they.”
These people cursed themselves with their own words when they spoke out the satanic thoughts of defeat which were inserted into their minds!
Numbers 14:27-33 (7KB)
27 “How long will this wicked community grumble against me? I have heard the complaints of these grumbling Israelites.
28 So tell them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the LORD, I will do to you the very things I heard you say:
29 In this desert your bodies will fall–every one of you twenty years old or more who was counted in the census and who has grumbled against me.
30 Not one of you will enter the land I swore with uplifted hand to make your home, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun.
31 As for your children that you said would be taken as plunder, I will bring them in to enjoy the land you have rejected.
32 But you–your bodies will fall in this desert.
33 and your children will wander about in the desert for forty years bearing the consequences of your (infidelity to your espoused God) until the desert eats up your carcasses.
Moses interceded so that these wicked people were not killed instantly but nevertheless they had sealed their fates and they were rejected by God because of the satanic words of doubt and unbelief which they had spoken out loud!
Numbers 14:39-45 (7KB)
39 When Moses reported this to all the Israelites, they mourned bitterly.
40 And they rose early in the morning and went up to the top of the mountain, saying, Behold, we are here, and we intend to go up to the place which the Lord has promised, for we have sinned.
41 But Moses said, Why now do you transgress the command of the Lord [to turn back by way of the Red Sea], since it will not succeed?
42 Do not go up, because the LORD is not with you. You will be defeated by your enemies,
43 for the Amalekites and Canaanites will face you there. Because you have turned away from the LORD, he will not be with you and you will fall by the sword.”
44 Nevertheless, in their presumption (thinking to go of their own strength) they went up toward the high hill country, though neither Moses nor the ark of the LORD’s covenant moved from the camp.
45 Then the Amalekites and Canaanites who lived in that hill country came down and attacked them and beat them down all the way to Hormah.
After these people were rejected by God (for the evil words that they had spoken) then they repented and assumed to obey God to enter the Promised Land. But it was already too late and they could no longer repent. God was not with them and they were driven out and defeated before their enemies and their rejection before God was permanent.
Thus, Satan was able to destroy the entire generation of Israelites simply by getting them all to speak out his satanic thoughts inserted into their minds. The devil had no power whatsoever to stop God’s people but he is an evil-genius and Satan was able to accomplish his goals simply by inserting his thoughts into their minds and giving them evil imaginations of failure and then these people willfully spoke out the thoughts of the enemy! Thus, they cursed themselves with their own words and they were rejected by God and were sent to hell!
Again, this illustrates the fact that the devil has no power over God’s people whatsoever except that he can use their own words against them. If the devil can get a believer to speak out satanic thoughts then he can cause that believer to curse himself. There is power of life and death in the tongue and so the believer must be trained to use his tongue only for speaking words of life that are in agreement with what God has said. If they speak out satanic thoughts of defeat and failure then the believer will curse themselves because the devil will use their own words against them.
This also has specific application to a New Testament Levite Fivefold Ministry Gift because a Levite can curse himself and cause his calling to go dormant and lose everything if he should ever speak out satanic doubts about his calling or gift.
It is better not to say anything at all than to speak out satanic thoughts which can result in the rejection and destruction of a Levite. There is power in the words of the Levite and Satan waits for the opportunity to use his own words against him whenever possible.
The rejection of a Levite by God can come about by a number of ways so the Levite must be on guard because his words are powerful and can be used against him by the adversary.
Speaking Doubt and Unbelief
Speaking doubt and unbelief is the main way that Satan can destroy a believer so all believers must be on their guard and not follow the bad example of the Israelites who cursed themselves using their own negative words.
A Levite is required to live by faith and if he is under pressure of circumstances, he must not speak negative or curse himself or his finances by speaking words of doubt and unbelief.
Also, the Levite must beware of humble-sounding words that can speak doubt about his own calling and he should not seek to fish for affirmation (even from his spouse). If he says something negative hoping to get someone to say, “Oh, that is not true!” “You are really gifted and so many people are blessed by your ministry!” then he could inadvertently curse himself when the devil uses his own humble-sounding (but negative words against him). Never should he speak any words that remotely sound like doubt about his calling because such words originate with Satan and it was the devil who inserted those thoughts into his mind hoping he will be foolish enough to speak them out (either directly or indirectly).
Again, it is better not to say anything at all than to speak out satanic thoughts which can result in the gift of a Levite going dormant. Negative things about his calling should not even be spoken (not even in suggestive manner) nor should even the slightest hint of doubt be spoken against his calling because the adversary will take advantage of any of the words spoken by the Levite to use them against him for his own destruction!
A Levite is listed first at the top of the devil’s hit list because if Satan can destroy a Levite or make his gift go dormant then Satan can cause great damage to the kingdom of God on earth.
Never Apologize for God’s Directions
The Levite must understand that he stands in an office ordained by God and he carries the words of God to the people. If God gives him directions or rebuke or correction for the people then the Levite must never apologize to anyone for the things God has given him to speak. This in fact is blasphemous in nature because to apologize for what God has said is to accuse God of wrong doing!
An Apostle or Prophet for example often carry words of God’s rebuke and correction. If someone is offended by these words and presses them to give an apology, then the Levite will be in great danger (if he is not on guard in this area) if he should even suggest that he is sorry for what he said.
Satan can work to condemn the Levite by inserting lies into his mind to make him believe that his words were not of God but only of his own human origin. Then the devil can push the Levite to make an apology to those wicked people who are pressing him to apologize. But there is a great danger present here because if the Levite is not on guard, he can easily give an apology in flippant manner without thinking about what he is saying. He can inadvertently apologize for the words of God that he carries and he could apologize for a message or rebuke or correction given by God to the people.
If the Levite falls for this satanic trap, he can fall into the blasphemy of accusing God with wrong doing! Never should a Levite apologize to anyone for the words of correction or rebuke or message God gives to them to correct disorder in the lives of others.
It should also be noted that if someone can extract an apology out of a Levite then they have become the lord over that Levite who apologized to them. So, if an immature believer (still wearing spiritual diapers) is able to get a Levite to apologize then that Levite just placed a “diaper-baby” over themselves in authority! How can this happen? It starts with satanic thoughts of condemnation and doubt about his calling inserted into the mind of the Levite. Then the devil can use an immature believer to speak satanic words of accusation against the Levite and if this process is extended for a long period of time the Levite might eventually succumb to satanic condemnation and utter an apology.
But for a Levite to apologize carries a great danger because if he is apologizing for what God has instructed him to say then he is accusing God of wrong doing. If he should just flippantly say “sorry” but then he goes and inquires of the Lord later and finds that he was right and should not have apologized then it will be too late to get his apology back again. The result is that some “diaper-baby” will be condescending in attitude toward him as if he is the one who is deceived and they are all wise and knowing!
Never should a Levite give an apology but stick with his convictions and not be moved by those who are under God’s correction and who seek to cancel his rebuke by getting him to apologize for it. This thing about trying to extract an apology from a Levite is a trick or means by which a carnal Christian seeks to get themselves off the hook about some area of disobedience or bad character that God is trying to correct. Typically, such people will seek to find fault with the delivery boy so that they will not have to submit to the message of the Lord which the Apostle or Prophet carries.
This type of behavior is common place with those who do not want to change and do not want to receive rebuke or correction from God as delivered by an Apostle or a Prophet. If they can get an Apostle or Prophet to apologize that makes them the lord over that Levite who was foolish enough to utter an apology in flippant manner without considering the consequences.
Again, this gives Satan power over that Levite by speaking doubt about his own calling and gift and even his ability to hear God’s voice. To apologize is to admit wrong doing even when the Levite was not wrong in delivering the message or rebuke or correction from God. To apologize is to assume wrong-doing in carrying a message from God and is therefore accusing God of wrong-doing in rebuking someone who needs to be corrected!
There is a great danger here for a Levite to speak satanic words of doubt (in the form of an apology) and these words of doubt can cause his gift and calling to go dormant! These apologetic words can also accuse God of wrong doing and this can be blasphemous in nature and to be avoided at all costs!
Jeremiah 15:19 (7KB)
19 Therefore, this is what the LORD says to Jeremiah the Prophet: “If you return, (and overcome your negativity) I will restore you as my Prophet and you will stand in My presence. And if you speak noble ⌊words⌋, rather than worthless ones, then you will be My spokesman as before. As for these people, they must be the ones to repent and turn to you but you must not turn to them. You are to stand in separation with me and call the people back to God but you are not to cater to them nor seek to appease them says the Lord.
If a Levite turns to the people in apologetic manner (as if he desires to gain their acceptance) then he is not standing in separation to God. The Levite is to stand in God’s presence and call the people to repent and to turn from their evil ways and come back to God. The people are to repent and turn to the Levite who stands with God but under no circumstances is the Levite to turn to these people and seek to court their favor. Even harboring an “apologetic-attitude” is blasphemous for a Levite as if he is making apology for the message he is carrying from God to the people! The Levite must stand in separation to God and out of this separation he can call the people out of sin and from the world and into repentance to be restored to God again.
If the Levite should fear humans more than God and seek their approval or acceptance then he cannot be a spokesman for God. He will receive judgment if he allows his calling and gift to go dormant by making apology for the message he carries from God.
Never should a Levite seek to cater to humans or become a man-pleaser because his only goal in life should be to please God and obey God and deliver God’s messages and rebukes and correction and direction to the people as God’s spokesman.
If a carnal Christian is able to heap accusation and condemnation of the devil upon a Levite (until they are able to extract an apology from him) then they can cause that Levite to commit blasphemy against God. That apology is a means of Satan to neutralize the Levite and make his calling and gift go dormant. An apology is speaking satanic doubt about his calling and gift and ability to hear God’s voice. Never is a Levite to utter an apology because he is not speaking his own words but the words of God. If the devil can condemn him and make him doubt and apologize for God’s words then the Levite can be destroyed by his own words of apology!
Jeremiah 15:20 (7KB)
20 I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you,” declares the LORD.
21 “I will save you from the hands of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the cruel.”
God made the prophet Jeremiah like an immovable wall of solid bronze that shows no sign of wavering or movement. He was to stand his ground and speak God’s word without apology. To be apologetic is blasphemous in nature because it is as if the Levite is accusing God of wrong doing (for the words of God the Levite has carried to the people).
Leviticus 10:1-7 (7KB)
1 Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them and added incense; and they offered unauthorized fire before the LORD, contrary to his command.
2 So as a result of their flippant behavior, fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed them, and they died before the LORD.
3 Moses then said to Aaron, “This is what the LORD spoke of when he said: “‘Among those who approach me I must be regarded as holy (and treated with respect). In the sight of all the people I must be honored.’” Aaron remained silent.
4 Moses called also to Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Aaron’s uncle Uzziel, and said to them, “Come forward, carry your relatives away from the front of the sanctuary to the outside of the camp.”
5 So they drew near and carried them in their undertunics [stripped of their priestly vestments] out of the camp, as Moses had said.
6 Then Moses said to Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, “Do not let your hair become unkempt, and do not tear your clothes, or you will die and the LORD will be angry with the whole community. But your relatives, all the house of Israel, may mourn for those the LORD has destroyed by fire.
7 Do not leave the entrance to the Tent of Meeting or you will die, because the LORD’s anointing oil is on you.” So they did as Moses said.
Aaron was not allowed to mourn when his two sons perished after they broke divine protocol and got themselves burned alive. For Aaron to mourn for them would be equal to accusing God of wrong doing. Moses warned Aaron not to display any type of signs of mourning like having unkempt hair or tearing his clothing in grief because if Aaron did any of these things then he would die!
Aaron was a Levite and a priest and this has direct application to the New Testament era and to those called into the Fivefold Ministry. Those who are called into the Fivefold Ministry carry the anointing of God and the Gift of God and the words of God. If they should mourn over what God has said or apologize for a rebuke God has given through them then it is dangerous ground and is equal to accusing God of wrong doing.
Aaron was not allowed to mourn for his two dead sons so as not to accuse God of wrong doing in delivering judgment against these two boys. Never should a NT Levite ever apologize for anything God has given to him to give to the people. The Levite must have confidence in his ability to hear God’s voice and not be moved by those who are seeking to neutralize his voice so that they can continue to live in unrepentant sin.
An Apostle or Prophet must stand his ground and refuse to ever apologize because in doing so he could endanger his own life (especially if he presumptuously apologizes for what God has given him to say). The devil will try to shame a Fivefold Minister as if he was speaking his own words but that is a dangerous trap (set to destroy the Fivefold Minister) especially when the Fivefold Minister has indeed spoken God’s words rather than his own.