Handwriting on the Wall

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Dream Interpretation: 12-26-2013

There is a price to pay says the Lord and in the dream the people you saw had some issue with your hand-written teaching lessons. This means that when they saw the truth then they were responsible for living by it and that caused them trouble.

They were at peace with their compromise and dead religion and living in self-deception and falsely believing that they can be saved by repeating a salvation prayer and then living according to their own decisions and manner of life. But after reading your teaching lessons they came to discover that if they do not adjust themselves to God’s standard, they would in fact end up in hell!

So, they were living in distress after they read your teaching lesson because it was the hand-writing on the wall. This expression hand-writing on the wall means something that is spelled out clearly and the end of things has been determined. If they do not adapt themselves to the truth God gives them then their destruction will be sure. The expression “The handwriting is on the wall!” comes from the book of Daniel.

Daniel 5:5-6 (NIV)

Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lampstand in the royal palace. The king watched the hand as it wrote.

His face turned pale and he was so frightened that his knees knocked together and his legs gave way.

This hand that did the writing came from God and it gave the death sentence for this arrogant King who brazenly blasphemed God as if to say by his actions, “I am not afraid of the God of Israel!” That sort of attitude is also found in those who brazenly live in haphazard manner and have no fear of God and behave as a sheep gone astray!

Since you started interpreting dreams in late 1999 you began to see the clear requirements of God. By the time you reached June 2012 you began to have terror feelings to hell and even Helen and others around you have experienced the same thing. Gone was the comfortable feeling you once had as a carefree Christian who was living his own lifestyle and making his own decisions. You found that your own teaching produced terror or fear of God in your life!

You wondered if it was a blessing for others to follow you or hear your teaching because they were suddenly required to live up to that standard or face damnation. Even Pastor Ngaseo was required to comply with your word and forsake fear of man but he failed the test. But he was taken away to be with the Lord suddenly because his good outweighed his bad (sin of looking to humans for provision) and the God had mercy on him and took him before he crossed the line of perdition.

But the fact of the matter is that everyone who hears your words comes into the terror of God and fear of the Lord. It would seem that your teaching lessons brought turmoil and trouble to them because before this they were all comfortable and living a carefree lifestyle. But in fact you were exposing the truth to them and it is like the hand that wrote on the wall in the palace of Babylon!

That arrogant king was living a carefree lifestyle at that time and having a drinking party and even dared to use the golden vessels taken out of God’s temple in Jerusalem to drink wine out of them. His drinking party and socializing and fun suddenly and abruptly came to an end when the divine hand appeared and wrote on the wall! After that, the terror of God struck this king and his knees were banging together in great fear!

That is the effect of your teaching lessons as an Apostle upon people. You are anointed to deliver the last warning and call to repentance and you have done this on numerous occasions while preaching in the Philippines. Your sermons would typically follow the same method of systematic teaching and at the end of it when the message is clear you would turn the guns on them and say, “You are the guilty ones!” That is just what Nathan the prophet did to David!

2 Samuel 12:7 (NIV)

Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man! This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul.

After exposing the sin of David in a parable then the Prophet Nathan turned the guns upon David and said, “You are the man!” The Apostle and Prophet ministry go hand-in-hand together and often your ministry is like that of a Prophet when you expose sin. But you also do this with the word of God and set things in order as an Apostle. But you have often given people their last warning and after that message was delivered, they could not resume the same thing that they were doing before that rebuke. It was just like this king in Babylon because he could not continue with his party anymore after that hand wrote on the wall and spelled out his doom!

You delivered that message in that church in Nebraska and it spelled the end of those laymen who were trying to promote themselves. They could not continue with what they were doing after that rebuke was given and things were not the same anymore.

So, when people hear your teaching then the party is over and they cannot live according to their own carefree agenda anymore. Before you gave the message, they were living in self-deception and supposed that they could have their cake and eat it too!

Isaiah 53:6 (NIV)

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

But that is self-deception to believe they can live their own life as a sheep gone astray following their own desires and still make it to heaven. After your rebuke they could not live that way anymore. You gave that last warning sign and it was a clear handwriting on the wall that said they were weighed in the balances and found wanting! The party is over and they can repent or be damned and that is why your message brought torment and trouble to them. They were fine until they heard that message but the party was over after that!

You will have to explain your calling in great detail and also explain the effects of your messages so that they will understand what is happening. It is exactly like the carefree king who was having a party and enjoying himself right up until the hand appeared on the wall and spelled out his doom! The hand-writing on the wall speaks of something that is spelled out clearly and there is no mistaking it! Your teaching is like that and it gives that last warning sign and flashing light before they speed past their last chance to repent and turn around. After that sign the bridge is out and they will plunder down into their doom!

You should share this in your teaching about introducing your gift and calling of Apostle and how it operates. You can tell them that you will strike terror in the hearts of those who receive their last chance and last warning and after that they will experience judgment. This is what happened to that king when the hand appeared and wrote on the wall. He was slain that very night and was destroyed.

Your teaching lessons are that handwriting on the wall for all those who read them and after that there is no more playing games for them because their sin and their doom is written out in clear words. They cannot go forward with their deception anymore and it does no good to find fault with the delivery boy and it does no good to play games or tricks because that clear handwriting on the wall remains and it spells out their eternal doom. I often give people their last warning before they are destroyed.

Ezekiel 3:11 (NIV)

11 Go now to your countrymen in exile and speak to them. Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says,’ whether they listen or fail to listen.”

It would seem that speaking to someone who does not listen is a waste of time but in fact this also serves a purpose of God. I always give people their last warning just before I judge them just as in the case of the king in Babylon seeing the hand writing on the wall during the time of Daniel. When they are killed, they know for certain in those last moments before death that the reason for this judgment was clearly spelled out by God so they are without excuse! The last words in their mind will be the words and last warning of the Apostle or Prophet who rebuked them.

Jeremiah 44:18 (NASB)

18 “But since we stopped burning sacrifices to the queen of heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have lacked everything and have met our end by the sword and by famine.”

These women were worshipping idols and they brazenly said that the poverty and sword and famine came because their idol “The Queen of Heaven” was not worshiped enough so their misfortune was a result of not doing “enough” idol worship! This is brazen ignorance and self-deception because they did not see that the judgment of God and calamity came because of this idol worship!

Jeremiah 44:21-27 (NIV)

21 “Did not the LORD remember and think about the incense burned in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem by you and your fathers, your kings and your officials and the people of the land?

22 When the LORD could no longer endure your wicked actions and the detestable things you did, your land became an object of cursing and a desolate waste without inhabitants, as it is today.

23 Because you have burned incense and have sinned against the LORD and have not obeyed him or followed his law or his decrees or his stipulations, this disaster has come upon you, as you now see.”

24 Then Jeremiah said to all the people, including the women, “Hear the word of the LORD, all you people of Judah in Egypt.

25 This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You and your wives have shown by your actions what you promised when you said, ‘We will certainly carry out the vows we made to burn incense and pour out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven.’ “Go ahead then, do what you promised! Keep your vows!

26 But hear the word of the LORD, all Jews living in Egypt: ‘I swear by my great name,’ says the LORD, ‘that no one from Judah living anywhere in Egypt will ever again invoke my name or swear, “As surely as the Sovereign LORD lives.”

27 For I am watching over them for harm, not for good; the Jews in Egypt will perish by sword and famine until they are all destroyed.

Jeremiah gave them their last death sentence and told them that God would watch over them for harm and they would not escape by hiding in Egypt. They would all meet their end by sword and famine until all of these idol-worshiping women and their passive husbands would be completely destroyed!

This was the last word given to them and that was the handwriting on the wall that made their judgment clear and it all came to pass just as God had said! They did not repent so they were destroyed and ended up in hell!

So the last warning serves a dual-purpose in that it gives them an opportunity to repent and if that does not occur, it gives them the final warning so they know clearly why they are being judged! That was the final warning for that king whose message was hand-written on the wall!

Your hand-written teaching lessons in the dream, caused the people anxiety and turmoil and they lost their peace and could no longer live in carefree manner as they had done prior to your message! Saul who sought to pay God off by sacrifice for his sin of disobedience but God will not be paid off by religious deeds or good works no matter how zealous they might be!

So you will have to explain your ministry and your calling of Apostle and you must add this part about the handwriting on the wall. You are called to deliver the last warning to people and they are left with the chance to repent immediately or they can attempt to continue as they were and end up in destruction! But they will not be the same ever again after that rebuke is delivered because it will be just like that handwriting on the wall in the time of that king in Babylon! He could not resume his carefree drinking party anymore after this message was written. His happy go-lucky attitude dissolved immediately when he saw that hand appear and start writing his message of doom! In the same way when you deliver your message those who hear it can no longer resume their careless lifestyle anymore. The words of doom hang over them like a dark cloud and they cannot enjoy anything that they did prior to receiving their rebuke and last warning.

You have often done this for individuals and it also works for a corporate body like a congregation and they cannot follow the same deceptions and happy-go-lucky attitude after that rebuke is delivered because things are never the same again!

You have to make it clear that you are the guy who delivers the last rebuke and warning and you are that hand that writes the message of doom on the wall! The party is over after that message is delivered and all self-deception is wiped away and they no longer can return to their same carefree lifestyle that they once had before that message was handwritten on the wall!

That is why your handwritten lesson in the dream struck terror in the hearts of these people. It is a specific and personal message to them and it yanks the slack out of their chain and causes them to face reality!

In the dream you followed that couple into the house to eat but were not sure if you were welcome to enter or not. It was as if they reluctantly allowed you to stay there but were not really happy with your presence. The fact of the matter is that you systematically expose the sin of women and sin of men and sin of the church and even individual personal sins. So they have no place to hide anymore after you expose them like that. So that means they were not happy to have you in their home because you can see the personal issues they are hiding from God and do not want to change.

Your message is the handwriting on the wall and God most often uses you to expose the sin and judgment of those who have their last warning.

You may not be always welcome like a popular preacher who tells them what they want to hear but in fact your message is the truth and it gives them the only opportunity to repent and save themselves from hell!

Those lessons you wrote in the Philippines like “Christians in Hell” and others all are part of that category of the handwriting on the wall! Your messages would commonly deliver the last warning to people both individual and corporately as a body. It was your first job in the Philippines to deliver such messages but you were also doing that in America before you went to the Philippines.

So that is your first job and calling and it has been evident since you were saved and first started to see your gift manifest. You did not even know what an Apostle was until you went heard teaching about this office! You have been learning about how this gift operates ever since!

But in fact, it is proven to be real and you see now that the words you speak are in line with the words of the Prophets in the Old Testament. These men were not welcome and got a bad reception and rejection and abuse from the people every time that they spoke God’s words of warning. They did not even want to speak anymore because they got nothing but abuse as a result of these words. But they had to speak because they were called and they feared God more than the men who abused them! But what they said came to pass and it did no good to try and silence the Prophets by abusing them and accusing them of evil motives and other tricks that people play to disobey the word of God.

You will have to spell this out about the tricks that people play so that they know that what you say exposes them even before they play their tricks. They are deceiving no one but themselves when they play tricks to avoid dealing with the rebuke and avoiding repentance.

In the dream, they had a problem with your lessons and were distressed by them and this is because you are an Apostle and this gift in you is used to give the last warning message and the handwriting on the wall in clear manner. You accomplish this with a teaching gift so you go through the scriptures in systematic manner and expose the sin and give examples of it and show why it is wrong and even show how people play tricks to avoid repentance and after all of that is done you turn the guns on them and say, “You are the guilty ones!” That leaves them speechless because they have nothing left to say about it and cannot argue anymore and you even exposed the tricks that they wanted to use to discredit you. So, they are speechless and cannot answer a word and are totally exposed and the party is over from that moment forward. They cannot return to the same lifestyle that they had before that rebuke. Your words are like a dark cloud hanging over their heads! They cannot shake it off and even if they do not repent your words have big effect upon them.

King in Babylon having a party and being carefree and happy right up until the moment that the hand appeared and wrote on the wall! It has become an expression to say that “the handwriting is on the wall” and that means that it is clearly spelled out and the doom has been pronounced! That king was not the same from that moment forward and the torment of those words affected him until he was slain that very night and his kingdom was given to the Medes and the Persians!

You are in fact not the only one to preach as you do. There are other Apostles out there who preach words that shake up people and terrorize them to their bones! But the carnal church is so given over to feminine thinking that it would appear this disorder is like an unstoppable tsunami wave! But this is also what the Prophets felt like in the Old Testament era as it seemed they were one voice against the entire nation and no one was listening to them!

Jeremiah 51:60-64 (NIV)

60 Jeremiah had written on a scroll about all the disasters that would come upon Babylon–all that had been recorded concerning Babylon.

61 He said to Seraiah, “When you get to Babylon, see that you read all these words aloud.

62 Then say, ‘O LORD, you have said you will destroy this place, so that neither man nor animal will live in it; it will be desolate forever.’

63 When you finish reading this scroll, tie a stone to it and throw it into the Euphrates.

64 Then say, ‘So will Babylon sink to rise no more because of the disaster I will bring upon her. And her people will fall.’” The words of Jeremiah end here.

You already know that Jeremiah had written some words of judgement about Babylon and had a man carry that scroll to Babylon and read the words pronounced against it and then tie a stone on the scroll and throw it into the Euphrates river. The words spoken came to pass and Babylon is extinct today!

At times you will only deliver a warning and sometimes just putting the words in writing or delivering a message is all that is required. Once you speak those words the people cannot remain the same as before even if they did not hear them. Your words are a witness because they are in fact the words of God.

So, the people in the dream tried to ignore you but in fact they cannot because the party is over after your words are given (which are the words of God’s warning and rebuke and coming judgment).

In the dream, they were ignoring you and changing the subject and not listening to you. This is like the people in Israel who tried to silence the prophets who rebuked their sins. They accused them of treason or having evil motives or seeking a livelihood or many other evil things but it did no good to find fault with the delivery boy or try to shame them into silence. Even if no one was listening and the written words of the Prophet were just read out loud then these words would still have an effect.

When you traveled around America and Canada with the truck driving job you were in fact spreading your anointing around that nation and it was like spraying it with Round-up herbicide. It started to go downhill after that and their carefree party was over! You do not even have to speak in order to have affect upon people says the Lord! Your presence alone carries the anointing of an Apostle to rebuke and set in order and also to deliver the last writing on the wall prior to their destruction!

The curse came after you spread your Apostles anointing over America during your truck driving job. You also delivered that message on television prior to truck driving so the word of God was released the same as it was when Jeremiah’s scroll was taken to Babylon and read and thrown into the river! The words were like Round-up herbicide which kills weeds to the roots and causes them to dry up! So, the nation of Babylon dried up and become extinct when at the time that the words were read from Jeremiah’s scroll it seemed to be an invincible nation and that it would remain the foremost world-ruling empire forever! It all came to an end the very night of the handwriting on the wall and that king was slain the same night and the empire was given to the Medes and Persians.

God’s word comes to pass and it has lasting results. So, the reason that you often broke your own instructions was that you doubted the words you wrote and supposed it was your own invention. This happened because you feel like you are the only one on earth who talks this way and it seems to go contrary to everyone else. But in fact, you are exactly the same as the Old Testament Prophets who spoke the exact same words of warning and rebuke and they gave the last warnings prior to destruction and judgment!

So, you are to embrace your calling and not feel rejected and lonely anymore. Know that God is on your side and you are accepted by God and you do not need the acceptance of mankind. God is your Provider so no man can silence you by withholding your wages or starving you to death. You are free to preach boldly and share the truth because no one can hinder you because your financial support comes directly from God alone! You do not need to be popular or accepted but just walk with God with confidence and boldly share all that God gives to you without holding back.

What you shared in the lesson called “Purpose of the Church” is good because you exposed false religion. That is your job and your calling to expose deception and call people to repentance! They cannot live the same anymore after your handwriting is on the wall and the party is over for them from that moment forward. So that is a good gift to have and you can embrace it and flow with it with nothing doubting says the Lord.

You do not have to feel sorry for yourself about persecution or people ignoring you because that is the same that occurred to the Prophets before you. Just rejoice in your gift and steward it and do not hold anything back. Give them a full rebuke including those denominations that reject the word of God and only pick and choose what they want to obey. That is what King Saul did when he picked what he wanted to obey and then disobeyed the rest. But God requires 100% obedience in every way and playing games and being religious will not help them. God will hold them accountable for not obeying His truth.

You also have had terror feelings yourself and know you must fulfill your calling and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have to obey God or be damned. Those who follow you like Helen and others all felt the same terror feelings as you did and everyone who reads your teaching lessons will come into the fear of the Lord as well! But this is a clean and enduring fear and does not play games or live in self-deception! What you say is real and they know it and that is why it terrorizes them. The words of the Prophets terrorized Israel because they knew it was true even when they chose to attack the delivery boy to silence the Prophets.

God expects repentance and anyone who plays games will only seal up their own doom! Just be honest with God and obey all that God instructed you to do and choose to be willing and obedient and never expect to be accepted by mankind. You put up the website and it seemed that not one person saw it but that is OK to because the words have an effect just like the scroll that was read in Babylon caused its downfall and that nation dried up and disappeared!

You only have to do what God tells you each day and be willing and obedient and you will receive the blessings of God. You only have to please God not anyone else so just focus on that job and focus on keeping your heart motives right and staying willing and you shall have reward says the Lord.