
Anointing: This term can be used to describe a special grace or ability imparted to a man to accomplish as certain task. If a man is anointed in deliverance means that his has a special gift of God to set people free from demonic power. If a person is anointed to pray for the sick or impart the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that means they have a special grace or ability for this task and so people will often say they are anointed in a certain area.
Barking-at-the-Pigs Ministry: This speaks of so-called ministry that is often invented by bored housewives trying to escape their responsibility of managing the home. This term was coined because of a female dog we had on the farm that invented her own job to go and bark at the pigs whenever the family car started down the driveway. It was as if this dog was saying, “OK, you pigs, you better straighten up because the master is coming home!” If a dog could be proud, this dog certainly acted proud of what she was doing. We did not teach this dog to do this nonsense but it was her own invented idea and this dog acted really proud, as if she was accomplishing something really important! I have met many Christian women who have invented their own outlandish ministry and they behaved just like our dumb dog! They would be proud of their nonsense and act as if what they were doing was really important! I call a self-invented nonsense ministry as “barking-at-the-pigs-ministry” for this reason.
Balaam-Type Preacher: This is a preacher who has a genuine calling but he has sold his gift for money. Balaam was a bona-fide prophet with a well-known reputation as a prophet but he sold his gift to make money and was later exterminated together with the Moabites.
Numbers 22:4 (NASB)
4 Moab said to the elders of Midian, “Now this horde will lick up all that is around us, as the ox licks up the grass of the field.” And Balak the son of Zippor was king of Moab at that time.
Numbers 22:16-18 (NASB)
16 They came to Balaam and said to him, “Thus says Balak the son of Zippor, ‘Let nothing, I beg you, hinder you from coming to me;
17 for I will indeed honor you richly, and I will do whatever you say to me. Please come then, curse this people for me.’”
18 Balaam replied to the servants of Balak, “Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything, either small or great, contrary to the command of the LORD my God.
A Balaam-type of preacher is a man who has an actual Fivefold ministry gift (not a hireling pretending to intrude into the ministry). But a Balaam type of preacher is one who has sold his gift for money. Balaam said that even if Balak the king of the Moabites would give him his house full of silver and gold that he could not go anything that was contrary to the command of the Lord.
Revelation 2:14 (NASB)
14 ‘But I have a few things against you, because you have there some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit acts of immorality.
Balaam could not curse Israel because God would not permit him to do so. Instead Balaam taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel by teaching them to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit acts of immorality. This was accomplished by sending Moabite women into the camp of Israel to cause them to sin against God and thus they would curse themselves.
Balaam was not allowed to curse Israel so he taught the Moabites how they could cause Israel to curse themselves. Balaam was a greedy prophet who sold his gift for money. This same thing still occurs today under the New Testament era whenever a Fivefold ministry Levite uses his gift to make money.
I know of Evangelists who have had amazing gifts of healing operate in their ministry. The purpose of these gifts was to win unbelievers to the Lord by showing them that God is real. The wind is invisible but the effects of the wind can be seen in the swaying of the grass and the trees. The strong wind of a typhoon can even blow down a house! In the same way God is invisible but the moving of God can be seen through the operation of healing gifts. Unbelievers see blind eyes opened and lame people healed and terminal diseases vanish and these are all signs that God is alive and real and God is moving among them to show Himself real to them.
Condemnation: Condemnation comes from Satan and it is destructive and can cause great grief and even destroy a person with guilt.
Conviction: Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit and the purpose of conviction is to lead a person to repentance. Once repentance is complete then conviction ceases because it has accomplished its purpose.
Dry-Sticks: This term is coined from Numbers 17:8-9 when the rod of Aaron budded and produced almonds while the other eleven rods remained as fruitless dry-sticks. This is an illustration that those who are “laymen-ministry-intruders” cannot produce the fruit of the Fivefold Ministry. One of the names that can be employed to describe a layman ministry intruder is a therefore a “dry-stick” which describes their inability to produce the fruit of a Fivefold Minister for the work of the ministry!
Deliverance: This can also be called casting out devils. This gift could be placed under gifts of healing because deliverance and healing often go hand in hand. I know of a man who had a dual ministry gift of apostle/evangelist but he also had a special anointing to cast out devils. He was not looking for this ministry but whenever a demon possessed person manifested demonic behavior before him he was able to set them free! Not everyone has such a gift but it proved a great asset to this man in his ministry as a missionary working in nations where demonic power was rife in places of great idol worship and in countries involved with the worship of demons.
Eunuchs: This word is coined to describe those males who were raised by women and were conditioned to think like woman and use feminine thinking rather than masculine logic. Liberal males are typically like this and are similar to the castrated males that served Jezebel. (2 Kings 9:32) A eunuch is a male who has been castrated of his masculine logic and their mind is given over to feminine thinking. They are in all respects like women and think like women and behave like women although they were born as males. Eunuchs are men who have dropped their God-given leadership and have become servants to Jezebel-type of women who have assumed leadership in the home, society, and the nation.
Faking-it-in-the-Flesh: I have seen all kinds of outlandish things take place in meetings in America where fallen Balaam-type of preachers have tried to fake the anointing. There are ex-anointed men who have people follow them around to their meetings and they begin to laugh or fall down or behave in odd manner as soon as they receive the signal from their fallen preacher. This behavior is of the flesh (sin nature) and it does not originate from the Spirit of God. But these people doing this activity will testify that they were blessed and in fact they are faking it in order to pretend they are spiritual. This sort of nonsense occurs after a Balaam-type preacher’s gifts have gone dormant because they were using them to make money. So they end up faking the anointing and pretending the Holy Spirit is moving when the Spirit has departed from them long ago just as He departed from King Saul because if his disobedience. The same men will preach old sermons because they have not received any new revelation from God in decades! This is because their gift has gone dormant and they receive no new revelation after they had been selling this revelation in order to make a profit for themselves!
See the link “Faking-it-in-the-Flesh” for more details.
Levites are in great danger whenever they fall into a motive of greed and begin to use their gifts to make money for themselves. A Levite must guard his heart and motives and not touch God’s glory or God’s gold. No offering should be taken if there is any chance that the people might misunderstand and think they are paying for the healing or revelation that was just delivered to them. If care is not taken in this area a Levite can drift into the sin of Balaam and find himself ex-anointed and rejected by God! This will result in such an ex-anointed Levite to start faking-it-in-the-flesh after the anointing of the Holy Spirit had departed from him.
Fivefold Ministry Gift: The term Fivefold ministry was coined from the scripture found in Ephesians 4:11-12 which gives a list of the five ministry gifts of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. These five ministry gifts are called Fivefold ministry gifts. These five ministry gifts in the church have a threefold purpose. They are to equip the saints, they are to do the work of the ministry and they are to edify the body of Christ. These offices are held only by men who are born with these gifts and these men evidence their ministry gifts by the fruit that they produce. Jesus said that you will know a tree by its fruit and a Fivefold ministry gift is identified by the fruit that he produces. The fruit of an apostle is divine order. The fruit of a prophet is holiness and fear of the Lord. The fruit of an evangelist is winning souls. The fruit of a pastor is oversight of a congregation like a shepherd who guides a flock. The fruit of a teacher is revelation of God’s word. These men possess supernatural equipment that is not gained by education or through ordination by man-made organizations. They are born with these gifts and their fruit is produced as naturally as a bird can fly without being taught to fly. In the same way these men are not taught how to produce the fruit of their calling in any seminary but their fruit manifests as naturally to them as breathing.
See the link “Fivefold Ministry Gifts” for more details.
Gift of Giver: The gift of giver will generally be possessed by a layman businessman who is gifted to make money. Such a man is able to give large donations to support the work of God. This is not the same as ordinary laymen who just work a job and pay their tithes because those with a gift of “Giver” are those who are specially anointed to make huge amounts of money and give this to the church for the work of the ministry. Possibly we could coin our own term here and call those with the gift of “Giver” as “Kingdom Wealth Generators” although this is phrase is a bit long. There are some businessmen who were born with this gift but they never became saved and never realized their gift. Unsaved “Givers” often become aimless and have no real eternal purpose in life and may just waste their finances on self-indulgence or hobbies or on vain social projects or other things of no eternal value. Jesus said it is hard for the rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Matt.19:24) and possibly the only rich men who have entered were those who were saved and discovered their gift of “Giver” and submitted their wealth to God to be used for God’s kingdom. All other rich men will end up in hell and will not be able to take their wealth with them when they die. (Ecc.5:15) Hell is even referred to as a place of the rich (Is. 53:9) so rich men commonly will end up in hell unless they become saved and use their wealth for God’s kingdom and invest in eternal purposes while they are alive on earth. The gift of “Giver” is such that a businessman will be gifted to generate huge amounts of wealth and God gave the businessman this ability for the purpose of financing the Kingdom of God on earth. (Deut. 8:18)
See the link “Gift of Businessman Giver” for more details
Gift of Hospitality: This can be also be called a gift of mercy because a person with this gift has mercy and compassion and wants to provide comfort and blessing to others. Those with this gift are often those who are wealthy and have the resources to make things comfortable and nice for their guests. They are gifted to see all of the visitor’s needs and think of every detail and make their guest feel overwhelmed with kindness. God often uses women with this gift to reward ministers so that they will be comforted and have good food and a nice place to stay and this can be a great source of encouragement to them.
2 Kings 4:8-10 (NASB)
8 Now there came a day when Elisha passed over to Shunem, where there was a prominent woman, and she persuaded him to eat food. And so it was, as often as he passed by, he turned in there to eat food.
9 She said to her husband, “Behold now, I perceive that this is a holy man of God passing by us continually.
10 “Please, let us make a little walled upper chamber and let us set a bed for him there, and a table and a chair and a lampstand; and it shall be, when he comes to us, that he can turn in there.”
The Shunammite woman was a prominent woman of wealth and had the gift of hospitality. She made an upper room for the prophet Elijah so he could be rested and refreshed when he came by that way.
Luke 8:3 (NASB)
3 and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means.
Jesus and his disciples also had some prominent women of wealth who ministered to their natural needs by providing food for them. Joanna was the wife of a man who served as a steward to King Herod. His position would have been one of wealth and influence and his wife used that wealth to provide for the needs of Jesus and his disciples. Susanna was also mentioned and she also had enough prosperity to be able to contribute to the needs of Jesus and His disciples. This is an example of prominent women who had a gift of hospitality.
Helpmeet: The term “helpmeet” comes from the KJV of Gen. 2:18 that God said he would make a help meet for the man. Meet was translated as the word “suitable” so modern translations say that the woman was created as a helper that was suitable to the man. By combining the words help + meet we come up with “Helpmeet” or a helper that is suitable for the man. God’s word says that the woman was created for the man (1 Cor. 11:9) and this defines the purpose for all women that were ever born on the earth since the time of Eve.
Hireling: There are layman who have intruded into the Fivefold ministry and have claimed to be called by God. But the fact of the matter is that they have no fruit of these offices manifested and this is a mute testimony against them that they do not possess the gifts that they claim to have. It does not matter if they have a doctor degree in divinity from a recognized seminary because if they do not have the fruit of the Fivefold ministry then they simply are not called by God. Those who are not called by God into the ministry but assume to intrude into this office are called a hireling.
John 10:12-13 (NKJV)
12 But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them.
13 The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep.
A guy who is paid wages to watch the sheep does not care about the sheep at all but only cares about receiving his wages. If a wolf came to devour the sheep then the hireling would run away because he does not want to risk his own life to save the sheep when in fact, he has no care for them at all because they do not belong to him. This word “hireling” is a good term to apply to those laymen who are not called into the ministry but are just intruding into this holy office because they suppose it is a means of livelihood for themselves.
1 Timothy 6:5 (NASB)
5 and constant friction between men of depraved mind and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain.
Hireling religious men enter into the ministry because they suppose that godliness is a means of financial gain. These reprobate men have a depraved mind and suppose that being in the ministry is an easy means of making a living. They think they can just give one sermon on Sunday, take up some offerings, and then have six days a week vacation to entertain themselves. But nothing can be farther from the truth and as a matter of fact if layman really knew what was required of a New Testament Levite they would not be trying to intrude into this holy office. Being called into the ministry is not for the purpose of making money or having some limelight and attention while standing in the pulpit. This is a serious responsibility that must be taken seriously by the New Testament Levite.
In-Season-Message: To preach the word “in-season” is to deliver a message under the unction of the Holy Spirit. It is a special message from God that is “in-season” for a particular time and place and people group. It is a message from heaven specifically tailored by God to be delivered at a specific time by a Fivefold minister.
Inward Witness: This is an expression coined from the Holy Spirit bearing witness to the human spirit of man that they are saved.
Romans 8:16 (CJB)
16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our own spirits that we are children of God;
The inward witness is the primary means of communication between God’s Spirit and the reborn human spirit of mankind. This communication takes place without the use of words from any natural languages found on earth but instead the Holy Spirit imparts understanding or knowing to a person’s human spirit so they receive information that was not derived from any natural sources. It is an impression within them and this impression can be translated into the thoughts of their mind into their native language in which they think. But God really does not speak to their thoughts through their natural minds because the Holy Spirit communicates directly to the reborn human spirit of mankind without words and the thoughts of their minds are only picking up on the inward spiritual impressions within them and translating that into their natural thoughts. It is easy to confuse the inward spiritual impressions with things that originate in the soul realm so that is why real prophets will learn to wait on God and are men of fasting and prayer so that they will be sensitive enough to pick up on that still small impression of the Holy Spirit within them. Often a man will receive a supernatural solution to a problem when he wakes up early in the morning when he is between sleep and consciousness. It is at this time before his mind is fully awake that he might pick up on that inward impression of the Holy Spirit communicating to his reborn human spirit. If a man has his mind all noisy and cluttered with thoughts and cares and worries and projects, then he will have a hard time hearing that inward impression of the Holy Spirit. He will have to quiet his mind and wait on the Lord until he receives the divine guidance that he needs. It also helps to pray in tongues for personal edification because this strengthens the human spirit and makes it more sensitive to the impressions of the Holy Spirit that are imparted to the human spirit of mankind. Praying in tongues helps a person to focus on their human spirit because tongues originates within their human spirit and has nothing to do with their natural human minds. The source of praying in tongues is the same source where the inward witness of the Holy Spirit exists as He imparts knowledge and information and impressions to the human spirit of mankind without the use of natural languages. The Revelation Gifts all operate by the inward witness when the Holy Spirit imparts information or understanding of things future, or of things present or discernment into the human spirit of a man. If a man can speak about future events that is because he is operating in the Word of Wisdom and the Holy Spirit is imparting into his human spirit the knowledge of future events before they take place. The same is true of Word of Knowledge to know present things without the use of any natural sources of information. Discerning of spirits also allows a man to discern the human spirit of another to know if they are good or bad or if they harbor evil motives. That information comes from the Holy Spirit imparting to their human spirit information that is not derived from any natural sources.
See the link “Led by the Spirit of God” for more details.
Liberals: When women and eunuch males join together to carry out political agenda (involving manipulation and deceit) then they are called liberals. Liberals operate by “feminine thinking” as dictated by their own women leaders (and the beta-male eunuchs who serve women). Both women and liberal beta-males operate by feminine thinking so they work together as a combined unified force to promote “Equality for All” in every area of society. Liberals seek to transform language and culture and rewrite history according to their own feminine narrative.
See the link “Women Destroy Civilization” for more details.
Line of Perdition: The line of perdition is a point of no return where a believer willfully rejects Christ after they are saved and therefore, they cannot be renewed by repentance again. Those who cross the line of perdition can no longer repent and their fate is sealed up forever in eternal damnation. The word “perdition” means destruction and when someone crosses that line it means they have gone too far and they can no longer repent anymore. This involves the hardening of the heart when a believer is dealt with about unrepentant sin for a long time (possibly decades) before they finally cross the line of perdition by willful rebellion, as they were playing tricks and avoiding repentance for a long period of time. Anything that keeps them from repenting will result in a believer having a “hardened heart” and this can cause them to cross their line of perdition. This is that moment in time when their time of repentance is pasted and they cannot repent anymore. Once they cross this line the Holy Spirit departs from them and it is impossible to renew them to repentance.
Mixed Multitude: This term comes from the scripture below that describes the people who went out of Egypt together with the Hebrews during the Exodus under Moses.
Exodus 12:38 (NKJV)
38 A mixed multitude went up with them also, and flocks and herds–a great deal of livestock.
This was a mixed multitude of various pagan peoples that were following the Israelites because these pagans (living in the land of Egypt) noticed that the only place safe from the plagues of God was in the land of Goshen where the Israelites lived. They therefore thought that if they stood among God’s people, they would be safe from judgment!
I have often ministered in various churches among different countries and I have always met people like this standing within the church. I call them “mixed-multitude” type of people because they are in fact heathens who attend church and stand among God’s people and suppose they will escape judgment in this manner. These people are “self-deceived” however because standing in a church does not make them into a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes them into a car! These types of people are typically pestilent fellows that are in bondage to all types of vices and they often actively seek to bring defilement to others in the church. But God knows how to separate the wicked from the godly and bring judgment upon them so their time of judgment will come!
New Testament Levite Woman: This speaks of the fact that God has created all women to be a helpmeet to the man and this most certainly includes women who are called to be a helpmeet to a Fivefold ministry gift. The Old Testament priesthood was derived from the tribe of Levi. A high priest under the Old Testament had a higher standard to live by than the ordinary layman and this included a high standard for choosing his wife. The wife of a high priest had to be a virgin, not a divorced woman or widow and she must be from his own Levitical tribe (his own people). [Leviticus 21:13-14] The standard for marriage of a layman Israelite was different in that they were not supposed to marry a pagan but they were free to marry a woman from any of the eleven tribes of Israel. The New Testament counterpart of this is that a believer is not to marry an unbeliever (2 Cor.6:14) for that would be unequally yoked in marriage. But this separation is on a higher level for those with a Fivefold ministry gift. Not only are they not to marry an unbeliever but the believer that they marry should also be a fellow Levite like themselves. A Levitical high priest was not allowed to marry a pagan woman but his separation was on a higher level than that of a layman because he was not to marry outside of his own Levitical tribe. He was to marry a fellow Levite just as the parents of Moses had done. (Exodus 2:1) We have coined the term “Levite Woman” to describe a woman who is called to be a helpmeet to a Levite man. Much confusion has come from Levite women supposing they were called into Fivefold ministry when in fact they were called to be a helpmeet to a man who was called into the Fivefold ministry. This means that a Levite woman has the spiritual insight and perception and spiritual resources to be a helpmeet to a man called into the full-time Fivefold ministry. If a Levite woman marries a Christian businessman, she will find no outlet for the spiritual resources that she possesses. A Christian businessman will not see the value of the spiritual assets she brings to the marriage. But a Levite man will indeed see the value in these things and cannot fulfill his ministry without them! The fact of the matter is that a Levite woman needs a Levite man just as much as a Levite man needs a Levite woman! It is also possible for a Levite man to marry an ordinary Christian laywoman and be unequally yoked because his wife will never have an understanding of spiritual things and will never be able to be a helpmeet to him. She will forever be stuck on a natural level unable to be a helpmeet to her man regarding spiritual things. Being unequally yoked to a non-Levite woman can cause a Levite man to be forever lonely being unable to fellowship on a spiritual level with his laywoman wife. A New Testament Levite woman is a term that describes any woman under the New Testament era who is created by God to be a helpmeet to a man who has a calling as a Fivefold minister.
New Testament Levite man: This speaks of those men who were called from their mother’s womb into the Fivefold ministry and they have a spiritual perception that laymen do not possess. (Jeremiah 1:4-5) (Galatians 1:15) These men are a direct counterpart of the Old Testament Levitical ministry who were set apart by God to do the work of the ministry. Such men need to have a special Levite wife as their helpmeet or they will be greatly limited in fulfilling their ministry on earth.
Old Maid Spinster: This is an expression used to describe those women who have not been married and have passed the prime of their life. These women are often called “old-maid-spinsters”. This term “spinster” came from medieval times when the only occupation available for women to earn a livelihood apart (from having a husband provide for them) was to spin wool as a “spinster” or as working as a domestic helper or maid. The terminology developed about being old maid spinster to describe a woman who passed the prime of her life and remained unmarried. Such women were forced to provide for themselves in whatever occupation was available to them. Also, un-popped kernels of popcorn are often referred to as old maids. This is because they never fulfilled their purpose and never popped and were discarded. An old maid is a woman who never fulfilled her purpose of being a helpmeet to a man and never bore children so she is compared to a kernel of popcorn that never popped.
With millions of women forsaking marriage or even divorcing the husbands that they have, it seems that being a single woman is something that is glorified in their eyes. But these women in fact are the most miserable and unloved women on earth who have entirely forsaken their God-given purpose. If being independent and single as a woman is so great and brings happiness then every old maid spinster that never married should be the happiest of all women on earth! But the sad fact of the matter is that old maid spinsters are not the happiest women on earth but are the most miserable of all females. Those women who forsake marriage and discard their husbands in divorce will go to the grave unloved and unfulfilled and no amount of money or any type of career can change that fact. They have forsaken their God-given purpose and there is no happiness on earth outside of being what God created them to be as a helpmeet to a man and a mother to their children. Women are the fabric of all society and the center of what makes a house into home. Without them fulfilling their role as wives and mothers people will be dysfunctional and society will be entirely broken because all society is made of families. (See the link “Mother Poem” for more details).
Politically Correct: The term “Politically-Correct” was invented by liberals as a catch-phrase to mean that this is the latest accepted jargon or “correct mode of thinking” currently being put out by the liberals. Anyone who opposes this liberal jargon are typically persecuted and protested for doing so! Everyone is expected to just shut-off their logical minds and conform with this nonsense put out by liberals regardless of how illogical it might be (including the liberal claim that there are numbers genders) rather than just two as the bible tells us.
Prophecy Verses Prophesy: There are two different spellings for the word “prophecy” and the word “prophesy” with one being spelled with a letter “C” and one spelled with a letter “S”. A “prophecy” is a “prediction” of future events. To “prophesy” is to give a warning message to people from God. The one with the letter “C” is pronounced like profit-see and the one with the letter “S” is pronounced like profit-sigh. The noun “prophecy” is an utterance that can be recorded but verb “prophesy” is the act of delivering the prophecy.
Prophecy Distinguished: It is obvious that the word “prophecy” is used in the bible to describe a Fivefold ministry gift of prophet (who is operating in the Word of Wisdom) but the same term is used also for the simple gift of “prophecy” that might be used by a woman in the church to encourage baby Christians with exhortation and comfort. In order to distinguish the two we will have to use the term “Simple-Prophecy for exhortation” to denote that which is for simple exhortation and comfort and the term “Prophecy” when referring to the Word of Wisdom for future events uttered by a Fivefold ministry gift of prophet.
See the link “Spiritual Gifts” for more details.
Simple Prophecy: This is the simple gift of prophecy for exhortation and comfort. This gift must be distinguished from the Fivefold ministry give of a prophet and is unrelated to the Word of Wisdom of predicting future events. Those who have the simple gift of prophesy for exhortation and comfort are not called to be a prophet and have no fruit or evidence of the Fivefold ministry gift of prophet. Rather than exposing sin and rebuking that sin in masculine manner, those which the simple gift of prophesy for exhortation and comfort are operating in a more “feminine manner” rather than a masculine one. It is a feminine characteristic to give exhortation and comfort and typical utterances of simple prophecy will be something like, “Thus says the Lord, ‘I love you with an everlasting love!’” This is typically of great encouragement to a baby Christian but any mature believer can deduct that same information by reading John 3:16. Simple prophecy is one of the two utterances that can be made by women in the church (with the other one being a prayer). But if the women gives such an utterance in the church it can only be done if their male authority is sitting next to them such as their father or their husband. If their male authority is not present, they should remain silent in the church because the woman is to be under their male authority at all times.
Spiritual Fads: I know of a prophet/teacher who once received outstanding revelation for God’s word. His teaching was revolutionary and exposed sin in the body of Christ and gave clear instructions on how to overcome that sin. But his books were sold worldwide and made huge profits for the publishers as well as great royalty income for himself as an author. Today this man’s gift has gone dormant and he is not receiving any new revelation anymore. Now he is engaged in inventing “spiritual fads” by giving some simple point as a key to success. So every sermon that he does is always involved in giving some key to success as he promises the people if they do that one thing that they will experience prosperity and favor with God! But he is no longer bringing holiness and fear of the Lord to the congregations that he ministers to. He is giving them “spiritual fads” only.
I know of a man who invented a spiritual fad that promised Christians that if they would pray a certain type of prayer then they would have success and prosperity and blessing from God! This man actually became rich off of book sales of this popular book. Even an unrepentant wicked man living in immorality was assuming that he could just buy this book and say a prayer and receive God’s blessings and favor. There was nothing in this teaching about repentance and complying with God’s holy standards. Everything was reduced to a spiritual fad that anyone (regardless of their moral standing) could repeat a prayer and have the blessings and favor of God!
2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NASB)
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,
4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
America is filled with people who attend churches but they do not want to listen to sound doctrines that calls them to repentance and to a live a life of holiness in God’s sight. These people in fact do not want to listen to sound doctrine but they want to have their ears tickled with the latest spiritual fad. Fallen preachers are constantly inventing new keys of success to give to these people who do not want to listen to sound doctrine. There are carnal Christians who have thousands of dollars of books and audio recordings piled up on the shelves of their closets because they are ever hearing but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. These are the people who accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires of lust and greed.
In America there is no shortage of such fallen teachers who give a new key of success in every sermon that they give. Carnal Christians have heaped up these teachers like a great pile of grain as they accumulate book after book and recording after recording of audio messages that promise them they will be successful and blessed if they will follow some key point. But nothing can be farther from the truth because there is not going to be any blessing from God without repentance. But fallen preachers in America who have sold their ministry gifts for money have grown rich off of catering to carnal Christians (who will pay them anything to hear some flattery and lies about being blessed apart from holiness).
Spiritual Gifts
Knowing Forthcoming Events: This is a rename of the spiritual gift called Word of Wisdom which is used to tell future events.
Knowing Existing Facts: This is rename of the spiritual gift called Word of Knowledge which is used to know things that exist in the present tense.
Discerning of Human Motives: This is a rename of the spiritual gift called Discerning of Spirits which is employed to know secret human heart motives.
Empowerment of Faith: this is a rename of the spiritual gift called Gift of Faith which is a supernatural empowerment of faith to to extra-ordinary things which ordinary faith is incapable of.
Gift of Healing Specific Diseases: This is rename of the spiritual gift called “Gifts of healing” which can heal specific disease and human aliments. It is often employed by men who have Fivefold Ministry Gift of Evangelist.
Operating Three-Types of Miracles: This is a rename of the spiritual gift called Working of Miracles. This includes the operation of Enablement of Divine Power, Suspension of Laws of Nature, and Unusual Signs.
Enablement of Divine Power: This is a type of the operation of miracles where a human is empowered with divine power to outrun a chariot and horses or pulling up city gates weighing thousands of pounds and carrying them off to the top of a mountain almost 40 miles away. These are all things that natural human strength cannot do. It is the operation of one of the types of miracles which empowers humans to do something that they cannot do naturally.
Suspension of Laws of Nature: This is an operation one of the three-types of miracles which involves things like having the Sun stand still for a full 24-hours without going down or having water changed instantly into wine or having a donkey speak with a human voice. It is miracle that involves the suspension of the laws of nature.
Unusual Signs: This is a type of the operation of miracles that is unusual like healing power being carried in an object like handkerchief or an apron to heal the sick or cast out demons.
Gift of Edification, Exhortation and Comfort: This is a rename of the spiritual gift called “Prophecy” and should not be confused with the Fivefold Ministry Gift of a Prophet. This is simple gift used to provide edification and exhortation and comfort to the congregation of believers.
Interpretation of Public Tongues: This is a rename of the spiritual gift called “Interpretation of Tongues” which deals with giving an interpretation of the gift of Public Tongues.
Three Types of Tongues: This is a rename of the spiritual gift called “Different Kinds of Tongues” and includes the operation of Foreign Tongues, Public Tongues, and Private Tongues.
Tongues for Interpretation: These are related to the simple gift of prophecy except that a message is first given in tongues and then someone with a gift of interpretation of tongues stands up and interprets those tongues so that the congregation will have understanding of what was said. With tongues for interpretation the speaker of the tongues does not understand what is being said and the congregation also does not understand what is being said. Therefore it is necessary that these tongues be interpreted for understanding. Tongues for interpretation is a public gift which brings edification and exhortation and comfort to the congregation. Tongues together with interpretation, equals the simple gift of prophecy for edification.
Tongues for Personal Edification: These are used in the personal prayer life of a believer. These will edify or charge up a believer much the same way that a car battery is charged up by an alternator. (Jude 1:20) This type of tongues is for private use and is used for spiritual refreshing and this type of tongues can also be used for intercessory prayer and also to sing and to worship God in tongues.(1 Cor. 14:15) There are many forms of tongues that a believer can use in his private time with God. Tongues for personal edification are also the initial evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 19:6) (Acts 10:46) (Acts 2:4)
Foreign Tongues: This is when the speaker gives an utterance in tongues but he has no understanding of the utterance that he has given. However, there may be a foreigner present who can understand the language perfectly. This often proves to be quite a shock to the foreigner when he discovers that the speaker does not know his native language but this utterance he heard came directly from God as God spoke to that foreigner in his native language and gave him a message. Sometimes God will speak directly to the foreigner and tell him to get right with God or maybe the foreigner may overhear the speaker of tongues magnifying God in his native dialect. This is what occurred in the Book of Acts when the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign languages. (Acts 2:4) The foreigners heard them magnifying God in their native dialects and this was a sign and wonder to them because the men speaking their languages did not know their language and had never learned it. (Acts 2:5-11) Thousands of these foreigners accepted Christ that day because of the speaking of Foreign Tongues. (Acts 2:41)
See the link “Spiritual Gifts” for more details.
Temperament Types: There are four temperament types and these describe the basic motivation of what causes people to behave and operate in the manner that they do. The four basic temperament types are Choleric, Melancholy, Sanguine and Phlegmatic. The Choleric types are headliner people who are often mistaken as natural born leaders. But in fact they are not good leaders because they do not have a detailed plan but just go forward with great boldness without thinking about what they are doing. A melancholy type is extremely detailed and they are typically the artists or surgeons and handle any occupation that requires detailed accuracy. Sanguine types are “people-persons” who love having attention and entertaining people. They are popular for this reason and have many friends. The Phlegmatic is quiet and gentle and not easily ruffled or made upset. They are good with jobs like accounting or mundane type of work that can be considered boring by many. Understanding the basic motivations of temperament type can aid people greatly in understanding others and what causes them to behave the way that they do. Knowing this information also helps to assign the right people into the right job for which they are best suited according to their natural temperament type.
See the link “Temperament Types” for more details.
Vacationary: This term is coined to describe a layman who goes on a short-term mission trip as part of their time on vacation. These people will generally offend the nationals by rejecting their food and rejecting their hospitality and often everyone is relieved when they leave and go back home again. Many of them try to take pictures for newsletters pretending they are missionaries hoping to raise some support so they can escape a secular job at home. But the distinguishing factor that proves they are not called by God is that they have no evidence of any fruit being produced. They do not have any of the Gifts of the Spirit in operation and no evidence of the fruit of the ministry gifts of Apostle or Prophet or Evangelist or Pastor or Teacher. A layman cannot do the work of the ministry because they do not possess any of the supernatural equipment required to accomplish ministry work. Rather than putting their personal lives in order at home, these baby Christians suppose they can minister to others overseas. In the early church a man was not even qualified to sweep the floor in the church of God as a deacon if his personal life and marriage and household were not in order first. The same rules apply to anyone endeavoring to go overseas as a so-called missionary! If a person is not spiritually mature and does not evidence any Fivefold ministry gift, then he should not be allowed to go overseas to assume to minister to others. A Fivefold minister can discern if someone has a Fivefold ministry gift and the maturity to begin ministry. Anyone being sent out by a church should first be endorsed by a Fivefold minister capable of discerning if they possess a ministry call. Layman believers who are not called (and spiritually immature) should not be sent out to do ministry that they are not equipped or qualified for. An exhorter cannot be sent to do the job of an apostle because they will just try to exhort people to be saved but have no spiritual authority or operation of gifts to produce the fruit of an apostle. A layman cannot produce the fruit of a prophet or evangelist or teacher or pastor simply because they were not born with the spiritual equipment to produce the fruit of these ministry gifts.
Renaming Gifts for Clarification
In order to clarify and define the Spiritual Gifts I have assigned new words for them.
Original Gift Names Renamed Gifts for Clarification
1. Word of Wisdom Knowing Forthcoming Events
2. Word of Knowledge Knowing Existing Facts
3. Discerning of Spirits Discerning of Human Motives
4. Gift of Faith Empowerment of Faith
5. Gifts of Healing Gift of Healing Specific Diseases
6. Working of Miracles Operating Three Types of Miracles
Enablement of Divine Power
Suspension of Laws of Nature
Unusual Signs
7. Prophecy Gift of Edification, Exhortation and Comfort
8. Interpretation of Tongues Interpretation of Public Tongues
9. Different kinds of Tongues Three Types of Tongues
Foreign Tongues
Public Tongues
Private Tongues
See the link “Spiritual Gifts” for more details.
7K-Bible Scriptures Employing New Terms
Below is an example of our 7K-Bible translation of 1 Corinthians 12:7-10 which mentions the gifts using our new terms for clarification. These 7K-Scriptures can be seen at the link 7K-Bible.
1 Corinthians 12:7 (7KB)
7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: [So that through the nine different gifts (found within the three categories of gifts) (the Revelation Gifts, the Power Gifts and the Inspiration Gifts) the needs of the Messianic community will be met.]
1 Corinthians 12:8 (7KB)
8 From the Revelation gifts, one is given (Knowing Forthcoming Events) and to another is given (Knowing Existing Facts) and to another is given the (Discerning of Human Motives)
1 Corinthians 12:9 (7KB)
9 From the Power Gifts, one is given (Empowerment of Faith) and to another (Gifts of Healing Specific Diseases) and to another the (Operating of Three-Types of Miracles)-including -(Enablement of Divine Power, Suspension of Laws of Nature and Unusual Signs).
1 Corinthians 12:10 (7KB)
10 From the Inspiration Gifts, one is given the (Gift of Edification, Exhortation and Comfort) to others are given the (Three-Types of Tongues-including Foreign Tongues, Private Tongues and Public Tongues) and to another is given the (Interpretation of Public Tongues)
Examples of Three-Types of Miracles
The three types of Miracles are:
1. Enablement of Divine Power
2. Suspension of Laws of Nature
3. Unusual Signs
An example of the Enablement of Divine Power is seen in the life of Samson.
Judges 16:3 (NASB)
3 Now Samson lay until midnight, and at midnight he arose and took hold of the doors of the city gate and the two posts and pulled them up along with the bars; then he put them on his shoulders and carried them up to the top of the mountain which is opposite Hebron.
Samson was able to pull up the city gates and posts and cross bars (weighing thousands of pounds) and carry these great timbers over 37-miles away and then he deposited them on top of a mountain. This feat was not accomplished by natural human strength but it was done by the gift of “Enablement of Divine Power” which is a type of operating of miracles.
An example of the gift of “Suspension of Laws of Nature” is seen in the following:
Joshua 10:12-13 (NASB)
12 Then Joshua spoke to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, “O sun, stand still at Gibeon, And O moon in the valley of Aijalon.”
13 So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.
Joshua commanded the sun to stand still so he could defeat his enemies and his prayer was answered when the sun did not go down for an entire day thus giving him more daylight to win the battle. This is an example of the suspension of the laws of nature.
Numbers 22:28-30 (NIV2011)
28 Then the LORD opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”
29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.”
30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?” “No,” he said.
Normally a donkey cannot speak with a human voice but this was a suspension of the laws of nature to enable this donkey to give God’s rebuke to Balaam.
John 2:6-10 (NIV2011)
6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.
7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.
8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did so,
9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside
10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”
Normally the process of making wine starts with a grapevine drawing moisture from rain out of the soil as it produces grapes. The grapes are then crushed to get the juice and then this juice is fermented to make wine. But this process was all bypassed and the water was changed into wine instantly without the use of a grape vine or the process of fermentation. This was an example of the suspension of the laws of nature to create wine instantly out of water.
An example of unusual signs is seen with the ministry of Apostle Paul:
Acts 19:11-12 (NKJV)
11 Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul,
12 so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.
It was an unusual sign that Paul could pray over objects like handkerchiefs or aprons and when these objects were brought to the sick, they were healed. The healing anointing was carried in these objects so this is an example of unusual signs.
I know an apostle who had worked as a missionary on the Thailand/Burma border and he had Burmese students who would cross the bridge on market days to attend his bible school. This apostle was not permitted to enter Burma because it was still a closed country in those days. However, the students asked him to pray over a bunch of bananas and they carried these bananas over the border into Burma and when they gave one of these bananas to a demon-possessed man, he was instantly healed (as soon as he took a bite). He instantly become “sane” again and all evidence of demon-possession was gone! This is an example of an unusual sign when an ordinary object like a banana can carry the anointing of God to heal the sick or to cast out demons!