Levite Choosing Specific Woman

The one overriding principle about marriage is that God created a woman to be a helpmeet to a man and to complete him and become “one-flesh” or “one complete” person together with him. Therefore it is important that a man have the right woman to “fulfill” him in perfect manner.
There is no other group of men that this principle holds “true” for than the Fivefold Ministry Levites who must have a compatible wife to help them spiritually in the ministry.
Those who are called into the Fivefold Ministry are those who have been born with one of the five ministry offices of Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Pastor, or Evangelist.
See the link “Fivefold Ministry Gifts” for more details.
For these men of the “Fivefold Ministry” they need to have a specific helpmeet woman who possesses the spiritual resources needed to compliment them in their spiritual work of the ministry. We have identified a woman who is created to be a helpmeet to a Fivefold minister as a “Levite woman” for this reason.
See the link “Levite Woman” for more details.
A Levite woman is one who has been born with a great interest in spiritual things. Such a woman will never be satisfied by marrying an ordinary laymen because she will find no “outlet” for her spiritual resources (other than if she marries a man with a Fivefold Ministry Gift).
Women Created as Suitable Helpers to Men
Genesis 2:18 (NASB95)
18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”
In the beginning God created the first man Adam and said that it was not good that Adam be alone. But instead of making another human out of the dust (as God had done with the creation of Adam) instead God created the woman out of the bone and flesh of the man Adam. Everything that was feminine within Adam was placed into his wife Eve. This is why men are created with a void that only a woman can fulfill in marriage. The woman has all of the missing parts of the man and when a man is married to his wife then all that is missing in him is again restored.
Genesis 2:21–23 (HCSB)
21 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to come over the man, and he slept. God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place.
22 Then the LORD God made the rib He had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man.
23 And the man said: This one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called “woman,” for she was taken from man.
One evidence that men once had feminine parts within them (before they were removed and placed into a woman) is the fact that men have nipples. This shows the feminine traces left within men and demonstrates that men at one time had feminine parts inside of them.
Genesis 2:24 (HCSB)
24 This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh.
When a man marries a woman then all that was formerly removed form him is then restored by marriage. This union of man and woman creates one complete person. The woman is completed by her husband and the man is completed by his wife. To become “one-flesh” together means that they have become “one-complete” person in marriage together. Nothing is missing or lacking when a man is joined to his wife as one-person together in marriage. This one-flesh experience does not occur with two women or two men because those of the same-sex have all of the same parts and so nothing is gained by such a perverse union. Only the marriage of a man and woman create one completed person.
Women Created as a Helpmeet
The overriding biblical principle is that all women were created to be the helpmeet of a man. If a man is a Levite then he should have a Levite wife to perfectly suit him in marriage and ministry together. This same principle can be applied to a businessman as well because the most suitable wife for a businessman would be a woman who is gifted and experienced in business operations. A cowboy for example would be perfectly matched with a cow-girl who knows about riding horses and cattle management. This principle is the basic thing which should govern how single people chose the right spouse for their marriage. An ordinary factory worker however can just marry any ordinary wife who manages the home and children and they would be happy. But when a man is operating on some higher level in ministry or business then it would be beneficial if he had a spouse with the same “common-understanding” and similar interests to become his helpmeet in whatever he does. It is great when two people become one-person in marriage but also if they have a “mutual interest” between them that really causes them to be unified together as one-person in the fullest sense of the term.