Land- Related to Economic Opportunity

It should be noted that land price is related to everything economically. If a man builds a house then the cost of the land which that house sits upon is a big financial factor. If a man builds a factory then the cost of the land which that factory sits is also a big financial factor. If a man builds a restaurant then the cost of the land needed for the parking lot and building is also a big factor. If a businessman has to lease the building then the cost of his lease is related to the cost of the land which that building sits. Rental prices are high when the cost of the land is high. Even a grocery store must raise prices on food to cover the cost of their building and land cost is again a factor. An internet mail-order business is also affected because those who ship products need a warehouse to store the products they ship and that is related to land price also. A farmer who grows food also has higher costs if he has to pay a bank loan for the purchase of the land which he needs to grow food.

South Korea Lost Half Their Land

South Korea lost half of their land during the Korean War when their country was divided in half. In addition, there is also much of South Korean peninsula that is covered by mountains so this limits the amount of land that can be used for agriculture (as using traditional farming methods). It is this lack of land space that contributes to the lack of opportunity for Koreans. This is a big reason why there are so many Koreans going abroad looking for opportunities.

see the like “Koreans in Diaspora” for more details.

Land is a Means of Production

Land is a means of production for everything from farms to factory to retail store and warehouses. To own land is to own the means of production and that is the key to prosperity for citizens.

1 Kings 4:25 (NASB95)
25 So Judah and Israel lived in safety, every man under his vine and his fig tree, from Dan even to Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.

Under the reign of King Solomon, the nation of Israel reached its “zenith” of prosperity. A key factor that indicates prosperity is that the citizens were able to own the “means of production” by having their own land. Every man lived in safety under his own vine and his fig tree from the north to the south (meaning the entire nation was prosperous). The vine and fig tree are symbols of prosperity because the vine could produce grapes and wine and the fig tree produced sweet figs for both consumption and for sale. Both the vine and the fig tree require soil to grow in and this speaks of land ownership. A man has to own the land so that he can keep the produce from that land (such as grapes or figs or grain or livestock) etc.. Land ownership by the citizens is an indication of national prosperity. Solomon allowed his citizens to prosper and allowed them to own their land (owning the means of production).

Profit of the Land

The profit of the land is seen in agricultural produce which provides food for humans to thrive on earth. But it is much more than this because every area of prosperity including factories and stores and everything related to commerce is all build upon land.

Ecclesiastes 5:9 (NKJV)
9 Moreover the profit of the land is for all; even the king is served from the field.

This scripture speaks of the “profit of the land” which provides what people need for food and livestock and agricultural produce and also factories and products etc. Even the king derives operational funds from taxes levied upon the produce from the land. As long as the king provides necessary services like police and military protection and infrastructure like roads and bridges then these taxes are well-spent and provide a good advantage for the entire nation of people who benefit from government services. It is only when civil leaders seize it all for themselves without providing any services in return that taxes can become a form of oppression.

See the link “Strong Leader Verses Dictator” for more details.

Also see the link “Makers Verses Takers” for more details.

Stealing Land Equals Theft of Production

Proverbs 23:10 (NASB95)
10 Do not move the ancient boundary or go into the fields of the fatherless,

To move an ancient boundary marker is to steal land from others. Moving a plot marker is stealing the means of production and is especially vile if the land stolen belongs to a widow or orphans who have no male protector to care for them. Again, the scriptures show that land is the means of production and stealing land is equal to stealing the production that this land could have produced in the ownership of those who farm it or grow crops or livestock etc.

Proverbs 24:27 (NASB95)
27 Prepare your work outside And make it ready for yourself in the field; Afterwards, then, build your house.

When a man goes to a new region and pioneers a new homestead, the first priority is to plow the fields and sow seed. This is of vital importance and is even more important than building a house. If he can live in a rough dugout or in a covered wagon until the crops are planted then he can have some hope of having a harvest for food to live on. After he has prospered then he can later build a nice house. But if his wife insists upon having a nice house first then they could end up starving to death in their unfinished house because he failed to plant any crops and so he will have no food to eat.

Proverbs 20:4 (NASB95)
4 The sluggard does not plow after the autumn, So he begs during the harvest and has nothing.

If a man is a sluggard this means that he is too lazy to plow and plant so he will end up as a beggar because he has nothing to eat when the harvest season arrives. A man must first focus on plowing and planting before building a house because he needs the income to care for his family before he builds a house. Men need to make the decision for this reason because masculine logic sees ahead to the long-term benefit of his family.

Again, all of this is related to land as a producer in every form imaginable.

Proverbs 27:26–27 (NASB95)
26 The lambs will be for your clothing, And the goats will bring the price of a field,
27 And there will be goats’ milk enough for your food, For the food of your household, And sustenance for your maidens.

Lambs produce wool for clothing and goats produce both meat and milk, providing milk and cheese for their household. All of this is production from the land. Goats being a price of the field means that the goats can change grass and even brush into something valuable such as meat and milk. Thus even pasture land can produce food for the people.

In artic regions it is the reindeer that can change lichen into meat for the people so this is an amazing animal that can thrive even in frozen lands and tundra. Such livestock can produce meat and fur for food and clothing for the people.

God Brings Blessing for the People

Psalm 107:35–38 (NASB95)
35 He changes a wilderness into a pool of water And a dry land into springs of water;
36 And there He makes the hungry to dwell, So that they may establish an inhabited city,
37 And sow fields and plant vineyards, And gather a fruitful harvest.
38 Also He blesses them and they multiply greatly, And He does not let their cattle decrease.

God can turn an desert (unfruitful land) into something that is fruitful. The hungry go there because it is now producing abundant food needed by humans to survive. They can build a city there because a city needs produce and food to establish an economy. Sowing fields and planting vineyards on this land speaks of “production” as they gather a fruitful harvest of both food and production for sales income. Their cattle herds increase speaking of lush pastures of grass needed for livestock.

God Gives Wisdom for Technology to Make the Land Fruitful

God provides humans with wisdom and innovation to create wealth and produce even on land that was formerly barren. The Arab nations that produce oil had nothing before the western oil drilling companies arrived with technology needed to extract and transport oil. Now these nations are some of the most wealthy “oil-rich” countries on earth. This newfound wealth came from technology used to extract oil which make these desert nations rich.

Also advances in agricultural technology makes it possible for the U.S.A. to produce enough grain to feed the whole world.

See the link “Innovation for Food Production” for more details.

Today we even have technology that can enable us to grow food underground and recreate sunlight underground as well. Thus we could build a prosperous civilization even in remote regions of a desert or even in Siberia.

See the link “Building a Siberian Refuge System” for more details.

Thus technology can make any region on earth prosperous including both deserts or artic places. Again, it should be emphasized that land is the foundation of all prosperity because land is needed to build housing, and grow food, and manufacture products and everything that is related to prosperity. This is why it is of such a great advantage that the Russian government under Putin offers free land and ten-million Russian citizenships. The Russian government recognizes that people are producers and can create wealth.

See the following links:

Free Land in Russia

Russian Citizenships for Ten-Million

By giving free land this gives people the means of production and giving them citizenship gives them license to remain on the land which they build upon and develop and create production upon. If they did not own the land then there is little incentive to build anything productive (if they could be kicked out of the country at any time and their labor and developments seized by others). They need both land and citizenship so that they have the freedom to build something prosperous upon that land. Putin recognizes this and provided citizenship and land for those who will come and develop the remote regions of Siberia.

See the link “People are Essential” for more details.

See also the link “Allowing Citizens to Prosper” for more details.