Young Men Sacrificed for War

Isaiah 13:12 (HCSB)
12 I will make man scarcer than gold, and mankind more rare than the gold of Ophir.
There is a reoccurring theme throughout the scriptures that war is a judgment for sin. The results of war is the sacrifice of many young men and the multiplication of widows in the land. The scripture above mentions how men (in time of war) will become so rare that they are precious as the gold of Ophir.
Gender Imbalance Caused by War
Isaiah 4:1 (NASB95)
1 For seven women will take hold of one man in that day, saying, “We will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name; take away our reproach!”
This scripture refers to a time when wars have wiped out much of the male population so that it caused a “gender-imbalance” with one surviving man to every seven women. This type of thing can currently be seen in both Ukraine and Russia where there is now more unmarried women compared to the number of surviving young men. This is the greatest tragedy of war when young men are killed off by many thousands on both sides of the conflict. There are many widows and orphans produced by war who no longer have a male provider or protector at home. There are many unmarried young men who perished in battle and will never be able to start their own families and so their lineage has been terminated by their death.
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated document and review of this book:

The above book was written in 1935 by a decorated war hero who had firsthand knowledge of war and its effects upon people and nations. It is only a short-book but introduces some key points about how wars can be started for profit. It is an honorable thing for a young man to defend his nation and defend his way of life so that his children and grandchildren after him can live in a secure and peaceful and prosperous nation. It is a worthy cause for those who gave their lives so that others could live in peace at home. But conversely if they should perish in a vain war started only for profits then that would be a huge tragedy and something that is “NOT” worth dying for. (Again, click on the image above to see the review of this book for more details).
Real Reasons Behind the Ukraine Conflict
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated stored video:

In the video above, JFK Jr. reveals the real reasons behind the Ukraine conflict. He says that this war was really about security for the Russians (not for territory expansion) as many falsely assume. Russia was invaded through Ukraine three times and the last time (when Hitler invaded) he killed one out of every seven Russians. So when Russia refuses to allow NATO to control Ukraine, this is not simply based on unfounded paranoia. NATO was specifically formed against the expansion of the Soviet Union but even after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1992 still NATO was not disbanded. Instead NATO revived its new target on the now “non-Soviet” (Christian) Russia. So present-day Russia has a legitimate security concern about NATO. After WWII Russia was promised that NATO would not be expanded toward the east (toward Russia) but this treaty was broken and NATO was moved a 1,000 miles to the east. NATO then expanded into fourteen countries on the Russian border. Russia was once an ally in fighting against Germany in WWII but NATO now makes them into the enemy. In 2014, western powers overthrew the elected government of Ukraine and installed a new regime that would be favorable to NATO expansion. The Minsk Accords were a peace treaty with Russia brokered by Germany and France but the western powers “double-crossed” the Russians and would not sign it. In April of 2022, Zelensky initialed another peace agreement with Putin and Putin was then withdrawing his troops. But then U.S. President Biden sent Boris Johnson to Kiev to force Zelensky to tear up that agreement. So this started the Ukraine war and hundreds of thousands of young men perished and the US alone spent hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars on this war. Putin had expressed concerns that NATO would use Ukraine to attack Russia. Zelensky confirmed these fears by sending a NATO supported invasion of Russian so everything the Russians had said about this has now turned out to be true.
See the link “War-Mongering Liberal Politicians” for more details.
These liberals in the U.S. and liberals within most of the EU nations (except for Christian Hungary and Poland) seem to have gained unlimited power right up until the election of Donald Trump in 2025. They freely stole money, they promoted sodomy for the purpose of criminalizing Christianity, and changed how laws were enforced to bring anarchy and chaos to all society.
See the links “Soros Hates Humanity” and “Soros Thinks He is a god” and the “Globalist Great Reset” for more details.
Liberals are comprised of women (and beta males that serve women) and are generally weak and pathetic and are not able to overcome strong men like Putin. However they engage in intrigue and manipulation and deceit to accomplish what they want. In this manner, weak and pathetic people can overcome those who are stronger than themselves. A woman “Victoria Nuland” engineered the 2014 coup in Ukraine in order to change the regime in Ukraine to one that was favorable to NATO and thus started a proxy war to remove Putin from power.
See the link “Women Destroy Civilization” for more details.
Operation of the Jezebel Spirit
Weak and pathetic liberal women and their beta male enablers use scheming and intrigue and deceit and theft to gain their objectives. Thus they can destroy and negate strong men by employing their liberal devices.
See the link “Operation of the Jezebel Spirit” for more details.