Liberals Save the Pigs

Liberalism became a “thing” after women were granted the right to vote and to hold public office. Liberal women in western nations vote for liberal politicians and they also run for public office themselves so that they can correct the “social-evils” which they perceive exist within society. The basic premise of liberalism is “feminine-thinking” and equality-for-all.
See the link “Women Destroy Civilization” for more details.
Not only do liberal women pass legislation to protect minorities but they actually promote these minorities over the rest of society. If a person is a woman they are promoted over a man. If they have color in their skin, they are promoted over those without skin color. If they are a woman with color in her skin they have “double-honor” (of both gender and skin color) within a women-controlled society. If a person claims to be a transvestite, they are promoted over those who are heterosexual. But if they are black-transvestite they are worthy of “triple-honor” (including color, gender and sexual orientation) as triple “points of promotion” within a woman-ruled society.

Thus the “feminine mind” goes into complete insanity as they seek to enforce “equality-for-all” within every aspect of liberal controlled society.
But this feminine liberal quest to correct all perceived “social-ills” does not stop with human gender and skin color and sexual orientation alone. No, they also apply this “equality” to everything on earth including animals of all kinds.
Save the Pigs
The liberal quest to enforce equality for all has now come to include livestock such as pigs. These liberals (who know nothing about raising pigs) have determined that it is cruel and inhumane to keep pigs within confinement crates. These liberal women (and the beta liberal males that serve these women) are now busy passing legislation to make it illegal to keep pigs in farrowing crates. These new laws however can cost the industry billions of dollars and will result in the price of pork skyrocketing in the stores.
The most liberal state in the USA is the state of California and it is liberal California that is now running the campaign to ban the use of farrowing crates in raising pigs. The favorite method of liberals to control others is to cancel them by cutting off their funding. The liberals banned the police with a campaign called “Defund the Police” and this resulted in skyrocketing crime rates in liberal-controlled US cities that removed police protection. But this same liberal “tactic” is also employed to defund pork producers.
See the link “Liberals Pursue Pig Welfare” for more details.
Liberal Rich Fool – Carl Icahn

Carl Icahn is known as a “corporate raider” which means he does not make an honest living by creating a product or by sales or doing anything useful. He only seizes control over companies, then sells off their assets and leaves them bankrupt and closes them down. This is a “vulture-type” of business that profits off the death of companies, which were not started or managed by the vultures who pick them apart and devour them financially.
Below are several comments found in the comments section of the Fox News Article about Carl Icahn and his new campaign to save the pigs:
“I am so tired of listening to the rich people who have made their fortunes by leaching off the hard work of others. They have never done anything to develop, market, nor sale any product, and have only made their fortune by buying stock and forcing companies to bow down to their wishes.“
“Carl Icahn destroyed people’s lives in the 1980’s as he amassed his wealth and became known as a “Corporate Raider.” People lost their livelihoods as companies like TWA were bought, had their prime assets sold, and left with huge debt. He cares about pregnant pigs in a cage, but not human beings and their families. Or perhaps as he approaches the twilight of his life, he is doing what a lot of people do: bargaining… “If I do a good deed now, it will make up for the misery and suffering I have caused in the past.”
Again, click on the link “Liberal Rich Fool Seeks to Save the Pigs” to see the comments section in the related Fox News article.
Exploiting Others
Carl Icahn spends most of his life exploiting others and destroying their businesses and selling off their assets for his own personal benefit. Possibly this is also true that in the mind of a liberal (facing the end of his life) that he now wants to do some good deeds to counter-balance all of the evil he did to humans throughout his lifetime. If a liberal even believes in God, then their reprobate mind might falsely assume that they could buy some favor with God by doing a so-called “good deed” for some pigs.
This liberal logic is truly “reprobate” if they falsely presume that they can buy God off by doing a good deed for some pigs (after doing so much harm to humans) who are created in God’s image. This begs the question, “What are these liberals thinking?” Certainly, the liberal mind has no logic whatsoever which is based upon the truth of the bible. This is what makes the liberal reprobate mind appear to be completely insane!
Carl Icahn Fighting to Cancel Farmers who use Farrowing Crates
As previously stated, a “vulture-type” of business profits off the death of companies as it picks their bones clean and sells off all of their assets. But this “modus operandi” (manner of doing things) of Carl Icahn has also been applied to fighting for the rights of pigs. He used his tried-and-true methods of gaining control over a company and then installs several board members who carry his same ideology about pigs. Thus, he seeks to control a company like McDonalds (that buys a lot of pork) to force them to buy pork only from those who do not use farrowing crates.
Liberal “Toe-Hold” Strategy of Control
This liberal “toe-hold” strategy can be seen in how Carl Icahn bought only $50,000.00 worth of McDonald’s stock but with this small “toe-hold” investment share he sought to nominate several directors to the board of McDonalds who hold the same views as himself. This has become the latest liberal strategy in controlling companies and causing them to bow to the dictates of liberals. Appointed liberals to the board of McDonalds to stop purchasing pork from farmers using crates is one example of liberal insanity. Anyone who has experience raising pigs commercially knows that these liberals are completely insane to ban crates. In fact, crates are the most humane things that can be provided for pigs.
Farrowing Crates Save Pigs
My father had a pig farm in Nebraska that had 50-sows and raised about 1,500 pigs per year. This was a small operation compared to the big operators who have thousands of sows and many times more pigs produced annually.
My father bought his farm in 1963 on a “shoe-string” meaning that he barely had enough money to get started. His own father was a farmer but lost his farm during the depression because he had no money to pay the property taxes. So, my father had no inheritance and had to start from scratch himself with almost nothing. He pulled some old discarded farm machinery out from where it was dumped and fixed it up to use on his farm and he worked in a factory on the night shift and farmed in the day with little sleep.
It was because my father had no money to buy farrowing crates that he had to allow sows to run in an open space within the barn. However, many baby pigs perished because he had no farrowing crates in those early years when he was just getting started.
A sow that is free to stand within an open barn will suddenly flop down on the floor as soon as her tits are swollen with milk and then she will grunt to call her pigs to nurse. But typically, a sow will just flop down suddenly and often she will smash the baby pigs sleeping on the floor beside her. If there are ten pigs all piled up together to keep warm on the floor, the sow may smash all ten of them to death by laying on top of them suddenly. Even if the sow smashes only one or two baby pigs every time she lays down then she might kill off the whole litter within one week.
This is why modern pig farmers used farrowing crates to restrict the sow from smashing her baby pigs every time she flops down to nurse. Only if a baby pig happens to be standing directly under the sow when she flops down, then only that one pig will get smashed. A farrowing crate can save many baby pigs by keeping the sow from smashing them.
Also, in the beginning when my father was too poor to purchase farrowing crates, he just poured a slab of concrete in the hog yard outside and we poured the pig feed onto this concrete slab and let the sows go outside for feeding and they could run freely in the pig yard to eat. The concrete slab kept the sows from smashing the expensive feed into the mud with their hooves. This open yard might seem like a “pig-paradise” to the mind of a liberal because the pigs are free to roam without any crates to restrain them.
But in real life this was pure misery for these sows because pigs generally have a bad character and are selfish and greedy and fight other pigs constantly. The dominant aggressive sows would fight and attack the timid sows as they tried to steal all of the feed for themselves. As a result, the dominate aggressive sows would be hugely over-weight and so obese-looking that they seemed like they were ready to burst. The timid sows however were all skin and bones and nearly starving to death because the aggressive sows would not let them eat. The aggressive sows would even approach from behind the timid sow (who was trying to gobble up some food) and bite them in the tender flesh of the anus (under their tail) leaving them trembling in pain and bleeding from a big anal-tear wound (which often led to infection).
When we finally could afford to purchase farrowing crates then the sows were able to have their own feed and water and could eat as much as they want. These sows never had it so good to be able to eat in peace without being tormented and attacked by dominant and aggressive sows. The baby pigs also were saved from being smashed as they were when the sows were running freely in the open barn. We would try to board up a corner to keep the baby pigs safe within the open barn but we still lost many baby pigs to being smashed when they were free to run among the sows in an open space in a barn.
But the liberals have declared that they know more about raising pigs than the pig farmers (who were raising pigs all of their lives). The liberals say that it is inhumane to have sows confined into a farrowing crate during the time that they are nursing their young. But as with most issues, the liberals are entirely ignorant and do not know what they are talking about.
If someone does the exact opposite of what the liberals demands then they will most often be doing the right thing. The liberals want sows to run freely in an open space but this is what is actually “inhumane” to sows. Many baby pigs are smashed and killed by the sows flopping down on top of them and aggressive sows attack and injure the timid sows and prevent them from eating. This liberal standard of having sows run “free” within an open space is actually what is “inhumane” and cruel to both the sows and their nursing baby pigs.
But currently the liberals in California are seeking to enforce their pig-mandates “nationwide” and are controlling companies who buy pork by forcing them to refuse to purchase pork from farmers who use farrowing crates. But this is a great disruption to the pork industry and it would cost billions to switch back to the primitive way of using open space for sows and pigs. The number of pigs that would perish by liberal mandates would be in the millions and this would also drive up the price of pork. Worse of all is the fact that many farmers would just quit raising pigs because it is no longer worth the harassment from these liberals who seek to police how they raise pigs and create legislation and issue large fines and even jail time if they do not comply with liberal mandates.
In fact, these liberals are often the type of people who were rejected in high school and could not get a date to the prom and were bullied by others. These liberal “social rejects” were like the timid sows that are attacked and persecuted by dominant and aggressive sows. So, when these rejected liberals grow up then they have a void in their hearts to seek revenge. These insecure people find great delight in running for political office and this is why some of the worst “garbage” types of liberal people are found in politics within western nations. These liberal people get a “rush” (and experience ecstasy) whenever they can control the lives of others by issuing their mandates. Achieving their liberal control over others possibly gives them a feeling of being “godlike” to have such power as to dictate what others can and cannot do.
A businessman like Carl Icahn has determined that farrowing crates are inhumane to sows. So, he was able to buy some stock then appoint some liberal people to the board of directors of a company like McDonalds which buys pork. These appointees then made a regulation that no pork should be purchased from farmers who use farrowing crates. This however is not just being done to one isolated company but when liberals get on a “crusade” they will petition and they will protest and they will seek to take over the board of directors of any company that sells pork. In the end, they cancel pork farmers from using farrowing crates and put them all out of business.
But the problem is that these ignorant liberals have no idea about how to raise pigs and the “farrowing crate” was actually invented to save the lives of baby pigs and it was used to keep timid sows from being attacked and injured by dominate sows.
As usual, the exact opposite of what liberals says is the truth. It is the farrowing crates that are “humane” and the liberals are trying to label farrowing crates as “inhumane” and then ban them.
Liberals say, “Let the pigs be free!”

Above is an image of some pigs roaming around in an open lot. Liberals say that keeping the pigs inside of a confinement building is like keeping them in prison. So, liberals promote the so-called “Open-Range” raised pork. But again, back when my father was too poor to build a hog confinement building then he let his pigs roam freely in an open yard. The problem however is that pigs cannot sweat so in order to get cool they must lay in the mud. When pigs are released into an open pasture full of grass, they will destroy that pasture within a matter of hours. They immediately start digging up the grass and root out big holes in the ground to create a hog wallow. When the rains come these “hog wallows” fill with water and turn into mud and the pigs lay in the mud to keep cool. The mud however is unsanitary and filled with pig excrement and urine and this passes pathogens and parasites to the pigs.
When we bought feeder pigs from an “open range lot” the first thing we did is mix worming medication in their feed. The floor of our hog confinement building (we had later in life when we could afford it) was covered with dead round worms that were about 8-10 inches long and thick as spaghetti on the floor. These dead worms came out of the intestines of these open-range pigs we purchased! Then these dewormed pigs would even eat the dead worms off the floor because this is the nature of all pigs and they eat anything dead or rotten and unclean.
Also, when we raised open-range pigs (because we did not have money to build a confinement building in the beginning) then the birds (starlings) would come and defecate in the water and in the feed of the pigs. These birds carried TGE virus and this passed to the pigs and we lost $10,000.00 USD of pigs in a single week! The baby pigs would contract the virus from the milk of the sows and they died off like flies and we carried out numerous dead baby pigs in huge tubs to dispose of them. We could only save the bigger pigs from death by providing them with medication in their drinking water.
After we had a modern confinement building for pigs then it was completely screened off and no birds could enter it. We never again suffered great losses of hundreds of pigs dying off due to birds carrying disease and pathogens to our pigs.
Also the growth of open-range pigs were stunted and it took much longer for them to reach market weight because when conditions were dry then the dirt lot became dust. Breathing dust is bad for the pigs and it stunts their growth and they were coughing all of the time as the dust from the dry open-range lot filled their lungs.
But the liberals (who never raised pigs in their entire lives) have declared that raising pigs in a confinement building is inhumane and they want to pass laws to force pig farmers to let the pigs roam freely within open yards. This throws pig raising back into primitive times again with high death rates and sickness and disease and parasites that are associated with pigs that roam freely outdoors.
Modern liberalism is a product of feminine thinking. Any man who has been in a business meeting can testify to what happens when women open their big mouths and interrupt a masculine problem-solving session. These women will typically introduce some sort of nonsense that is not even related to the business at hand. Then they will say, “You have to consider this or that thing because it is important too!” But this behavior is no longer restricted to just women because liberal beta-males like Carl Icahn will also speak nonsense and say, “You have to consider the rights of the pigs too?” “You cannot force sows to remain in a farrowing crate while they are nursing their young because this is inhumane treatment of animals!” “This is important too!”
If a company like McDonalds does not listen to the liberals nor takes any action on liberal issues then the liberals will employ tactics like doing a “toe-hold” takeover to appoint new liberal members to the board of directors who hold the same liberal views. Thus, these “garbage” people who know nothing about farming or pig raising can take over the entire industry and force all pig farmers to comply. See the link “False god of Fortress” for more details.
A time is coming when the price of all meat will become so high that no one will be able to afford to eat meat anymore (except the liberals) who pay themselves to enforce their own mandates by the taxation of pig farmers.
Reason for Exposing Liberalism
It should be noted that the purpose of posting topics which expose “liberalism” is to show the disorder of having women in civil leadership and to expose the disorder of permitting women leadership within the home.
This blog post about liberals fighting for “pig-rights” is one example of this just as is the lesson called “Women Destroy Civilization” also shows how western nations have destroyed themselves when they granted women the right to vote and the right to hold civil leadership positions.
This disorder has also carried over into the church as women stand in the pulpit and spout-off nothing except doctrines of “God loves you” without the masculine teaching of Apostles and Prophets which rebuke disorder and expose sin and call people to repentance. Therefore, a woman-led church has no fear of God and is full of sin and that is the reason why the presence of God is not manifest within the carnal western churches (led by women and eunuch’s). These carnal churches are nothing but dead social clubs where people are told only things that they want to hear rather than being rebuked or taught how to please God according to biblical standards. The spiritual disorder present in carnal churches is a result of releasing “feminine-thinking” within the church that authorized women to stand in the pulpit. They even alter bible translations to fit their own doctrines of “gender equality” rather than submitting to what God has commanded in his word (the bible).
See the link “Cutting Stones to Fit” for more details.
Again, the reason for giving this lesson about liberals is to expose their error and to expose their “false logic” just as the lesson “Women Destroy Civilization” also does the same.
It is our purpose to restore men to their rightful places of leadership and not have men passively allowing women to rule. When women rule (as Eve did when she assumed leadership over Adam and ate the forbidden fruit first before she gave it to her husband) then they will bring a curse to the entire earth. Women leadership still brings a curse as they seek nothing except “equality-for-all” at the expense of everything else important.
Insanity of Liberal Women Leadership
The social ills of a “woman-led” liberal society are evident with the insanity of giving special rights to criminals by defunding the police. Liberals also open the US borders to allow pagans to flood into a once prosperous Judeo/Christian nation. Liberals allow sodomites to rule over all society with fines and prison terms given for non-compliance to homosexual dictates. Women in civil leadership even pass laws that elevate animals over people by fighting for the “imagined rights” of pigs as if the pigs were more important than the rights of unborn children. Western women pass laws to legalize abortions and millions of human babies are aborted by western women as a result. The body parts of these dismembered (aborted) babies are even sold to pharmaceutical companies for human DNA vaccine development and to cosmetic companies for making women’s makeup.
All of these social ills are created by women in civil leadership who can pass laws favoring the cursed and to cancel those who are productive and to fight for rights of sodomites and even pigs. The fruit of gender equality is the destruction of the entire western civilization. The birth rates in western nations have dropped below replacement rates as western women abandon their role of procreation and raising godly children. It is for this reason that the western nations are now going extinct as they abandon biblical precedents and follow women-led liberal insanity.
With half the marriages ending in divorce this means that half the boys raised in America are raised by single-parent working mothers. This results in these boys being raised without the influence of a father in the home. Such boys are “castrated” of their masculine logic and have been conditioned to think like women. This is why liberal beta males are so effeminate and think like women. When there is as many as 50% liberal males then they can actually influence elections. If they gain only a 51% majority then it is enough to install liberals into every position of civil leadership. Governor Gavin Newsome of California is a liberal male who destroyed the once prosperous state. The president of Canada, Justin Trudeau is also a weak and effeminate liberal male and is causing the downfall of his own nation. Whenever liberal males and liberal women hold public office, they introduce the error of feminine thinking which is a curse to any nation that follows it.
Again see the link “Women Destroy Civilization” for more details.