Men are Defenders
God has created men to become defenders of their families and defenders of their society and defenders of their nation (which is made of families). If they join together in an organized military they can effectively resist a national onslaught or invasion by foreign powers. But at the most basic level each man should be a protector of his own family and provide a place of security for his wife and children. This is something that cannot be said about feminist women who falsely claim that they have no need of men and can do whatever they want and go wherever they want without a male protector. This is utterly false because whenever women have no male-protector (in the form of a husband or father or brother) then they will typically fall victim to those who seek to exploit them. This can be seen in the life of Yeonmi Park who escaped North Korea only to be sold by a broker in China to a human trafficker which used her and her mother for sex-slavery. In China, the past “one-child-policy” of the CCP, caused a huge gender imbalance when baby girls were aborted in favor of boys. Now there are a millions of Chinese men who have no women and this makes it dangerous for any women who crosses the border between North Korea and China. Women who have no male-protector are in grave danger of abduction when they go into dangerous areas like those found near the China/North Korean border. Many North Korean women and girl defectors have been enslaved in China after they attempted to escape the misery of North Korea. This emphasizes the need that all women have for a male-protector. Clicking on the image below will open this video.

Also women cannot just freely walk around on the streets and just go wherever they want without risk. Below is a video of a Japanese girl who was followed by a stalker. She happened to see a foreigner on the streets and said that he was her friend (thus coming under the protection of a foreign man who could protect her from a stalker). Clicking on the image below will open this video.

There is a long list of videos about girls being stalked in public as seen on this link on Utube-List. These are all videos that support the fact that women need a male protector or they are at risk of falling victim to criminals.
Below is a video of some Korean men who beat down a criminal who viciously attacked a woman in broad daylight. The criminal (wearing blue) had a knife so one man used the suitcase to fend off the knife jabs, then another man struck the knife from the criminal’s hand with large steel spoon, then they were able to bring him down (after disarming him) and held him for police to arrive. Clicking on the image below will open the video.

Again, this is an example of why women need male protectors in the form of a father or husband or brother or even when some male bystanders see what is happening and jump in to defend a girl from an violent criminal and then beat him down and hold him for police arrest.
Purse Snatcher Taken Down by Male Defenders
Below is a short video where two men saw a purse snatcher try to seal a ladies handbag right in front of them. They moved quickly to come to the defense of this helpless young lady who got her purse back. Click on the image below to open this video.

Again, this is an example that women need a male-protector even when it might be only some male bystanders who come to her rescue when a crime is committed against her. God has created men to be defenders of their families and also a defender to those who may fall victim to criminals when they are present and able to come to the aid of those in need.

Here the police were present to deal with a man who just assaulted a helpless woman carrying her groceries down the street. The bible says that civil authorities (including police and military personnel) are God’s avengers to execute justice upon those who do evil.
Romans 13:3–4 (NASB95)
3 For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;
4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
The civil authority (such as police or military) do nor bear the sword for nothing. They are a minister of God as an “avenger” to bring the wrath of God upon those who practice evil and harm others.
U.S. Green Beret Defends Afghan Child and his Mother
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated saved video:

Sergeant First Class Charles Martland was going to be discharged from the U.S. military for defending people who came to him for help while he was on military duty in Afghanistan in 2016. There was an Afghan police captain who was a sexual predator. This man kidnapped a 7-year-old Afghan boy and for days sodomized him. When the boy’s mother came to plead for her child, then this monster also beat down the mother who was trying to save her son. Both the mother and son (who were both abused) came to SFC Charles Martland for help. When Martland confronted the Afghan policeman sexual predator, the predator brazenly mocked the boy and his mother. This initiated the beating he received from the US. Green Beret in defense of the helpless mother and child. Later Charles Martland was faced with expulsion from the U.S. Army for his actions of defending a helpless boy and his mother.
Then Nicholas J. Freitas (a former Green Beret himself) presented the case of Charles Martland before a U.S. Governmental body and the attention the case received caused millions of Americans to protest the ill-treatment of Charles Martland (who had been doing the right thing to defend those victims who came to him for help). As a result, the U.S. Army case against Charles Martland was dropped and he successfully escaped being dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Army for doing the right thing.
Punishing a man for defending the helpless is just as foolish as expelling a boy from school for defending someone against a bully. This is typical women-led behavior in punishing men for being manly and for exercising their God-given roles as protectors. Below is a story of Nick Freitas defending a helpless girl from a bully at school and then being expelled by the woman teacher who said they do not permit fighting in school. But being a “defender” is not the same thing as using violence to harm others (as a bully would do). Men need to not be ashamed of being a man and not be ashamed of defending those who need their help.
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated saved video:

At video timestamp [13:41 to 16:32] Nick Freitas shares a story about how he defended a girl in grade school. A mean boy kicked this girl so hard that he had knocked her to the ground. So Nic saw this and chased the bully down and put him into a headlock. A woman teacher saw this and stopped Nic and he was sent to the principles office and he was suspended for fighting in school. Nic’s mother however confirmed to Nic that he had done the right thing to defend those who were helpless from a bully. His mother could not stop the school suspension but she made it clear that she was proud of Nic doing the right thing (even when he did so at the cost of being punished himself). This was highly formative for Nic when he was growing up and it was instrumental that he was not punished at home for helping others in need. Later in life, Nic became a Green Beret and he made it his personal mission to defend the lives of those who were helpless before abusers. This is the real purpose of men for them to become defenders of their own families and defenders of those who come to them for help. Men are to be defenders and protectors and this is the purpose of all weapons training and martial arts and fighting skills. This enables men to protect those who come to them (who have need of protection) so they can defend those who are being abused by oppressors. The motto of the U.S. Green Berets is to free the oppressed. Military training can impart many useful skills for men and when they serve in the military they should also view themselves as defenders of those in need of protection. If they keep and maintain this good attitude they will always be on the side of “righteousness” whenever they are forced to serve in any military conflict or engage in civil police protection and also when they serve as “protectors” of their own families at home.
Deceived Feminist Pretend They Have No Need of Men
Feminists pretend they have no need of any men but everything in society is built by men and all civilization which women live within is also built and maintained by men. Clicking on the image below will open the video.

Not only are men defenders of women and family but they also serve in the police and military to protect the nation and also fulfill all types of essential roles needed to keep our civilization running and functional. In essence, men are the most important members of all society (not the least important, as deceived feminists pretend to believe). See the link “Last Man Standing” for more details about the importance of men as leaders, providers and protectors in our society.
Western men have given western women the right to vote and hold public office but then these same women has used their voting rights to elect godless liberals, whose every decision tears down the civilization that men have built. See the link “Women Destroy Civilization” for more details.