Mentoring Manhood Poem
Mentoring manhood speaks of the duty of every father to mentor his son and provide his boy with the man-skills the boy needs to survive in life. Boys possess everything within then that is needed for them to become men. They only need to be mentored by a man to learn what it means to be a man and to obtain the necessary man-skills needed to take care of themselves and their future families. The mentoring manhood poem speaks about the need for fathers to mentor their sons in how to be men.

Mentoring Manhood
By Kenneth Popken
God has given men a specific purpose on this earth.
Though some have not yet seen their noble cause that they were assigned from their birth.
Men are to be family leaders, protectors and providers and that is for sure.
This is their God-given mission and their focus in life should be blurred.
Becoming a man should be the orientation of all boys and the focus of their life’s preparation.
Without this masculine goal they will become a eunuch by castration!
A eunuch is a male that has lost his manhood.
This often happens when a boy was raised by women since his childhood.
Millions of divorced working mothers are unable to mentor boys to become a man.
How can a woman mentor a boy when that is not part of God’s plan?
It is the father who is to mentor a son in how to be a man himself.
How can a woman mentor a boy to be a man when she is not one herself?
Typically, a woman will scold a boy for being a male.
Everything that is masculine in his behavior can come under feminine assail!
But if a boy denies what he was created to be as a man
He will deny his divine purpose and reject God’s plan.
Insecurity comes when boys have rejected who they are.
They were not made to be a woman and that is certain by far!
Eunuch liberal males have been castrated from their masculine logic.
They think and act like women and live contrary to that which is biologic.
A boy raised among women is like a swan raised among ducks!
They both may have beaks and feathers but they are as different as does and bucks!
There is a big difference between how males and females think.
God did not create men and women the same or else their genders would not sync.
Men see the big picture and the overall long-range plan.
Women see the details and the immediate needs of the family clan.
If the gender roles are reversed and women are placed in a leadership role
Their short-term feminine thinking will be unsuited for guiding a long-term masculine goal.
It is the tendency for a woman to give a child what they want at the present time.
But doing so does not consider the long-term results and this is a real crime!
A boy must be taught that he cannot yield to his feelings and do as he may please.
He must be able to get out of bed to feed his family even if he is feeling sickly or may wheeze.
Allowing a boy to stay home every time he does not feel good
Is training a boy to yield to feelings rather than doing what he should.
A real man will go to work and be a provider for his family.
Showing his love by his actions is manly love that his family can see.
A masculine rod of correction will cure a boy who cannot get out of bed.
He will never be late in getting up again and will be on time instead.
A father does what is right for his son.
Rather than allowing him yield to his feelings or letting him just have fun.
When a boy is grown there will be no one to wake him up or pamper him like a mum.
If he is not disciplined as a boy, he will grow up to be a bum!
Some may ask, where have all of the good men gone and why are real men so rare?
It is because boys are not raised by men but have been placed under a woman’s care.
Millions of homes are broken by divorce
This leaves millions of boys without a father to guide them in their life’s course.
If a male has been raised without a father in a dysfunctional home
How will he learn, if the ways of being a man to him have not been shown?
Many women have asked where all the good men have gone!
Males with no character, evidence no masculine brawn.
If they want to find a real man it will have to be from a house
That was governed by a father who was head over his spouse.
If the woman runs the home it is the same as if there is no man.
A boy raised under such an environment will never learn to be a leader of his own family clan.
Fathers teach by example and if a man is henpecked and wife-ruled in his own house
He will be an example of a eunuch and his boy will also learn to follow his future spouse.
Men are to mentor their sons and teach them how to be a man.
They are to fulfill their roles as leaders, providers and protectors of their own family clan.
What is needed the most on this earth is men who were mentored the proper way.
They will remain faithful as husbands and fathers and with their families they will stay.
Boys are born with everything within them that they need to become a man.
Boys who acquire skills of manhood are pleasing to God and they fulfill His plan.
God’s plan is that the family be headed by a man.
He is to lead his family and provide for them and protect them for their entire lifespan.
The world would be a better place
If every family had a real man guiding them throughout their life’s race.
An early pioneer would give his son all of the skills he needed to survive.
Today is no different and boys still need man-skills in order to thrive.
What is important is to have a wide variety of skills.
These skills combined together can help him put food on the table and pay all the bills.
Bouncing a ball and throwing it through a hoop
Is not something that will help a boy feed his future family troop.
Teaching boys tool use, repairs, innovations and system creations
All help them to build upon their future economic foundations.
Every boy was created to be a man.
The purpose of all they do as youth should be to prepare them to fulfill God’s plan!