Eagle Poem

The Eagle poem speaks of the self-deception of someone who assumes they can indulge in unrepentant sin for a long period of time. Such people often suppose they can still repent before their life on earth comes to an end and thus still secure eternal life. But if they harden their hearts by living in continual unrepentant sin then a time will come when they will no longer be able to repent and they will cross their perdition line. At that time, it will be too late for them to repent because the opportunity for repentance will be gone.
The Eagle
By Kenneth Popken
There was a mighty eagle who soared high and he soared free.
His life story is a testimony to you and to me.
One day as he was flying in the cold winter sky
He looked down below at a river and gave out a cry!
He was excited about what he had spotted floating on a piece of ice
There lay a dead rabbit all tempting and nice!
He descended in anticipation of an easy meal
This opportunity for a free lunch was such a good deal!
He landed on the chunk of ice as it floated down the river flow
But there was a great waterfall coming ahead-like a dangerous foe!
He had to eat fast while looking over his shoulder
He planned to eat and then fly before going over the falls like a boulder!
Just before he reached the brink of disaster
This mighty eagle beat his wings like an airborne master!
What happened to the eagle next came as a total surprise
Things may not always work out as one would surmise!
His feet were frozen solid to the floating chuck of ice!
He tried to break them free repeatedly but his efforts did not suffice.
He had struggled to free his feet until he took his last breath!
He went over the falls and fell to his death!
There is a lesson to be learned from our fine feathered friend!
We must not play with death or our life will come to an end.
Sin is subtle as it deceives you and me
We think we can enjoy and then set ourselves free!
Do not play with temptation or it will bite you like a snake
Then from hell’s descent you will not be able to brake!
Sin is like venom that poisons you and me
It destroys us from within and from its effects we cannot be set flee.
It is insane to say that we can sin and then repent later
Willfully sinning can put us into the jaws of a gator!
An alligator can lock his jaw onto his prey
He then pulls them under until they are slayed!
Sin has the same power to clamp down on us like a vice
Those in bondage to sin are like this eagle frozen to the ice.
The eagle once flew high and once he flew free
But when he landed on the ice he entered into bondage he could not see!
It is the job of the devil to tempt mankind to sin
This has been his demonic agenda for ages and has always been.
If the devil can get a person to sin
He knows he has them snared and shows his devilish grin!
So, watch out for temptation and get a control of yourself
The devil has all kinds of flavors all arranged on his shelf.
Do not play with sin because you will be made a fool
This is really the doorway to hell and it is the devil’s tool.
It is the over-comers who will enter into paradise
But they must stay away from sin and pay the price.
We can learn from the mistakes of others and this eagle is no exception for sure
Sin is a trap that leads to death and temptation is the lure.
Do not be like the eagle who presumed he could set himself free
It is better to run away from temptation and from sin you should flee.
Joseph did run away from Potiphar’s wife
He had enough common sense that he saved his own life!
Can a man embrace fire and not be burned?
Avoiding temptations is something that must be learned.
Do not believe the lie that you can enjoy yourself and then set yourself free
Many people have gone to hell because temptation they did not flee.
God gives us His grace to run our race on this earth
We have no excuse for not overcoming to enter heaven’s berth.
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to all man
You will not be allowed to be tempted beyond what you can stand.
There are rewards for overcoming and this includes all sin
We have to fix our gaze on Jesus and not be distracted by the world’s noisy din.
You were born free and made free by blood of Jesus Christ
Do not sell yourself short by playing with sin and vice.
We are no better than our eagle friend
We should not risk our lives to follow the world’s trend.
Our life is like a river flowing toward a brink
We must make our life’s decisions before life ends in a blink.
There is a great cloud of witnesses who have made it to heaven before
They all overcame sin and worldliness to enter heaven’s door.
They all cheer us on and encourage us to finish our race
We can enter heaven with them if we do not alter our pace.
So, do not be shaken from your heavenly goal
You will reap your reward if you do not quit and you will save your own soul.