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Below are two links to the 7K-Bible [Old Testament] and 7K-Bible [New Testament]. Left-clicking on the links below will send the viewer to the web-page which is linked to these images.

7K-Bible Old Testament

7K-Bible New Testament

See the following link for examples of bible translation errors which in part caused us to develop our own 7KB translation (for the purpose of seeking to better express biblical clarity):

Bible Translation Mistakes

The 7K-Bible Introduction

We have compiled our own bible translation called the 7K-Bible that is comprised of the best choices gleaned from nine different bible translations. The translations that were used are as follows:

1. King James Version (KJV)

2. New King James Version (NKJV)

3. New American Standard Bible (NASB)

4. Amplified Bible (AMP)

5. New International Bible (NIV)

6. New International Bible-Revised 2011 (NIV2011)

7. Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

8. New Living Translation-Second Edition (NLT2)

9. Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

We have found that among these nine translations listed above there are some scriptures that express things better than others and some versions may have verses that are excellent while translating a few verses in complete error. By taking the best choices of all nine translations we have compiled a bible that we feel does not require readers to tolerate certain verses that are poorly translated. There has not been one of the above translations that has every verse that can be accepted without compromise. But by taking the best of all nine translations we have complied a translation that can be read from Genesis to Revelation without having to accept any translations mistakes that can alter the meaning of the scriptures. This 7K-Bible translation complies with the overall “big-picture” biblical principles found in the entire bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Summary of Translations

King James Version (KJV): This translation was sponsored by King James (1566-1625) who was the king of both England and Scotland. The first printing of this translation was done in 1611, which was a long time ago. Many changes have taken place in the English language since that time and this is evident in the archaic expressions used in the KJV. The word archaic means to be characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time so archaic words are those that are out of date or have fallen from modern use. For more details on the history of this publication see this link: Bible Timeline

New King James Version (NKJV): This translation was produced in 1982 with the objective to keep the basic wording of the KJV but change some of the most obscure words and Elizabethan- thee and thou pronouns. Sometimes we have used this translation when it retained that which is good of the KJV but translated the verse without the archaic words. For illustration purposes, we will give some examples of verses of this translation that were not translated accurately. It is for this reason that other translations are needed because of the short-comings of just removing archaic words from the KJV. For more information see this link: Bible Review NKJV

New American Standard Bible (NASB): This translation was done in 1977 and then an updated version was produced in 1995. It is considered to be the most accurate word-for-word translation of the original Greek and Hebrew ever produced in the modern English language. But we will illustrate that being technically accurate in a word for word translation does not always give the best expression of biblical truth. We will give a few examples of some serious flaws that were created in the NASB that altered the meaning of some verses. This is a good translation and it offers many accurate verse translations but it is not perfect and cannot be used without reservation for this reason. We have endeavored to glean the best verses from the NASB in our 7K-Bible translation but we did not use all of these verses for obvious reasons. For more information see this link: Bible Review NASB

The Amplified Bible (AMP): This translation was done by a woman named Frances Siewert (1881-1967). She sought to amplify the bible by adding more detail to the translation. The detailed translation appeals to women and it probably sells more bibles to women than any other translation because women are detailed creatures. This is not true for men because men are typically “head-liners” so men see the big picture and men often remark that the AMP is overly detailed and even long-winded! This translation is often one of the best translations for scriptures related to women (such as submission scriptures). For more information see this link: Bible Review AMP

The New International Version (NIV) and (NIV2011): The NIV version is not translated in a word for word translation like the NASB. Instead it is translated in a phrase for phrase method in order to make the bible more readable. It is one of the best-selling translations because it appeals to a broader audience. It was completed in 1984 and then revised again in 2011. The NIV2011 version however has some serious flaws because they tried to adapt the feminine equality of the world’s system into the bible by translating male gender terms to include women. They claim that this is the original intent of the bible but in fact we will show how this is false. There are some verses in this NIV2011 translation that were good so we used it on occasion for our 7K-Bible. We used the NIV1984 version frequently when a straightforward translation was needed for biblical information that is not critical such as historical information or genealogy information or just information in general that does not affect biblical principles.

For more information see these links: Bible Review NIV and Bible Review NIV2011

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB): The CJB was translated by David H. Stern who is a Jewish man who came to believe in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. This translation makes it evident that the bible is entirely Jewish in origin. He transliterates the Hebrew names which may seem different to those who are non-Jewish and unfamiliar with how these names are pronounced. He has many verses that are translated in the best possible manner including dimensions and weights that are given in known units rather than homers or cubits that have little meaning to modern day readers. For more details on this translation see the following link: Bible Review CJB

New Living Translation (NLT): This was written by Ken Taylor in 1996 and was originally called a paraphrase. It is not considered worthy of any scholarly study but the publishers tried to improve it in 2004 by correcting some mistakes to improve sales. Occasionally this paraphrase has a verse that is expressed well. Not being overly technical about words can sometimes have an advantage because the overall general principle is not lost in translation due to being too technical. There are some instances where the NLT has verses that were expressed well according to biblical principles. But nevertheless, one of the translators of the NLT1996 said, “I never recommend it to anyone except to supplement the reading of a more literal translation to generate freshness and new insights, unless they are kids or very poor adult readers.” For a review of the NLT bible see the link: Bible Review NLT1996 and Bible Review NLT2004

Holman Christian Standard Bible: This work was started by Arthur Farstad the general editor of the New King James Version of the bible so it could be viewed as an improved NKJV in many ways. There are a number of verses that are translated in excellent manner in the HCSB.

For more information see the link: Bible Review HCSB

Modification Suffix (-M)

Sometimes we were not able to find a verse among the nine translations that was the best so in that case we would have to modify the verse. When this was done, we added the letter “M” to indicate this change.

When using the CJB translation we would use standard spellings for names since our audience is often not familiar with Jewish transliterated spellings of Hebrew names. In that case we would designate the changes by using the designation “CJB-M” meaning it was the CJB that was used and the “M” indicates “Modified” to change the transliterated Hebrew names to the standard English name spellings familiar to many of our readers.

Whenever we changed one or two words for clarity, I would use the (-M) suffix to indicate the change while still using the bible translation identifier abbreviation to give credit to the original authors. For example, a (NASB-M) means that the source translation was the NASB and it was modified to make the meaning clearer.

By retaining the translation identifier abbreviation for the translation source (for example NIV-M) the reader knows that the source translation was NIV so they have the option to compare the original source translation with the modified verse to see what changes were made.

(7KB) Translation Identifier

When we utilized the best of several translations and combined them together into one modified verse then we identified these verses with the translation identifier of (7KB) which represents the 7K-Bible translation. The (7KB) translation identifier is also used to show that this is a completely new translation of the verse (when the alteration consisted of more than just one or two words which were changed for improved clarity).