Globalist Great Reset
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated video:

The hour-long documentary above shows that millions were invested by liberal elites in developing a vaccine that has proven harmful to humans and has in fact destroyed human immunity thus preparing the world population for the next planned pandemic. This should not be surprising because liberals have long displayed their hatred toward humans and have publicly expressed their desire to have them culled. See the link “Liberals Hate Humans” for more details.
This documentary video (with clips seen below) quotes some of the most influential doctors and scientists on earth who have exposed the harm that mRNA vaccines have done to the human body.

At time stamp 30:04 in the documentary video above, Dr. Robert Malone, MD speaks about the numerous deaths and cases of physical harm done to the human body by the mRNA genetic vaccines. The worst detriment however is that these vaccines also destroy the human immunity system. (See video time stamp 30:04 for more details).

A coalition of over 17,000 physicians and scientists have joined together to provide factual scientific proof that these vaccines are harmful to humans. But their voice has largely been banned because those liberals who control global media have forbid this information to be released to the public. (See video time stamp 30:27 for more details).

French Virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier was silenced for speaking out against these vaccines. He warns that they are harmful to the human body because they alter human DNA. (See video time stamp 29:34 for more details).

Dr. Luc Montagnier states that substances have been found in these vaccines called Graphene Oxide, which is a single layer of carbon atoms connected within a matrix that is 200-times stronger than steel and his highly conductive to heat and electricity. It is thin and light for use with nano technology applications. It has been used to build medical devices that can interact with human cells and can even join to the neurons of the human brain. Thus, there is a now a developing technology related to human hacking. (See video time stamp 42:02 for more details).

This technology is said to be able to enable a “man to machine” interface and has thus been referred to as having the ability to hack humans. (See video time stamp 42:11 for more details).

As far-fetched as it may seem, it is already public knowledge that this new technology provides the ability to hack humans. (See video time stamp 48:23 for more details).

Bill Gates spoke of utilizing new vaccines to reduce human population on earth. Normal vaccines however are meant to stop or prevent sickness, which would help the population increase rather than decrease. But Gates invested millions in the COVID-19 vaccine which he admitted does not prevent or cure COVID-19. It does however alter human DNA which could make humanity more susceptible to future engineered viruses aimed at world depopulation. (See video time stamp 45:46 for more details)

Bill Gates made millions by investing in BioNtech which is a company that created the COVID vaccine. This was profitable for the company because this vaccine was forced upon people worldwide. It is interesting that the same Bill Gates who invested in COVID vaccines also stated that they want to use new vaccines to lower human population. Again, if this was a real vaccine it would not be used to lower population but rather increase it. Yes, Bill creates a lot of “fluff” of distraction around this statement by saying that people will have less children if they become healthy from his new vaccines (thus indirectly lowering human world population). But considering that liberals hate humans and want to depopulate the world (as inspired by their lord Satan) then I do not believe any type of smoke screen that a liberal uses to cover up their evil intentions by pretending to care about helping humanity. Again, see the link “Liberals Hate Humans” for more details.

The above data claims that they have administered 13.53 billion doses of this genetic vaccine to over 70.6% of the world population. This leaves only 29.4% of the world population that have not yet had their human DNA altered by this false vaccine, which was administered under false pretenses. These liberal elites never planned to stop a pandemic but rather used this as an excuse to alter human DNA and to destroy their immune system in a plan to work toward future world depopulation. This could also fulfill agenda of globalists attaining complete (God-like) control over the remaining people, through human hacking (virtually reducing humans to obedient robots).
Liberals Hate Humans and Seek World Depopulation
It should be noted that liberals hate humans (just like their lord Satan) and they seek to depopulate the world by any means. This experimental gene therapy vaccine has proven to degrade the human immune system and make people susceptible to the next “engineered” pandemic.
See the link “Liberals Hate Humans” for more details.
These billionaires who attend the Davos Switzerland meetings have openly participated in pagan rituals and witchcraft. See the link “Witchcraft at the Meeting of the Billionaires” for more details.