PVC Plate Tote

Swedish Restaurant Bread and Fruit Bar

Above is our plate used to hold the items found on the bread and fruit bar at the local Swedish restaurant in Wonju, South Korea. This restaurant was started by a Korean man whose wife came from Sweden and he worked as a chief in Sweden before returning to Korea to start his own restaurant business. He serves outstanding food including a food bar with bread and fruit and salad buffet.

Bread and Fruit plate with Salad Bar Items

This is an outstanding food bar at this Swedish restaurant so I created a Plate-Tote for take-out for a picnic or for bringing our favorite food home with us.

Bag used as Plate Tote

I found the bag pictured above for sale online and it turned out to be a good size for making my plate-tote.

Plate Tote for Carry-out Food

I wrapped the plates with stretch plastic wrap and then I placed them in my plate-tote inside of this bag for carry-out food.

Plate-Tote Made of Acrylic Sheet with Wooden Spacers

This plate-tote was made with two pieces of PVC sheet separated with wooden dowels segments so that I could insert on plate within each of the two PVC sheets. Thus, we can carry two plates per person and have a carry-out of four plates total which all fits within our bag.

Stackable Trays Hold Four Plates Within Same Bag

These stackable food trays hold four plates within the same bag for easy carry-out that can be used for a picnic outside or even to enjoy the good food at home.

Plate-Totes and Beverage Bag

The plate-totes fit into the blue carry bag perfectly and we also found a special bag for carrying soup or beverages (as seen on the right).

Beverage Containers

The beverage bag comes with two short and two tall containers. The tall containers work well for OJ or even café mocha. The short containers work well for the Swedish soup for carry-out. Thus, in one beverage bag we can take-out soup and drinks for two people.

Boy Projects for Picnic Carry-Out Bag

Again, the purpose of making this project is for developing the masculine logic and creativity of boys. They can learn to take existing products like a carry bag and adapt it into something that can be used as a food carry-out bag for a picnic or for at home dining. This is a simple project that even young boys can make because they only need some wood from a broom handle for spacers and some PVC sheets for plate holders. They can operate an electric drill to drive in self-drilling screws and they can notch the wood pillars to fit the plate edges for an exact fit. If their mother is pleased with their creations, they will receive a lot of affirmation to help their confidence as developing future innovators. For a boy to become an innovator he has to begin with the simplest projects in order to gain the aptitude needed to understand and comprehend projects of increasing complexity.