PVC Trashcan Extension

Above, we had a hard time to find the right sized commercial trashcan to match with the required recycle bags provided by the Korean government for proper waste disposal. We found one brown-color trash can which had the correct diameter but in fact it was too short.

If the trashcan is too short, then the bag will not be fully “filled-up” and much of the bag will be empty when pulled from the trashcan. So what I did to extend the trashcan height, was to simply take a scrap piece of PVC Sheet and place it inside of the trashcan. This extension provided the needed height so that the 10-liter recycle bag would reach to the bottom of the trashcan but at the same time, we were still able to fill the trash bag fully.
It should be noted that we rinse the egg shells with water before discarding them in this trashcan because any egg-white left in the shells will become spoiled and smelly in just a few hours (if the shells are not rinsed before throwing them away). This is the reason we use a small 10-liter sized trash bag for trash that can become smelly so we can dispose of it more frequently. Emptying more frequently keeps the trashcan smelling “fresher” especially during the warm summer months. We use a large 20-liter volume bag in a larger trash-bin for trash that has no food residues and does not become smelly so can remain longer in the trash-container until we bring it to the waste collection center.

This trashcan above does not have straight sides but is a larger diameter at the top and a smaller diameter at the bottom. Therefore, the PVC sheet plastic is shaped in a bit of a cone-shape to fit the mouth of the trashcan snug. This idea can work for any sized trashcan and this method can be used to extend any trashcan higher with a larger piece of PVC sheet.

In this image seen above, the 10-liter recycle bag has a lot of “fold-over” material which results in leaving much of the bag “empty” when it is removed from the trashcan. This can be corrected by pulling the extension higher so less of the bag is “folded-over” and thus the bag will be filled “fully” and ready to close with the tie-down strips.

The image above shows the extension placed “higher” within the trashcan so this will result in having the trash bag being more “fully-filled” before it is removed and tied shut. These recycle trash bags are purchased and the purchase price covers the labor and expense of disposing the trash. So, we want to fill the bags fully before tying them shut and sending them to the recycle because it is wasting money to tie a partially-filled bag shut to send to the recycle, (when we pay the same for each bag (whether it is full or half-empty).

If the trashcan extension is pulled up higher than the bottom of the trash bag becomes “deeper” so that the trash bag is more “fully-filled” when it is removed and tied shut and sent to the recycle.

The PVC sheet was expanded to fit within the mouth of the trashcan with a bit of a “funnel” shape because the sidewalls of the trashcan are not straight.

This trashcan extension allows for more of the volume of the 10-liter trash-bag to be utilized. It is forced into the mouth of the trashcan tightly so this works better than just placing the PVC sheet in the mouth of this garbage-bin in loose manner.

The increased height results in the increased volume of this trashcan and enables it to be filled more fully.

I used 3.2×8 sized rivets with a drill-bit of the same outside diameter as the rivet. I keep this drill bit used for these rivets in a clear plastic straw segment and labeled it “Rivet-Bit” so that I can keep it together with the rivets so it will not be misplaced. This was the same rivet size that I used to hold this trashcan extension in place and I used the same also for a number of other PVC sheet projects including the “PVC sheet toolboxes” that I have made.
See the link “PVC Sheet Tool Cases” and other projects at the link “Boys Club Projects” for more details.
Again, this trashcan extension may seem “trivial” or just plain “common-sense” to some adults but having “common-sense” is a learned skill. We have to teach our boys from the youngest age about how to “think” about everything that they do. If the boys are taught to employ “common-sense” in everything they do, then they will grow up to be adults who are “problem-solvers” and who will be noted as men who have wisdom.
In fact, I have met some adult males who have no “common-sense” whatsoever and they do the most outlandish things! This is because typically these types of males were raised without a “father-figure” to mentor them or train them in their youth. This is most evident with liberal “beta-males” who were raised by “single-parent-working-mothers” and never had any male instruction whatsoever.
See the link “Male Learning Method” for more details.
These types of effeminate males will grow up to become “sissies” and have no “understanding” or “common-sense” about anything whatsoever. It is especially a great tragedy when such beta-males end up occupying civil offices as adults where masculine “common-sense” and male leadership skills are most necessary. Such defective boys will make decisions that will bring about the ruination of an entire society or even a whole civilization can be brought to complete ruination by their foolish leadership decisions.
See the link “Urbanite Failure” for more details.
It is for this reason that we want to mentor boys from the youngest age to develop their “masculine-logic” so as adults they will grow up to be able to put their personal lives in order and have their family life in order. If they have their personal lives and families in order, then they can qualify qualify for leadership positions to put their society and even their country in order through the future leadership positions they may occupy as adults.
See the link “7K-Boy’s Club” for more details.