Wisdom of Jewish People

The image above shows some Jewish Nobel laureates with the top row of men receiving Nobel prizes in physics and the second row receiving Nobel prizes in chemistry and the third row receiving Nobel prizes in medicine. These represent only a few categories and a few of the Jewish Nobel prize winners that were awarded for their great contributions to humanity. The lists of great Jewish people in all fields is so exhaustive that it cannot all be listed here.
There are many Gentiles who have a great admiration for the Jewish people and recognize that their wisdom comes from the study of the Torah since their youth. An internet search for great Jewish people (once produced*) a long list of Jewish people who have made the greatest advancements for humanity in all areas including innovations, technology, science, physics, chemistry, medicine, education, culture, sports, music, art and anything that has uplifted and improved the quality of life for humans on earth.
*Note that anti-biblical bias and algorithm censorship employed by godless liberals at Google and Utube has greatly reduced any search results about people being wise or great due to a study of God’s word (the Jewish Torah). In the past I found a great deal of material on this subject using a Google search but now not much shows up anymore when doing a Google search related to these matters.
The Jewish endeavor of observing and following God’s laws is what has made them great and this is what causes God-fearing Gentiles to remark that these are surely a wise and understanding people because of God’s laws which give them wisdom. It is the study of the Torah that makes the Jewish people wise.
Deuteronomy 4:5-6 (CJB)
5 (ii) Look, I have taught you laws and rulings, just as Adonai my God ordered me, so that you can behave accordingly in the land where you are going in order to take possession of it.
6 Therefore, observe them; and follow them; for then all peoples will see you as having wisdom and understanding. When they hear of all these laws, they will say, ‘This great nation is surely a wise and understanding people.’
When the Jewish people observe and follow the laws given to them by God through Moses this gives them understanding. It is no wonder that the nation of Israel has the highest per ca-pita of new technology and innovations of any nation on earth! Many of the greatest innovations created in nations outside of Israel can also be attributed to Jewish innovators that reside in dispersion among the nations and the influence that the Jewish Torah has had on the God-fearing Goyim.
Torah Before Science

When a scientist studies creation, he is learning about what God (the Creator) has made and how it operates. The study of God’s creation reveals the wisdom of God and confirms what God has revealed in the Torah to the Jewish people as being true.
It has taken thousands of years for science to catch up with the wisdom that was recorded in the Torah. The USDA health code regulations for example, are established upon scientific precedent for sanitary food preparation and disease prevention. But these sanitary regulations are taken almost exclusively from the Hebrew-Vayiqra (the book of Leviticus). The wisdom of God was revealed in Leviticus thousands of years before a microscope was invented that enabled humans to scientifically confirm what God has said was true.
For example, if a livestock producer in the US has an animal die in transit to the slaughter factory then it is illegal according to USDA heath code regulations for this animal to be butchered and its meat cannot be used for human consumption. The animal must have its heart beating when the throat is cut in order for the blood to be drained from the meat. God gave His law to Moses on Mount Sinai and told him that a strangled animal cannot be eaten because such an animal had not been bled properly and Jewish people were not allowed to eat meat with the blood still in it.
When I worked in a US livestock slaughter factory, I was told that if we accidentally cut ourselves while working and got animal blood on our wound then we would be sent to the nurse’s office to receive many injections for the various diseases that are carried in livestock blood. When God said that humans are not to eat blood and not to eat meat with the blood still in it, He revealed wisdom that was thousands of years ahead of human’s understanding of why this was true.
If God tells humans not to touch something then it is because we lack the capacity to understand why He is saying this. It is like an adult trying to explain to a 3-year old that something is unclean when the child is caught trying to eat something like a dead bug or a dirt clod. All the parent can do is slap his hand and say “dirty” in order to communicate he is not to eat such things. Only when the child matures can he comprehend more advanced concepts of invisible bacteria, pathogens and parasite larva which cannot be seen by the human eye. When God said “Do not touch” it was instructions given thousands of years before mankind had the ability to understand why this was true. Human illness is caused by things that we were unable to see until a microscope was invented. The only way God could deal with people of limited understanding was to say something simple like “Do not touch!” and in fact if they did not touch something unclean then they would not contact the invisible world of pathogens that can make them ill. This is one example of the wisdom of God found in only a few words like “Do not touch!”
See the link “Touch Not Laws” for more details.