Principle Approach

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The header image above depicting a girder-system can be used to illustrate how the principles of God’s word are all interconnected and related to one another. This is similar to the links of a net or the parts that make up a grid-system. The entire overall structure depicts the full counsel of God as found within the entire bible.

The Principle Approach is a way of utilizing the principles found in the word of God for obtaining direction and wisdom for decision making and for rendering wise counsel in the affairs of life.

The principle approach deals with using Torah principles to provide guidance for:

1. Determining the correct course of action to take.

2. Providing wisdom in decision making

3. Rendering wise council pertaining to a specific situation.

Torah principles apply to every gender and race and tribe and nation of humans that have ever lived upon the face of the earth. These principles are timeless and therefore can find specific application to every generation on earth. A principle is “general” in nature therefore it can be adapted to any circumstance of life that may present itself. Those who are trained to see Torah principles will become wise as they will always have the right answer (based upon Torah principles) for any situation that may arise.

These Torah principles were first revealed to Avraham by G-d and were passed down orally from Avraham to Yitzchak and to Yaakov and then to the 12-sons of Israel. After 430-years the sons of Israel multiplied in Goshen of Egypt into a nation of people with over 600,000 Jewish families. This group of people was led out of Egypt by Moshe and brought to Mount Sinai in Arabia. It was at this time that God appeared to Moshe on Mount Sinai and gave Moshe the Torah which was written down in codified form.

This written knowledge recorded within the Jewish Torah is the embodiment of all truth and provides humanity with wisdom to deal wisely in all affairs of life. It covers every conceivable topic including health and sanitation, civil law, safety regulations, plant and animal breeding and financial management.

Example of Torah-Wisdom in Safety Regulations

Deuteronomy 22:8 (CJB)

(iii) “When you build a new house, you must build a low wall around your roof; otherwise someone may fall from it, and you will be responsible for his death.

This Torah-principle speaks of the sanctity of human life and shows that G-d does not want anyone to be injured or killed because of negligence in building an unsafe house. In modern times there have been large volumes of safety regulations written for building codes and for fire-safety regulations and for road construction regulations, and mine safety regulations and for dam building and a multitude of other disciplines. These safety regulations are all based upon the Torah-principle of sanctity of human life and we received these things from the Jewish Torah given to the Jews by Moshe from G-d!

Just a single principle found in Deuteronomy 22:8 (which speaks of having a parapet around a flat roof) serves as the foundation of numerous present-day safety regulations and guidelines which cause people to have a safe and advanced society. The safety regulations of the greatest nations on earth are founded upon the principles of the Jewish Torah.

To understand a Torah-principle is to be able to see the multitude of applications that these principles have to everyday life in this current time.

To be able to think along the lines of Torah-principles will give any people wisdom to deal wisely in the affairs of life. It will make them prosper and be healthy and cause them to have a safe and advanced civilization on earth. The greatest civilizations on earth are those that have a foundation of wisdom based on the Jewish Torah. Everything that is good and clean and sanitary and advanced and civilized comes from the Jews and from the Torah Moshe received from the G-d of Israel!

Proverbs 1:20-33 (CJB)

20 Wisdom calls aloud in the open air and raises her voice in the public places;

21 she calls out at street corners and speaks out at entrances to city gates:

22 “How long, you whose lives have no purpose, will you love thoughtless living? How long will scorners find pleasure in mocking? How long will fools hate knowledge?

23 Repent when I reprove — I will pour out my spirit to you, I will make my words known to you.

24 Because you refused when I called, and no one paid attention when I put out my hand,

25 but instead you neglected my counsel and would not accept my reproof;

26 I, in turn, will laugh at your distress, and mock when terror comes over you —

27 yes, when terror overtakes you like a storm and your disaster approaches like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble assail you.

28 Then they will call me, but I won’t answer; they will seek me earnestly, but they won’t find me.

29 Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of Adonai,

30 they refused my counsel and despised my reproof.

31 So they will bear the consequences of their own way and be overfilled with their own schemes.

32 For the aimless wandering of the thoughtless will kill them, and the smug overconfidence of fools will destroy them;

33 but those who pay attention to me will live securely, untroubled by fear of misfortune.”

Wisdom comes from the Torah and those who reject Torah-wisdom choose to destroy themselves and destroy their own future. Those who do not seek Torah-wisdom are those who engage in thoughtless-living and do not even considering the end result of their aimless lifestyle. But those who follow Torah-wisdom will order their path the right way so that they will experience peace and prosperity and health and advancement in their future.

G-d is the creator of the entire universe and G-d gives wisdom to humans through the Torah so that they can deal wisely in the affairs of life by ordering their steps in line with the set principles of nature which G-d has created. One of these laws of nature is seed-time and harvest. Everything reproduces after its own kind and that applies to plants and animals and even to finances. A specific outcome can be determined for the future simply by following Torah-principles for financial management and for plant and animal breeding and for every area of natural life on earth!

It is therefore the purpose of this website to study Torah-principles and explore the innumerable applications these Torah-principles have upon everyday human life on earth!

To develop the “Principle-Approach” in human thinking is to foster thinking and human logic that flows along the line of Torah-principles. This will cause people to have wisdom in decision making and wisdom in counseling and wisdom in ordering their steps aright according to the divine wisdom of God found only in the Jewish Torah.

Deuteronomy 4:5-6 (CJB)

(ii) Look, I have taught you laws and rulings, just as Adonai my God ordered me, so that you can behave accordingly in the land where you are going in order to take possession of it.

Therefore, observe them; and follow them; for then all peoples will see you as having wisdom and understanding. When they hear of all these laws, they will say, ‘This great nation is surely a wise and understanding people.’

When the Jewish people followed the laws and rulings and Torah principles given to them by G-d through Moshe, they became wise people. They would know how to deal wisely in the affairs of life because they had these Torah-principles to guide them in taking the right course of action and in making good decisions and in giving wise counsel. When the Goyim see that the Jews are wise in dealing with the affairs of life (according to Torah-principles) then they will remark about the Jews and say, “Surely this great nation of Jewish people are a wise and understanding people!” It is the Torah of God given through Moshe which gives wisdom to the Jewish people and this wisdom can be applied by any group of people on earth who will learn the Torah and apply these principles to their everyday life.