Everything Good Comes from the Jews

Everything that is good and clean and sanitary and prosperous and advanced in modern society can all be traced to the Jews. Education and technology and business principles and savings and investments and all that creates a prosperous economy and wealth and peace and order is all from the Jewish Torah which God revealed to Moses and gave to the children of Israel on Mount Sinai in Arabia.
The greatest civilizations on earth in our modern times are those that have a Torah-based foundation both directly and indirectly. Direct Torah-based nations are those which have a direct Jewish influence like the nation of Israel that is governed by Jews and has a large Jewish population. Indirect Torah-based nations are those like the United States who have a large Jewish population and also have a large number of God-fearing Goyim who worship the God of Israel and have the complete Jewish Tanakh translated from the Hebrew which makes up the foundation of their bibles.
Modern day Israel is an example of a direct Torah-based influence because they have the greatest concentration of Jewish people and are also governed by Jews. It is no wonder that Israel has the highest per capita of advanced innovations of any nation on earth.
The United States has a high population of Jewish people (second only to Israel) and the US also has a high number of God-fearing Goyim whose bibles are based upon the Jewish Tanakh. The US has both direct and indirect Torah-influence because the direct influence comes from the Jewish population and the indirect influence comes from the God-fearing Goyim. So, these God-fearing Goyim also exert Jewish influence on society in an indirect manner (even if they are not Jewish themselves) because their culture is still based upon Torah-principles the same as Jewish culture is. The US has a Torah-based society which is the key factor that makes up western civilization and causes westerners to have the greatest prosperity and the highest technology on earth!
Jewish Torah The Source of All Good Things
Everything good comes from the Jews is proven true because both the Jews and the God-fearing Goyim (who both follow the Jewish Tanakh) have Torah-based cultures which have produced the greatest advancements and prosperity on earth. Other nations typically copy or imitate the technology that came from Torah-based nations like Israel and the United States.
Even secular government organizations like NASA will typically have many Jewish scientists and God-fearing Gentile scientists working for their organization. These scientists may not be walking around with a sign on their backs indicating they believe in the God of Israel but nevertheless they pray to God privately and ask God for wisdom in solving technical problems. Typically, these people will come up with many of the cutting-edge solutions to problems that the secular scientists on the team try to take credit for.
Even in a country like Russia where they had a godless atheist communist system for decades, there are still many Jewish people living in Russia and they also exert a godly influence in the nation and account for many of the advancements found in an otherwise godless nation.
China is run by a godless atheist communist party but nevertheless there are many Chinese believers in the country who worship the God of Israel in secret and have access to the Hebrew Tanakh translated into Chinese. Also, much of the technology found in China was copied from western nations whose civilizations were built upon the Torah and who enjoy the godly influence of Jewish citizens and the Torah-based influence carried by the God-fearing Goyim who have the Jewish Tanakh as their biblical foundation. So even China has an indirect influence of the Torah evident in what technology they do have which came largely from Torah-based nations through an indirect manner by their Chinese Goyim reading the Tanakh and also by imitation of western technology which is from a Torah-based society.
Japan also sent their students to Harvard and Yale Universities in America after they were defeated in WWII. But these US Universities were originally founded by God-fearing Goyim who sought to glorify the God of Israel through education and they taught principles found in the Jewish Tanakh. Again, even the technology found in Japan can largely be traced back to indirect influence of western nations that were founded upon Jewish Torah principles and also the imitation of their western technology.
The history of the United States was such that the founding fathers sought to start a new nation based upon Torah-principles so therefore the civil laws of the US are largely based upon the Jewish Torah. Bankruptcy laws are just one example because in the US debtors can only file for bankruptcy once in every seven years. This is based upon the Jewish principle of debt cancellation and the year of Jubilee and the use of a seven-year debt-cancellation time period.
This debt cancellation allows debtors to start over fresh every seven years and get out of bondage to debt. Most of the civil laws of the US are based upon the principles of the Jewish Torah and early US attorneys would commonly keep a copy of the bible on their desk which contains the complete Jewish Tanakh because US laws were largely based upon these Jewish Torah-principles.
This is how the United States came to be the most powerful nation on earth and the most prosperous nation within a short 200-year history. Other nations (some with a national history of over 5,000-years) lagged behind the US with technology and prosperity and freedom because they did not have a moral-foundation of the Jewish Torah upon which to base their civilizations.
In our present time, there are liberal people who have come to coin a term called “white-privilege” as an expression to describe the upward social mobility of Caucasian people. This prosperous group (labeled as having so-called “white-privilege”) is predominantly made up of Jewish and European descent Caucasian people. The false doctrine of social inequality and so-called “white-privilege” is based on flawed logic because it falsely ascribes success and upward social mobility to having white skin. But in fact, these prosperous whites (both Jewish and God-fearing Goyim) where those who developed their culture based upon the principles of the Torah. For example, both the Jewish Tanakh and the Brit Hadashah both say the same thing that a sluggard will come to nothing because of his laziness to work.
The Jewish Tanakh often speaks about the sluggard and how he will have nothing and will go hungry. Thus, this type of poverty is self-inflicted by people who are lazy and refuse to work or make investments.
Proverbs 20:4 (NASB)
4 The sluggard does not plow after the autumn, So he begs during the harvest and has nothing.
A man who does not plow the fields at the end of the year to get ready for the next planting season in spring will go hungry and have nothing. But social justice warriors say that it is unfair that those who are white Torah-based cultures and are prosperous do not share with those who have nothing. But in fact, many of those who do not have anything are sluggards who do not work or plant seed or make investments and therefore they will have nothing in their future and they will go hungry. This type of poverty is self-inflicted simply because these people have a culture that is not based upon the Jewish-Torah. Lazy people gravitate to this type of liberal false-doctrine because it gives them an excuse for their poverty as they can always blame someone else for keeping them down rather than taking responsibility to change their own lives.
The Brit Hadashah (New Testament) is an extension of the Jewish Tanakh and refers to the Tanakh over 560 times. The Brit Hadashah was also written by Jewish authors and says the same things and follows the same principles which were already stated in the Tanakh. For example, the Brit Hadashah speaks of a lazy person who refuses to work who should not be allowed to eat either.
2 Thessalonians 3:10 (NASB)
10 For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
Torah culture is such that those who engage in productive labor create their own food and products and wealth and feed their own families. Only those who were disabled or unable to work were fed by social programs (not healthy people who were too lazy to work – who are sluggards).
The successful Jews and the God-fearing Goyim who are labeled by liberals as those being of “white-privilege” both have one thing in common and that is they both follow the principles from the Hebrew Tanakh. The God-fearing Goyim also have the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) as part of their bibles and it confirms everything already said in the Hebrew Tanakh. Both groups have a culture that is based upon principles of the Torah and both have prospered above all pagan or heathen or atheist nations who do not have a Torah-based culture.
Therefore, this so-called “white-privilege” can be traced to the Jews who followed Torah-principles and prospered and also the first Goyim to adopt Torah principles were generally the Caucasian races of Europe and these same Caucasian races continued to follow the same Torah- based culture after they immigrated to America. Torah principles will make any group of people prosper who follow them and thus these so-called “white-races” (both Jewish and Goyim) rose to the top of all society by the application of these Torah principles.
But God is no respecter of persons and Torah principles are not just reserved only for Caucasian people of European descent. South Korea for example was one of the poorest nations on earth in the early 1960’s when there were numerous homeless people and widespread starvation and misery that occurred after the destruction of their nation by the Korean war. At this time of great misery and poverty in Korea, a man named David Cho began to teach the Korean people principles of success found in the Jewish Tanakh and this caused the Koreans to rise out of poverty. Today he has a congregation of over a million members and it seems he broke a barrier for church membership because the biggest congregations on earth of all denominations are found in South Korea. Their present Korean culture is largely Torah-based and this is why the Koreans admire the Jews greatly and want to imitate them in every way possible. The Torah-based civilization they have built in South Korea has today produced one of the most advanced nations on earth and the South Koreans now enjoy great prosperity as a result.
This is again an indirect influence of the Torah even though the actual population of Jewish people in Korea is small. The South Koreans have indirectly followed the Hebrew Tanakh which was translated into their own language and is included in their Korean bibles.
When South Koreans immigrate to America, they also prosper there and these “white-Asians” are some of the most prosperous people living in America today. It is interesting that these South Koreans can move into black-neighborhoods and start new business enterprises and prosper among African American people who do not typically have a Torah-based culture. The Koreans can prosper anywhere they go because they are following the Torah in an indirect manner even if they are not Jewish. This so-called “white-privilege” has grown to include also the South Koreans who are “white-Asians” and have the same prosperity and advancement in society as the Caucasian races who were the first to follow the Torah-principles for creating prosperity and achieving advancement.
This advancement however is not restricted to people with white skin color because Nigeria (a black nation) now has grown to have the highest GNP* on the continent of Africa. Many millions of Nigerians have come to faith in the God of Israel and when there are millions of Nigerian people reading the Jewish Tanakh translated into their own language, this results in positive change and prosperity that is evident in their nation.
(*GNP=Gross National Product and is a measurement of production and prosperity for a nation.)
God is no respecter of persons and anyone of any race or color who will apply Jewish Torah principles will prosper and advance themselves on earth.
Those of low social mobility are typically people who are Torah-ignorant and break God’s commands and do not follow Torah-principles within their culture and society. Much of the poverty found on earth is self-inflicted simply because people break God’s laws and fail to apply Torah-principles which include principles like savings and investment and hard work.
Also, idolatry is another major factor that brings a great curse and many natural disasters and causes poverty for nations with an idol-worship culture.
See the link “Idolatry – Curse of a Nation” for more details.
Even in the early American West many of the cities were under the leadership of Jewish mayors or other Jewish civic leaders and the Jews provided professional services and merchant services and banking services and trades which resulted in causing early pioneer towns to become civilized.
See the link “Jewish Pioneers” for more details.
Over and over again it can be said of the Jews that they make everything good and prosperous and civilized and sanitary and clean and orderly. This is because they have a bible-based culture which is established upon the principles found in the Torah.