Failure of the Global Centralized System
There are many negative aspects related to the centralized globalist system and one of these is the great amount of pollution this system creates. Products and goods are created in great centralized factories that generate a large amount of pollution. Then the goods are moved from the factories by trucks to the ports causing pollution in transportation. The pollution does not cease when these goods are placed on sea container ships to be moved around the world where they are off-loaded at ports in their destination countries. From here the goods are moved by trucks or by rail (creating more pollution) in route to centralized shopping centers to be purchased by consumers. The consumers travel to these shopping centers by vehicles creating more pollution or else they order goods by companies like Amazon which creates pollution with their delivery vehicles. This centralized system creates pollution from start to finish including huge amounts of packaging waste that goes to the landfills after the products are consumed.
Creating a Non-Centralized System
In a non-centralized system, energy and food and products are created and consumed on location which greatly reduces the amount of pollution created by transportation. Within our non-centralized system only the excess food and products which are offered for sale outside of our system are transported (so the amount of pollution generated is greatly reduced).
Localized Grid System
In our system, the Family Production Units (FPU) are laid out within a grid system having community space and travel space between the units with factory and production and educational spaces situated at the end spaces of these Family Production Units. Each family will have a product they are responsible for producing and these products are traded locally within the grid layout system. By this means all of the needs of everyone within that community are met locally (thus greatly reducing transportation costs and related pollution).
Reduced Dependence on the Global System
Under our system the equipment and machinery and materials are only imported during the construction phase but once the system is operational it will be largely self-sufficient and can produce its own energy and food and products on a continual basis with little outside support. This has great advantage because once the system is built then dependence upon the outside global system is greatly reduced or eliminated entirely.
Political Unrest
But pollution is not the only problem with a centralized global system because any type of political unrest can have great affect upon the economic situation of all nations upon earth. If a war breaks out and sanctions are put in place then the flow of energy and food and products and even the banking system and capital can be disrupted. Under our system each family operates their own production system so they will not be affected by any type of outside disruptions.
Resistance to Plague
A global pandemic can have severe consequences upon all of the nations of the world and can disrupt factories and agricultural production and transportation and all aspects of society including education. But under our system each household operates as a stand-alone unit (similar to a single cell within a honeycomb). Should any plague break out, it will have to spread from one household to the next like jumping the cell-walls of a honeycomb. Thus, we create a system that is engineered from the start to be resistant to the spread of plague. See the link “New Living System in Siberia” for more details.
Plague Resistant Education, Work, and Society
Much of our educational system will be done by computer instruction but this is combined with “hands-on” training. The “practical-training” portion of our educational system is setup so that the students and instructors are health-tested and remain within a secured teaching area during the duration of the practicum course. This enables us to greatly control the spread of plague since work and education and shopping are greatly limited to “mass-crowd” exposure. No other system on earth currently offers this amount of protection to keep our citizens safe but at the same time providing advanced education and safe work environments and localized fellowship between known healthy people.
Secure Crypto Currency
A national currency can be devalued by over-multiplication or by sanctions and by many other factors. Under our system we have our own digital currency which is valued based upon production. We issue units of currency for energy and food and products created within our system, which means the value of the currency is based upon something of actual physical value. This practice keeps the currency from being devalued by currency “over-multiplication” because each unit of our digital currency represents something of actual physical value.