Division of Powers

The founding fathers of the United States were bible believing men who were seeking religious freedom. When they setup their new governmental system, they did so by establishing it upon biblical principles. One of these biblical principles was that humans have a sin nature and this sin nature can be influenced by Satan to cause humans to do that which is evil. Satan therefore seeks to consolidate political power under one evil dictator (whom Satan can control). It is for this reason that the U.S. founding fathers setup a system designed to resist satanic consolidation. See the link “Satanic Consolidation of Power” for more details.

Demonic Control of Humans

2 Corinthians 4:4 (NASB95)
4 in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Satan is referred to as the “god of this world” because when Adam committed high treason in the garden of Eden when he obeyed the devil to sin against God. It was then that Adam sold out his dominion to the devil. This caused the devil to become the god of this world’s system. Satan now controls wicked humans to fulfill his satanic agenda on the earth. See the link “Origin and Operation of Demons” for more details.

Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV)
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Our struggles are not with natural humans made of flesh and blood but rather with the demonic spiritual forces who control evil men upon earth. There demonic forces are organized in ranks with princes controlling those of lesser rank under their command. These demonic principalities exert their evil power over wicked men. These are rulers of darkness have command over hosts (armies) of demonic beings of wickedness. These spiritual entities operate within the atmosphere around the earth.

Revelation 12:3–4 (NKJV)
3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.
4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born.

Satan was once called Lucifer and he was an angelic ruler who was in charge of one-third of the angels in heaven. When Satan was cast out of heaven, the angels under his command fell together with him. These fallen angels became demons and they work within a “spiritual hierarchy” and operate within the various ranks under Satan (who is chief commander over them all).

Satanic Consolidation of Power

It is the plan of Satan to consolidate humans under his evil control and he accomplishes this goal by consolidating power under wicked men who can control all those who fall under their jurisdiction. In this manner, Satan only has to control one evil man on the top of the power structure (such as a man like Adolph Hitler) and then the entire power structure under the command of one evil dictator can be entirely controlled by Satan.

John 10:10 (NASB95)
10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

Satan steals and kills and destroys via the wicked men that he can influence on earth. Adolph Hitler (for example) started wars that destroyed nations and killed millions of people and caused great human suffering and poverty and misery upon the earth. Hitler even setup huge death camps to cull Jewish people on an industrial scale. Satan did this because Satan hates the Jews since they are the people responsible for bringing the Savior into the world and the devil seeks revenge upon them. All Jewish hatred found on earth is inspired by Satan who inspires wicked men to fulfill his evil agenda upon the earth to kill and steal and destroy. There are evil dictators in many countries who use their military and police to surveil and control and oppress and even imprison and kill those who love God. All of this evil is accomplished by Satan who controls one evil man on top of an authority structure, who then exerts his authority over all of those under his command.

Satan Seeks to Consolidate Power Over the Whole Earth

Dictators like Adolph Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many others throughout world history have sought to gain world dominion so that they could control all of the humans on earth. In the future, Satan will be able to consolidate political power to form a one-world government and then everyone on earth will be forced to worship the dictator on top (who will be controlled by Satan himself). Those under this demonic ruler will suffer great misery and oppression and will be denied food and have their finances frozen if they do not worship the one-world leader (who is controlled by Satan). This, type of thing is evident in past world history as Satan is constantly seeking to consolidate all power under one dictator that Satan himself can control.

Example of Babel – When Humans Consolidated Under Satanic Control

A good example of this is found in the account of the tower of Babel where Satan attempted to consolidate all power over humans within a hierarchy of power. Satan can gain control over all humans by utilizing a military-type structure of command with a dictator on top with various ranks and rulers over each of the divisions under them.

Genesis 11:1–4 (NASB95)
1 Now the whole earth used the same language and the same words.
2 It came about as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there.
3 They said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly.” And they used brick for stone, and they used tar for mortar.
4 They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”

At this time in human history all the earth had one language and one speech. Satan was able to easily consolidate the people under a hierarchal-type of system so that Satan could control the man on the top and then control the entire human race that existed on earth at this time. These evil men were inspired by Satan to build a tower which would reach into heaven. This tower was made of man-made bricks and represents all of the multitude of “man-made” religions that all falsely claim to offer eternal life to their adherents. Satan is the one who inspires evil men to create all of these false religions which are designed to distract and occupy men in false religion to send them to hell. Thus adherents to false religion are kept from finding the salvation that is available only through the Jewish Messiah (who is Yeshua or Jesus the Lord).

Genesis 11:5–9 (NASB95)
5 The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
6 The LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.
7 “Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”
8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city.
9 Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth.

In order to break-up this satanic consolidation of power, God confused the languages of the people so that they could not understand each other anymore. This caused them to divide into various language groups and this resulted in them being dispersed over the earth.

Genesis 10:25 (NASB95)
25 Two sons were born to Eber; the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

In the days of Peleg, the earth was divided into its various continents and islands and separated land masses. See the link “Division of the Continents” for more details.

This again was done in God’s wisdom to further separate the various people groups and nations and increase their separation so as to resist “Satanic Consolidation.” This is a way to resist the plan of Satan who seeks to unify all humans under one global world government. Such a “consolidated” system will be controlled by an evil dictator who himself is ruled by Satan. Thus, disrupting and separating humans by both “language” and “separated land-masses” serves to resist satanic consolidation.

Organizing a Nation to Resist Satanic Consolidation

Again, it should be noted that the founding fathers of the United States were bible-believing men who came to the new world for the purpose of creating a new civilization that was based upon the word of God-the bible. Even the health code regulations founded by the USDA are derived from the book of Leviticus which gives principles of sanitation. Bankruptcy laws in the United States were founded on the principle of the year of Jubilee and debt cancellation once every seven-years (as found in the book of Leviticus). U.S. bankruptcy laws permit people to cancel their debts once every seven years by filing for bankruptcy. Therefore, almost all of the laws and constitution of the United States were originally established upon biblical precedent.

Division of Powers of the U.S. Government

The founding fathers of the United States also created a “division of powers” by setting up three branches of government called the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The purpose of these divisions was based upon the biblical principle that humans have a sin nature and this sin nature can be controlled by Satan who seeks to consolidate all power under one dictator (which Satan himself can control). When the founding fathers set up their system of governance, they did so with a system of checks and balances hoping to resist the takeover by evil men who want to control everything under the inspiration of their lord Satan.

Even Adolph Hitler had to go through a process of consolidating power before he could gain control over the entire nation of Germany and before he began to seek to conquer the whole world during WWII. It is for this reason that a division of powers was setup in the U.S. to resist such satanic consolidation. This was created to hinder evil men from seizing control and enacting the agenda of Satan to kill and steal and destroy and bring death and poverty and destruction and oppression to the earth by war.

Satanic Cartels of Power

Unfortunately, wicked men (who are inspired by the evil genius Satan) do not stop seeking to consolidate power just because some divisions of power were setup to resist their efforts. For example, in November 1910, a group of influential U.S. bankers met on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia U.S.A. for a top secret meeting that was not exposed until 1930 (as having had even taken place). It was kept secret because they did not want people to discover their evil plans and resist them. The purpose of this meeting was to consolidate all U.S. banking under a “centralized” banking system. This placed the finances of the entire nation under the control of a small group of banking cartel members. This system has great authority over all those politicians operating within the U.S. Government because they control the finances. See the link “Meeting at Jekyll Island” for more details.

When evil men consolidate control over finances, then they can dictate what politicians in government can do. There have been many documentaries produced about how this banking cartel can control the U.S. government by controlling the creation of money. The point I want to make here is that again, this is another example of satanic consolidation. This was the work of the evil genius Satan who once again consolidated power under evil men (which he controls) to fulfill his evil plans on earth.

Even though the U.S. founding fathers set up a trifold-division of government powers, yet this separation was still thwarted by evil men forming a “centralized” banking cartel which operates under the inspiration of the evil genius Satan. When a country falls under the control of evil men, then that nation will fall from its former glory and become diminished.

The key term here is “centralized” because once something comes under centralized control then it can be manipulated by Satan controlling one evil man on top of that power structure. This can be seen in communist ruled countries such as those formerly controlled by evil men like Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Mussolini, and many others in past history. The key to freedom is that people should be free from excessive control and the government should only serve to provide general oversight to keep things orderly without dictating everything that is done within a nation. If people are given freedom to prosper (in unhindered manner), then the entire nation will prosper as well. See the link “People are Essential” for more details.

The strong leadership of the third president of South Korea [Park, Chung Hee] is a good example of how a government can work to help the people to prosper. The Korean citizens increased their income tenfold under the leadership of President Park, Chung Hee and the economic foundation he laid in Korea caused the nation to continue to prosper long after his tenor of service was completed. See the link “Strong Leader Verses Dictator” for more details.

King Hezekiah Caused Blessings of God Upon His Nation

2 Chronicles 31:20–21 (NASB95)
20 Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah; and he did what was good, right and true before the LORD his God.
21 Every work which he began in the service of the house of God in law and in commandment, seeking his God, he did with all his heart and prospered.

King Hezekiah ordered his nation according to the principles of the Jewish Torah (biblical Old Testament) which is God’s word given to Moses. This caused the blessings of God to come upon the nation and Hezekiah prospered in everything that he did (bringing God’s blessing was upon himself and his nation).

2 Chronicles 33:1–2 (NASB95)
1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.
2 He did evil in the sight of the LORD according to the abominations of the nations whom the LORD dispossessed before the sons of Israel.

But after the godly King Hezekiah passed away, then his throne was taken over by his son Manasseh who reversed every policy instituted by his late father and set about to break every command of God. Manasseh did evil in God’s sight in every way imaginable and thus brought a curse to the entire nation. This is an example of what happens if a man does not mentor his son and teach him the fear of the Lord. Manasseh was vile and evil and was controlled by Satan and he caused utter destruction to come upon the nation of Israel. This destruction was a result of God’s judgment for his sin and for breaking all God’s commands.

Any nation can be prospered by God if they keep God’s commandments but the same nation can also fall and become destroyed if they forsake the commandments of God (as what happened under the reign of evil Manasseh). The United States also rose to become the chief of the nations by following Judeo/Christian culture. In just a short 200-year history the U.S. rose to eminence under the blessing of God while nations with a pagan cultures (even those with over a 5,000-year history) have languished in poverty during their entire existence. This is because the U.S. was established originally with everything based upon biblical principles. But over time Satan began working his system of consolidation of power (under the influence of wicked men) and so the United States is now on the decrease in proportion to the degree they are abandoning the things of God.

Setting Up a New System Based on Increased Division of Powers

This biblical principle of “Division of Powers” has application to building a new civilization based upon the word of God. Just as the founding fathers of the United States established their new nation based upon the principles of God’s word, so we can do the same. In fact, we should consider these principles in all that we do because basing our society upon God’s word will bring the blessing and prosperity of God on everything that we do.

In our case, the “division of powers” should also include finances otherwise evil banking cartels will form and bring ruination to our entire system. God divided the people by languages and then divided them further by the division of landmass and islands. The more division and separation (the better) so as to resist satanic consolidation of evil men.

New Banking System Divided Among Family-Unit Servers

With this in mind, under our system we want to have the finances separated by family unit. The family unit is the building block of all society because society is comprised of families. Under our system each family will host a NAS server at home and on this NAS system they will keep their electronic currency. See the link “Synology NAS” for more details.

Our computer engineers and crypto currency people will come up with a way that all of the finances are kept upon the servers hosted within the homes of our individual family units. The association also can be run by two or three different private companies to see who can give the best banking services to their clients.

Individual families can then invest their capital into various enterprises offered by these associations. For example, building more FPU systems will create more food and energy in correlation to every system that comes online. Once these systems are online, then they have the potential to pay for themselves with the production of energy and food and products and services they create. When each family has their own FPU paid for then they can begin investing in building another system. Members can pool their resources to complete certain projects and the income generated by these projects will be paid back to the investors. Then the cycle can be repeated as we constantly expand based on the income that our systems produce.

The idea here is that we will not have a centralized system which can be taken over by evil men. Instead, the finances are held on the NAS systems of our individual families. They can invest their funds into any of the projects offered to them for investment. They will make profits when these projects are completed and operational and start generating revenue for the investors. The more they receive as income, the more they can invest and the cycle repeats itself and is constantly expanding.

We can also have various sectors created for different nationalities and language groups but they can all work together by investing in projects for the benefit of their own groups. Thus, we can incorporate the principle of “Division of Powers” in all that we do and avoid the satanic consolidation of power as much as possible.

Also, we want to have an intense “boy-training program” to prepare future leaders to teach them how to fear God and keep God’s commands. This will greatly reduce the chances that the following generation will forsake God in the way that the evil son of Hezekiah (Manasseh) did. In this manner, we will not lose everything we have built when the judgment of God falls upon the next generation for breaking his commandments. See the link “7K-Boys Club” for more details.