Developing Remote Regions

The header image above depicts the “Badlands” in South Dakota where the soil conditions are so bad that even weeds and thorns find it difficult to grow there. Almost nothing grows in this type of soil but nevertheless our technology could produce food even in this barren place because your system does not depend on surface soil conditions.
Population Density

The population map above shows where human population is concentrated on earth and it also shows where there are sparsely inhabited regions. Each blue dot represents 100,000 people showing the regions that are shaded blue and “thick” with dots are heavily populated.
The regions that appear mostly “white” are regions that are sparsely populated and almost void of human habitation. It is in these sparsely populated regions of the earth where we want to build our civilizations and create a new living system that utilizes technology to generate energy and grow food and create products needed to sustain human life within any environment on earth.
Seismic Hazard

Above is a Global Seismic Hazard map showing the highest incidence of earthquake activity as colored in red while the regions of white color have a low incidence of earthquake activity. It is interesting that many of the areas of sparsely populated regions are the same regions of low earthquake incidence. This is another advantage of building within these sparsely populated regions which have a reduced risk of natural disasters such as earthquakes.
See also the video link “Tunnels are Safe in Earthquakes” showing why we are creating our own underground “disaster-resistant” system.
Disaster Resistant Living System
Our subsurface living system is resistant to just about any type of manmade or natural disaster that could be imagined. It can produce energy and food and products needed to sustain human life within any type of environment (all-year-round). This is perfect for survival situations should hard times come to the earth.
New Living System Built Within Remote Regions of Siberia
We also are developing our plans to build a new living system within the remote regions of Russia. See the link “Building a Siberian Refuge System” for more details.