Innovation for Food Production

The population of the earth cannot be sustained if liberals are able to ban fuel and fertilizer. One gallon of diesel fuel for example is worth 500-hours of human labor. Machines operating on diesel and can produce and deliver huge quantities of affordable food to feed the whole world. Fertilizer is derived from fossil fuel and allows farmers to double their crop production. When liberals influenced Sir Lanka to ban fertilizer, then their food production dropped by over 50% and forced their nation into a manmade famine. Prior to following liberal directives, this nation had previously been a large exporter of food and had experienced a “super-abundance” of food. See the video link “The Green’s New Target” for more details.

Today hybrid crops (together with modern fertilizers) allow farmers to produce more food than ever before possible in human history. This means that modern farmers could feed the entire world with more than enough food regardless of population increase. See the link “People are Essential” for more details.

Below are some excerpts from my teaching lesson called “Mix Not Laws” found under our [Jewish Topics Section] which speak of the development of plant and animal hybrids that can greatly multiply food production. This technology has the potential to feed the whole world (with an unlimited number of people) regardless of population growth.

Again, see the link “Mix Not Laws” for more details.

Excerpt from “Mix Not Laws” Lesson

When my father was young, he said that the best yield of corn that they were able to obtain was about 75-bushels per acre on their farm (in Nebraska USA). But after the development of hybrid seed corn, my father was later able to obtain 200-bushel per acre on the same soil. This huge increase comes from using hybrid seed which was developed by selective breeding to be drought and disease resistant and to have ears of corn with large kernels and more ears per plant. As tremendous as 200-bushel per acre corn seems now, there have already been farmers in the US breaking new records with over 400-bushel per acre corn. Francis Childs (an Iowa farmer) first broke the 400-bushel per acre yield in 2001 when he produced 405-bushels per acre. He then produced 442-bushel per acre in 2002. But that was not the end of record-breaking yields.

A man in Charles City Virginia USA obtained 454-bushels per acre in 2013.

See the link “454-Bushels Per Acre” for more details.

Randy Dowdy of Valdosta, Georgia USA produced a new world record corn yield of 503-bushels per acres in 2014.

See the link “503-Bushels Per Acre” for more details.

Excess Corn Piled Outside

Above is an image of a massive pile of grain heaped on the ground because they had no storage space for it all. So much grain is produced in the US by hybrids that during harvest time it is often piled like mountains outside on the ground until transportation can be arranged to move it all! Hybrid corn yields have gone from 75-bushels per acre to over 500-bushels per acre in just one generation. Great abundance of food can be produced because of hybrids created by selective breeding.

The ear of corn in this image above is a foot long and has 54-kernels of corn per row. It was developed by a plant breeder experimenting with how long he can get an ear of corn to grow through selective breeding. A link referring to this hybrid is at:

See the link “Super Long Ears” for more details.

The pitiful looking ear of corn pictured above is typical of something that might be produced by volunteer corn plants or something that grows wild of its own accord. If the bad genetics of corn like this were to cross pollinate with hybrid corn, then it would render the hybrid useless just as this miserable looking ear of corn appears in this image. I have seen corn like this grown by people under primitive conditions overseas who have no knowledge of hybrid plants. This is feral corn and is an example of what develops when plants are allowed to randomly cross-pollinate in the wild without human supervision or intervention.

See the link “Random Pollination” for more details.

Deuteronomy 22:9 (NASB95)
9 “You shall not sow your vineyard with two kinds of seed, or all the produce of the seed which you have sown and the increase of the vineyard will become defiled.

Note: The key principle found within these Jewish laws about cross pollination and plant breeding is that farmers are not to allow plants to randomly cross-pollinate. They are to exercise their dominion given to them by God and thus humans can engineer the outcome they desire because they are created by God to be innovators and “creators” just as God is also a Creator.

Plant genetics and hybrids are the key factors in setting new records in crop production. It is possible that with the advancements in plant genetics and the development of hybrid plants mankind might again attain to the level of increase that was once seen in the time of Joshua when super-hybrids were found!

Another development that revolutionized farming in America was the development of Round-up Ready crops. When I was young, we had to walk soybeans and manually chop out all of the weeds and volunteer corn that had sprouted in the fields. The rows of soybeans were nearly a mile long (one way) and we would have to chop our way down and then chop our way back again. This type of manual labor greatly increases the cost of food production. But after hybrid soybeans were developed with a gene that was resistant to Roundup herbicide then we could apply Roundup to the field one time and it would remove every plant that was not a soybean! It would eliminate both grassy and broad-leaf type of weeds as well as volunteer corn that resulted from the previous year’s crop rotation. This was like a miracle because it left nothing but clean soybeans in the field! One man could produce thousands of bushels of beans every year without any additional hired labor and the production costs were slashed drastically because of it!

Other countries can now import US soybeans for a much lower price than what they can produce their own beans for themselves. The cost of manually produced beans is hugely more expensive in every nation compared to the beans produced by using these hybrids. The flavor and protein content of the US hybrid beans are also greatly improved over local varieties grown abroad and there are no ill-effects for human consumption (as ignorant liberal hippie protesters often imagine). Instead, this hybrid technology could feed the world and lower the cost of food drastically! At the same time the amount of chemicals used on the fields is greatly reduced (being a tiny fraction of what was previously used before the days of Round-Up ready crops).

There have been many other crop hybrids that have been developed that are also Round-up Ready. Food production and quality have increased greatly with many varieties of crops and the production costs have been reduced substantially.

Hybrid Plants in the time of Joshua

Isaiah 7:23 (7KB)
23 And it will come about in that day, that every place where there used to be a thousand vines, valued at a thousand shekels of silver (each), will become briars and thorns.

Having a land produce a thousand vines worth a thousand shekels of silver (11.5 KG) each speaks of hybrids that produce so much that they are worth 11.5 KG of silver for one hybrid plant and a thousand vines speak of the abundance of vines growing within a single vineyard.

Numbers 13:23–24 (NASB95)
23 Then they came to the valley of Eshcol and from there cut down a branch with a single cluster of grapes; and they carried it on a pole between two men, with some of the pomegranates and the figs.
24 That place was called the valley of Eshcol, because of the cluster which the sons of Israel cut down from there.

A single cluster of grapes from a single grape vine was so large that it required two men to carry it on a horizontal-pole resting upon their shoulders! Possibly the grapes were as big as oranges or grapefruits? But whatever the size of grapes produced; it was obvious if one cluster of grapes was so large that it would not be surprising that a single grape vine would be worth 11.5 KG of silver. Such a hybrid vines could produce many times more than the value of the 11.5 KG silver cost for a single hybrid cutting.

Land and Plants Valued Based Upon Production

The cost of irrigated farmland in America has skyrocketed greatly because farming has now become profitable with reduced costs and higher yields. This is the same scenario found in Israel during the time of Isaiah when he described a vineyard with a thousand hybrid vines with each vine being worth 25 pounds of silver (11.5 kilos of silver) each! The more a hybrid produces the more valuable it is! US farmers can produce many times more food per acre on irrigated farmland than what was produced just fifty years ago. This is why irrigated farmland is now selling for a premium in America. The high value of irrigated farmland is related to the high production of food on this land. This production is directly related to the use of advanced hybrid seed! This is an example of mankind using their God-given dominion to produce hybrids by selective breeding and plant genetic engineering!

The earth was created by God with great “fullness” meaning that the earth has the potential to produce unlimited amounts of food to feed the people. Just in one generation we can produce many times more than what was previously grown on the same amount of land. Therefore, people are a great asset because they are “producers” and they are “creators” just like God.

Technology for Energy and Food and Oxygen

Humans are created in the image of God the Creator so therefore humans have the same capacity to create and innovate. Currently there is technology to produce food underground in any climate on earth.

See the link “Automated Living System” for more details.

We have the technology to generate energy to grow plants underground using an aquaponics system. LED plant growth lights are energized by the same system.

See the link “Aquaponics Energy” for more details.

We have the technology to produce hydroelectric energy using flowing water. All we need to do is be able to lift water to a higher elevation and then gravity will work to cause the water to flow down to plant growth tunnels and to generate energy every time the water drops to a lower elevation.

See the link “Water Lift System” for more details.

Under our system we can create energy and grow food and produce oxygen all-year-round within a protected underground environment. This will enable us to grow food in any location on earth (such as the vast deserts of earth) or even within the vast frozen regions of Siberia in Russia.

This system is not susceptible to droughts and plant disease and hail and frost and insect plagues in the same manner that crops grown on the surface are vulnerable to many factors that can cause their demise.

See the link “Building a Siberian Refuge System” for more details.