War-Mongering Liberal Politicians
If people foolishly listen to everything that liberals say then they might believe that Russia is evil and Putin is the great “Satan” of these times. But nothing could be farther from the truth! In fact, the reason that liberals hate Putin so much is that Putin is bringing his country back to God again. He bans sodomite indoctrination of the children in the Russian school systems and even bans sodomite “gay-pride” parades where homosexuals flaunt their perversion in public. Putin also bans the perversion of sex-change surgeries preformed on children. This anti-sodomite legislation infuriates the liberals who want to promote their pro-sodomite agenda worldwide and Putin is standing in their way. This is the reason they attack him so vehemently.
Liberals Placed Biolabs on the Russian Border
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the association stored video.

US biolabs in Ukraine
In this video above Victoria Nuland (who was Joe Biden’s undersecretary of State) speaks of placing Biolabs in Ukraine. This same person also engineered a coup in Ukraine in 2014 to change the leadership in Ukraine into a pro-NATO regime. [This is the same Victoria Nuland who was also involved in bringing about the war in Iraq]. She is therefore among those liberals who could be labeled as “war-mongers” – those who create wars for profits.
See the related link “Young Men Sacrificed for War” for more details.
This video above shows that under the Biden administration the liberals placed biolabs near the border of Russia. These biolabs are of the same type as the “western funded” biolabs that engineered the corona-virus from bat-viruses in the Wuhan lab in China (to make the virus more lethal to humans). Again this should not be surprising since liberals hate humans and seek to depopulate the earth by any means possible.
See the link “Liberals Hate Humans” for more details.
If the invasion of Ukraine by Russia was related to this threat of “biolabs” then Putin could not be deemed as evil as the liberals try to paint him out to be. Engineered pathogens could potentially kill millions of Russian citizens and stopping this threat would be a reasonable act of national self-defense. It is therefore the western liberals who are much more evil than Putin (whom they try to paint as the great villain).
See the link “Who Putin is Not” for more details.
After the collapse of the godless Soviet Union in the 1990’s, the purpose of NATO no longer existed. But the liberals in Europe kept the “Russian-Hatred” going and continued to sanction Russia and sought to keep Russia largely excluded from much of the western-controlled world economy in many ways. But the real reason that these liberals want to punish Russia and Putin is that this country has turned back to God again and this is what infuriates the godless liberals who want to punish Putin and sanction his newly revived Christian nation.
See the link “Civil Leaders-Dealing with Tough Situations” for more details.
Causes for the War in Ukraine
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated stored video link.

Here Cyrus Janssen interviews Scott Ritter who was a former UN Weapons Inspector and a U.S Marine Military Intelligence officer. It seems that Scott has a perspective about the Ukraine war that is much different than what is being promoted by western liberal media and U.S politicians who were continually spewing out their endless talking points about coming Ukrainian victory (examples given in this video).
The liberal narrative that Ukraine was “winning” was totally false and only meant to bolster billions more in military aid being sent toward a lost cause.
Dumping Military Equipment Without Training
Below is a video of a U.S.-made howitzer 777 that is reportedly being used in Ukraine. It is obvious that this expensive equipment was just dumped in Ukraine because this video shows that those who fired it have received no training whatsoever in its operation.
Clicking on the image below will open the associated stored video:

This shows that “war-mongering” liberal politicians under Joe Biden only wanted to enrich themselves by keeping an endless war going without any effort being made to win such a war. This is reflected in their actions of just “dumping” equipment in Ukraine without providing any training how to operate it.
Such “war-mongering” politicians typically enrich themselves by starting wars and getting huge “kickbacks” from defense contractors for keeping these lucrative wars going (at the great expense of lives of both Russians and Ukrainians). Russia did not want Ukraine to join NATO (an organization formed specifically against Russia). This war could have been stopped if Ukraine only remained neutral but this war was pushed forward for other reasons.
The Ukrainian military has been totally devastated and the Ukrainians even sent untrained people to the front lines who were unable to even operate the western military equipment given to them. It was largely just a “human sacrifice” made for mere money and political power with the vain hope of the liberals to cause Putin (a civil leader who supports conservative Christian culture) to be dethroned and removed from office. But this evil plan failed and Russia remains stronger than ever today. But the real loss is in the destruction of the lives of Russian and Ukrainian young men and also the destruction infrastructure of Ukraine (making into a war-torn wasteland).
The plan of liberals trying to remove Putin from office has backfired on them and Ukraine itself was the real loser of this war that should never happened. The real “war-criminals” (who will never be touched) are the liberal politicians within the U.S. government (Biden’s handlers) who were involved in starting and promoting this needless war and those leaders in Ukraine who also profited from the billions of U.S. dollars sent for prolonging this vain war against Russia.
Again, the point of sharing this video (about the Ukraine war) is to provide some more documented evidence that Putin is not as bad as liberals say. It is these “Putin-accusing” liberals who are the real warmongers and who are the ones that thwarted all efforts to stop this war (by having Ukraine remain neutral).
Below are some links that show that Russian has fully turned back to Christianity again, after the fall of the godless Soviet Union which occurred back in 1992. It is for this reason that liberals hate Putin so much because he resists their plan to change the world into a godless state and resists their evil agenda to destroy Judeo/Christian culture worldwide.
Russia Returned to Christianity
Putin Warns Wokeness is Destroying the West
Russian Government Promotes Conservative Values
Putin: Christianity is the Foundation of the Russian State
Putin: We Need to Revive our Christian Roots – Not Communist Ones
Putin Slams Monstrous West for Teaching Children they can change Genders