Three Ingredient Bread

Three Ingredient Bread

The three main ingredients for the bread pictured above is only flour, salt, and butter. The butter can be replaced with any cooking oil (such as olive oil) etc.

Ditch Cooking Recipe

I call this “Ditch-Cooking” because it is something extremely simple and easy to make using a cast-iron flat skillet [on an induction stove, a gas-range or even over a wood fire outside].

Cast Iron Griddle for Induction

The cast iron griddle seen above is made for use on an induction range but could also be used on a gas range or hot pad or even outside over a wood fire.

Round Induction Base

The round flat base under this cast iron griddle fits the induction range top over a single “burner” spot as seen in the circles in the above image.

31 cm Square Flat Surface

The flat-surface is slightly concave making it more versatile so other foods with more liquid can also be cooked. But the concave is still shallow (without pan sides) making it ideal for making Indian-type of flat bread.

Coated Cast Iron

This square cast iron griddle also includes a proprietary coating making it non-stick but it still retains all of the best properties of cast iron also.

Carry Bag Included

This coated cast iron Korean griddle also comes with a carry-bag included with the purchase. This is ideal because it works great at home with an induction stove or gas range but, if necessary, it can easily be carried outside and be used over firewood.

Wood Handles for Using Hot

This pan comes with wooden handle covers making it ideal to move (even when hot). Again, for more information on how to purchase this coated cast iron Korean made griddle see the Gmarket link “Gmarket Coated Cast Iron Griddle” for more details.

Fits Flat Bread Perfectly

This square semi-flat griddle surface has perfect surface area to bake flat-bread as pictured above. The heat transfers through the round-base underneath and causes the whole coated cast iron griddle surface to heat evenly.

Flat-Bread Roughly 20 cm in Diameter

The flat-bread is intended to be loaded with various types of fillings (according to taste and availability) then rolled up (like a cigar) with the ingredients rolled inside. It is roughly about 20 cm in diameter.

Vegetable Toppings

We had some Korean toppings commonly associated with making Korean dishes like Kimpop. We added lettuce and sauce and pickles and tomatoes and meat topping with sautéed onions and stringy mushrooms. Again, this flat-bread can be topped with anything available or any type of meat or vegetable topping.

Bread Roll with Filling Inside

This bread-roll and filling inside was really satisfying and easy to make. The best part is that it is so versatile that any type of topping can be added inside according to availability and taste. Even chicken and tomato taco salad type of mix would be great or ground beef and onion with sour cream as often found in Mexican dishes or with yoghurt as found in many Indian dishes (which would also be great).

Three Ingredient Flat Bread

Nothing could be easier to make because this recipe uses only flour, salt, and butter [or cooking oil] (with some water to create the dough).

Simple Recipe

Above I placed a recipe card in my “plexiglass” card holder on the ingredient tray I made. See the link “PVC Ingredient Tray” for more details.

Simple Ingredients

The ingredients listed on my recipe card show [one teaspoon salt -5 grams] [Four cups of Flour – 480 grams] [300 ml of warm water]. The butter however was incorrectly listed at 160 grams which was way too much. In fact, only a small amount of oil or butter (about what a small medicine bottle would hold is more accurate). The butter or oil is only used to coat one side of the bread so not much is needed but just enough to coat four pieces of this 20 cm diameter bread (only on one side).

Note: When I went to find the ingredients at home, I discovered I had only 391 grams of flour remaining and nothing more in the house. I calculated that this was 81% of the needed 480 grams of flour. Therefore, I simply calculated the remaining ingredients like water and salt to be 81% of the listed amount to match up with the reduce 81% flour portion I had to start with. This is why I have pencil numbers recorded on the recipe card above because I had to recalculate all of the ingredients to match my available flour. This type of calculation is handy so that someone can make use of whatever they have available and then reduce other ingredients accordingly so they will not mess up ingredient proportions of the recipe.

Useful Pill Bottle

The link above sows that a pill bottle can be used to hold 22 Long Rifle ammunition in a survival situation. Many of these tiny rim-fire cartridges can be held in a single medicine (or pill bottle). Another use for these bottles would be to hold some cooking oil. This is about how much cooking oil (by volume) that is actually needed to coat one side of the flat-bread recipe. This is handy because someone can easily bring a small amount of cooking oil with them and make this flat bread over a wood-fire outdoors.

Utube Recipe Link

The original “Three Ingredient Recipe” (with Flour and Water and Salt) was found at the Utube link above. This recipe received over 19-million views at the time of this post.

Enfes Yemek Tarifleri Food Channel

The food channel of Enfes Yemek Tarifleri can be seen at the link above. She has numerous great recipes that contain simple ingredients and are useful for this program of making so-called “Ditch-Cooking Recipes” which are something simplified that can be made under most situations (even with limited availability of ingredients).

Note, what I made does not compare in appearance (or probably also taste) of the original creator of this recipe but the final product was still tasty and useful and simple to make. I however would prepare the filling items in advance then serve this flat-bread hot off the griddle because it tastes so good when still hot but then becomes stiff after it cools off.

Filling Ingredients

The topping items pictured above include fresh lettuce, minced tomato, sauteed stringy mushrooms and onions, pickles, meat strips, pickled radish (yellow strips) and some salad dressing. These were items I happened to find at home when I made this flatbread recipe. If I would have prepared these toppings in advance, then I could have filled the flat-bread and rolled it up and eaten it as soon as the bread came hot off the griddle. My wife tasted the bread when it was still fresh and hot and commented that it was so delicious! Of course, it looks nothing like the bread made by the Utube chief Enfes Yemek Tarifleri, but was still really good anyway.

Recipe Directions

I added water and salt to the mixing bowl and blended in half of the flour. After this was well mixed then I added the remaining flour and kneaded it to form a dough. I then covered for ten-minutes to let the ball of dough rest. I then cut up the dough into portions. I flattened these dough balls into flat pancake shapes while keeping the other dough balls covered to keep them from drying out.

Plexiglass Kneading Surface

I cut some acrylic sheet plastic and attached some split wooden handles on the edges and used this for kneading my dough and to keep my kitchen table clean. See the link “PVC Sheet Dough Board” for more details.

Acrylic Dough Cutter Blade

I also created a Dough cutter blade by cutting out a square from the PVC plastic sheet and attaching a spilt wood handle on top. I used this to cut up my dough in portions.

Dough Placed on PVC sheet Dough Board

I used the last bit of flour I had left to dust the dough board to keep the dough from sticking while I kneaded it.

Cutting Dough into Portions

I used my PVC sheet dough cutter to divide the dough into equal portions.

Coat One side with Butter

I melted some butter (but olive oil) or other cooking oil would also work. I painted only one side of the flattened dough with this butter. It does not take much so probably I could do it with only the volume of what a common “pill bottle” would hold. I would never need to use 160 grams of melted butter as this original recipe called for. When one-side of the flattened dough is coated in oil or butter then it creates the pastry-type layering of the finished bread (that is really good)!

Swirled Dough Balls

After one side of the flattened dough is coated in oil then it is rolled up like a cigar. Then these rolls are joined together in a swirl and covered to keep from drying out during the process of rolling out this dough. This type of oil-coating the rolling and swirling then flattening again creates the desired “layering” effect as is found in nice pastries.

Rolling out the Swirled Dough Balls

I ran out of wheat flour so I used some Almond Flour to dust the work surface to keep the dough from sticking. Then I rolled out the swirled dough balls as seen above (being careful to keep the remaining swirled dough balls covered so they do not dry out. I did not have my rolling-pin I ordered yet (so I used a piece of round-stock cut from an exercise pole). This is another example of making use of what you have which is a necessary skill for our “Ditch Recipe” cooking.

Flattened Dough

The swirled dough balls were completely flattened out into a rough oval shape that was about 20 cm in diameter. It is this flattened dough that is ready to bake on the griddle.

Griddle on Induction Stove

The 20 cm diameter flattened dough fit about perfect on the 31cm square coated cast iron griddle. This griddle was made with a base that fits the induction stove perfectly and heats the entire pan evenly. I tried this induction stove on low setting “4” but then increased to a higher temperature setting of “8” and afterward I then saw some results. The flat-bread should be flipped frequently to keep it from burning. There is no oil used on the cooking surface of the griddle but the flat-bread is “dry-baked” only.

Air Between the Layers

Sometimes the bread will puff up with air while baking, showing that there is air captured between the layers. This shows that the kneading of the dough with one-sided coated in oil created the separation of layers which creates a delicious “layering-effect” like pastry.

Four Large Flat Bread

I was able to produce four-pieces of large flat bread with the flour I had available at the time. Again, when this bread was taste-tested while still hot then it was really awesome! It tears apart with “pastry-type” of layering and is really delicious! This is surprising for something that is only made with flour and salt and a bit of butter for coating one-side.