Fastening Tools

Fastening tools are any type of tool that can be used in the process of fastening materials together. Several examples of these types of tools are a hot-melt glue gun and a pop-rivet gun.

Hot Melt Glue Gun

There is a wide range of uses for a hot melt glue gun when fastening parts of a project together.

DeWalt Hot Melt Glue Gun

This hot melt glue gun proved to be useful in security plastic items like acrylic sheet plastic I used in a splash guard for an induction stove.

Induction Stove Splash Guard

This was the only way I found to hold the sidewalls of this splashguard together with the base.

See the link “Induction Stove Splashguard” for more details.

Rivet Gun

Pop Rivet Gun

A pop rivet gun is also an useful fastening tool because there is a large range of items that can be fastened together with pop rivets. The tool seen above as four different sized rivet shanks to use a wide range of rivet sizes and lengths.

Rivet Tool

Again, if these tools are taken care of well, then they can last for a lifetime. These are a few of the essential things that boys should obtain because they have a wide range of uses for many different projects using various kinds of materials.

See the link “Stewardship of Assets” for more details.

Also see the link “Project Tools” for more details.