Moral Foundation Building

A strong moral foundation is necessary for any endeavors related to nation building. If people do not have a strong moral foundation then they will destroy their own society through corruption and crime and violence and everything that is evil. The original founding fathers of the United States came to the American continent for the purpose of establishing a new nation (which was based upon the principles of God’s word – the bible). Their laws reflect biblical principles. For example, they created a bankruptcy law that allowed complete debt cancellation once every seven-years. This is obviously established upon biblical precedent where God allowed people to have debt cancelation once every seven-years (during the year of Jubilee) as was mandated in the bible. There are numerous such examples of American civil laws being formulated and patterned after principles found in the bible because the founding fathers came to this “new world” with the express purpose of founding a new nation under God.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The United States currency and coins even include the words, “In God We Trust” to depict the original purpose of the founding fathers to establish a new nation that was founded upon the principles of the bible. It is these biblical principles which created a strong “moral foundation” within the hearts of the citizens. This is the main reason that the United States rose up to be the most prosperous and powerful nation on earth (during the time that people lived according to biblical mandate and had a strong moral foundation in their lives (when the bible was even taught in public schools without hinderance).

When my father was a young man in the 1950’s, at that time America was largely a good and moral country. He said that it was even rare that someone got pregnant outside of marriage because back then (sex outside of marriage) was considered as a social taboo. Contrast this to the so-called “free-love” movement where young people are even mocked at school if they are still a virgin at age 13! In the 1960’s American cultural revolution rebellion and drugs and rock and roll swept the entire nation and the bible was removed from public schools and the nation regressed into godlessness. Just about everything evil that can be found within a “fallen society” can be traced back to people breaking God’s laws in wanton manner.

Example of Gun Violence

Today mass shootings are considered something that is rampant within American society but prior to 1950 such things were virtually unheard of! Even though people had plenty of guns prior to 1950, the same people also had a godly biblical culture that respected the sanctity of human life. The key “take-away” here is that guns are not the problem but the destruction of moral values within the US and the removable of God and the things of God from public education. Before the nation fell into godlessness, there was a fear of the Lord and people recognized the sanctity of human life. All of the safety laws in the United States were established upon the biblical principle of sanctity of human life (which teaches that humans were created in God’s image).

Genesis 9:6 (NASB95)
6 “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man.

There was a death penalty prescribed in the bible for anyone who shed innocent human blood because humans are created in God’s image and humans are “sacred” in God’s sight for this reason. This is the reason that when God-fearing people engaged in shooting (at a shooting range) that they were required to follow safety regulations. They were not to point firearms in the direction of any person. They were not to touch the trigger or remove the gun’s safety mechanism or chamber a cartridge before they were ready to shoot. They were to be sure of their backstop so that no stray bullet could fly far away and accidently hit a person over a long distance. Hearing protection and eye protection were required to protect people from injury. All of the safety regulations were designed to protect people from harm and these principles of safety were all based upon the biblical principle of the sanctity of human life.

The mass shootings today are largely a product of godlessness in the school systems. Leftist liberal teachers teach the youth that humans are evil like a “parasite” which need to be culled in order to save the planet. It is no wonder that millions of abortions occur annually in the Unites States with young people having sex outside of marriage and disposing of children by abortions.

Image Credit: Black Pigeon Speaks

Godless liberals have no respect for the sanctify of human life because they possess no godly moral values. When these liberals grow up, they behave in godless manner for this reason. There was even a “murder case” involving several godless liberals working in a nursing home who (over-time had killed hundreds of infirm elderly patients by pinching their nose shut while pouring water down their throats! Why would anyone do anything so ghastly? This is because they have no respect for the sanctify of human life. Godless liberal youth have engaged in mass shootings, and killed millions of human babies in abortions and would not hesitate to even kill infirm elderly people (deeming them to be less than the value of an animal). Constantly liberal leftists teachers have taught the youth in schools that humans need to be culled in order to save the planet. This has caused the youth not to marry or have children and there are “troubled youth” which have gone to the extremes of having no qualms about committing murder either.

Again, gun violence is not a gun problem but rather an issue with a lack of godly moral values (after the bible was banned from public education) and liberal leftists are allowed to take over the educational system to banish anything related to God from the minds of the youth.

Sanctity of Human Life in Safety Regulations

Deuteronomy 22:8 (NASB95)
8 “When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof, so that you will not bring bloodguilt on your house if anyone falls from it.

One example of safety regulations in the bible is that when people built a house with a flat roof, they were required to build a “parapet” or “handrail” around the perimeter of the roof so that someone would not accidently step off the edge of the roof and be injured or killed in the fall. All of the safety regulations in the United States were originally established upon the biblical principle of sanctify of human life. Safety regulations were created because they did not want anyone to be killed (even by accident) by having unsafe conditions of any kind.

This also has application to heath and sanitary regulations to keep food and meat products safe from contamination so that no one would get sick or die from food poisoning toxins or other dangers such as the deadly E.coli-bacteria.

All of the US construction and building codes were created with human safety in mind, as well as the safety regulations for the automotive industry and for the manufacture of aircraft. Millions of dollars are spent in investigating every air crash to discover the cause of the crash for the purpose of creating new safety regulations so that no such tragic event like that will ever occur again. There are a multitude of existing safety regulations in the US governing every part of society and these were all based upon the sanctity of human life to protect people from harm.

But as a new generation of godless youth enter the society, it will become more prevalent that such safety rules will not be deemed important enough to follow. This results from a lack of respect by these “godless youth” who see no purpose in practicing safety when they do not care if anyone dies or not.

Swiss Gun Culture

In Switzerland, they saw the value of developing shooting skills among their citizens. Marksmanship was considered a “valued asset” needed to defend the country. The government sponsored shooting ranges and guns and ammunition and required that citizens be taught how to shoot. The Swiss conduct large events for competition shooting and have really refined their shooting abilities. Yet in Switzerland the gun-crime rate was nearly zero! People were taught to respect guns and use gun safety from their youth and so they had no mass shootings (as has occurred among the godless liberal youth in the United States).

The Swiss zero-gun crime statistic held strong until liberals in Sweden opened the door to mass immigration. Today there are immigrants and children of these immigrants who possess no knowledge of the sanctify of human life (a biblical principle) so they have begun to use guns in violent crime. These people do not hold Swedish moral values and so it is from this segment of society where gun crime has arisen in Sweden.

Sweden has proven that they can train citizens in shooting skills and keep a zero gun-crime rate at the same time. It is only when migrants got guns without the same moral values of the Swedish people that they had trouble.