Aquaponics Energy
Every time that water drops from one level to the next in our aquaponics system then it is used to turn hydroelectric generators. These generators provide the electric energy that we need to run LED plant growth lights within the tunnels. This system enables us to grow plants underground all year round in a controlled environment.
Pelton-type Hydroelectric Generators
The image above shows two Pelton-type hydroelectric generators that are hooked up in a series using pressured PVC water pipes.
Pelton Rotor Powered by Water Pressure
The image above shows how a Pelton rotor is rotated by the use of pressurized water. This rotation is used to spin a Smart Drive motor that produces electric energy.
Pelton Rotor and Smart Drive Motors
This man in the image above is holding a Pelton rotor which is used to turn smart drive motors (pictured on the table before him). There are magnets within the hubs of these smart drive motors and spinning the magnetic hubs over coils produces electric current.
Smart Drive Motor Rotation by Pelton Rotor
The image above shows a Smart Drive motor that is being rotated by a Pelton rotor under water pressure on the opposite side. This enables the production of electric energy whenever there is a water source that has flowing water from a higher level down to a lower level.
Airlift Pump called a “Belgium Pipe”
Once the water has flowed from upper levels to lower levels generating power and irrigating plants then it must be lifted again to the highest level to start the cycle over again. We will incorporate an airlift pump for this purpose.
In the image above these men put together some sections of large PVC pipes and attached some air lines to the sides of these pipes. Then they suspended the pipes from a floating platform into a deep lake.
Geyser Produced by an Airlift Pump
The huge geyser of water seen this in this image was produced by using only compressed air. The pipe appears to be about 508 mm (20 inches) in diameter but was powered with only a 19 mm (¾ inch) air hose. This is a great multiplication of energy and has the potential to overcome the law of thermal dynamics! By introducing air into the bottom of the pipe they caused a low pressure inside and the higher pressured water outside the pipe entered and caused an upward water flow. The air is lighter than water so the effect of rising bubbles of air up the large pipe produced a lifting effect. This great volume of water was lifted without any moving parts other than the air compressor used to pressurize the system.
See the video link “Belgium Pipe” for more details.
This is an example of common man technology where principles of physics are used to accomplish work. Any water lifted has the potential to do work. Once water has been lifted to a higher level then falling water through the force of gravity can be used to generate electric energy and irrigate plants and provide plant nutrients in an aquaponics system.