False god of Fortress

Daniel 11:37–39 (NASB95)
37 “He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all.
38 “But instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; he will honor him with gold, silver, costly stones and treasures.
39 “He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.

A god can be anything which humans depend upon to achieve their goals (other than the only true God-the God of Israel). Humans often make idolatry out of all sorts of things and this can also include something like a “system” which helps them gain their objectives.

The book of Daniel and the book of Revelation both speak about future (yet to come events) that will occur on the earth. Presently, the way that the world is now heading has already been predicted by prophetic biblical scriptures. In Daniel 11:38, (as seen above) the coming antichrist will honor a god of fortresses (which is a god that his ancestors did not previously know). This means that this “god of fortress concept” is a relatively new method by which a small group of weak and pathetic individuals can seize control over entire nations (and even the whole world) and then force their own godless agenda upon everyone else.

Also contained in Daniel 11:38 (as seen above) the antichrist will honor him with gold and silver, costly stones and treasures. This speaks of bribery and buying off key players who are used in fulfilling the antichrist’s overall plan of achieving world dominion.

In Daniel 11:39 (as seen above) the antichrist will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god. This means that he will conquer the strongest nations using intrigue and deceit and bribery. When the antichrist seizes plunder, then he will use that plunder to “buy-off” key players who will participate in helping him fulfill his evil agenda. The antichrist will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over many and will parcel out land for a price. Part of his bribery scheme it to grant positions of authority to those who enable the antichrist to take over the world.

Daniel 7:24–25 (NASB95)
24 ‘As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings.
25 ‘He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.

The prophetic scriptures in Daniel 7:24-25 speak of ten kings which will arise and which are able to consolidate political power on earth among themselves. When these ten kings are in power, then the antichrist will subdue three of the kings and remove them from power. Those he removes probably are those who refuse to comply with his agenda. It seems that the antichrist can then control the remaining kings (through bribery and pay-offs) to cooperate with his plans of seizing world dominion.

Changing the laws will be done to turn all society on earth into a godless hell-hole (just like liberal-run cities in the U.S.A.) which are controlled by corrupt liberal officials who do not prosecute criminals but instead persecute law-abiding and productive citizens and drive them out by their misuse of political power. So this coming evil ruler (the antichrist) will be given a time of complete control upon the earth and he will rule for evil (just like a godless liberal).

Revelation 17:12–13 (NASB95)
12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour.
13 “These have one purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast.

The book of Revelation also mentions the future ten kings who have not yet received their kingdom but they will rule for a brief time together with the beast. These kings will cooperate with the antichrist and they will have one purse (unified together) to give their power and authority to the beast.

This is how the antichrist will consolidate power and then assume control over the whole earth by intrigue and deception and bribery and paying off key players who agree to join him in fulling his evil agenda of world dominion.

Fortress Idol

When humans worship an idol they typically engage in evil imaginations that somehow the idol that they are praying to can give them what they want. The antichrist will also do the same toward his own idol or “false god” of fortress. He will depend upon this false god to provide him with world dominion.

What is a fortress? It is a stronghold which has walls enclosing a space within where soldiers stay and where they store weapons and munitions. Such a stronghold is also called a garrison and when a country is under the control of evil foreign powers then their oppressors will typically place “garrisons” or “strongholds” in key places. This might be along trade routes where commodities are moved. Then the oppressors can exploit those who move goods by their location by levying heavy taxes upon them or seizing their goods altogether. A stronghold or garrison (or fortress) are all synonyms that mean the same thing.

The principle behind the use of fortresses is that they control important locations (like taking the high ground) so that they can dominate an entire area. If the enemy has many fortresses throughout a nation then they can control that entire nation completely (with just a small number of soldiers).

Godless Liberals Seized the High Ground

Current events indicate that things are headed in the direction that has already been predicted in the bible. For example, the United States has the most advanced military on earth and is in many ways “invincible” because no one could just take over the USA without having to deal with their strong military defense. However, the god of fortress can take over the entire nation without firing a shot. Thus liberals have focused on seizing the high-ground in all aspects of society and now they exert their evil influence over the majority of citizens who have now found themselves fallen as victims under their evil liberal control.

Liberals consist of feminist women and the beta males that serve them and the whole bunch is weak and effeminate. But this weak group of people are seizing control over the strongest nation on earth. They could never defeat the US military but they instead have switched their tactics to using the system (called by the bible) as the “god of fortress” to take over everything. They have taken over school boards which are in charge of hiring and firing. Now they can fire good and moral people and hire only perverted teachers who will brainwash student to do what is evil. They have done the same thing with American universities and placed godless liberals into all positions of authority. These wicked people then force their perverted ideology upon all of the students and they are brainwashing an entire generation to do what is evil. George Soros for example, is a godless liberal and he gives millions of dollars to influence US elections that place godless people into key positions within US society.

George Soros was able to exert huge influence on local U.S. elections with his money and he was able to place godless people into key positions (such as District Attorneys). A district attorney has huge influence simply by choosing how laws are enforced. Evil people holding key positions (like the office of District Attorney) can let criminals go free and even prosecute good citizens – if they defend themselves against criminals. The result of having godless people occupying key positions is that major US cities have become liberal hell-holes of rampant crime and poverty (as businesses shut down and productive people move away). There are even large chain stores that have closed down in liberal controlled cities because of looting by flash mobs! Hundreds of looters will show up at a store and smash the windows and break down the doors and grab everything in that store within minutes. Liberals even encourage this behavior saying that it is the black peoples’ “right” to be recompensed for past slavery. The evil liberals who control the district attorneys office do not prosecute any looter or arsonists that are arrested by police. Thus they give free license for anarchy causing liberal-controlled cities to fall into complete and utter chaos and disorder.

This is an example of the use of the system called the “god of fortress” because weak and pathetic liberals seized key positions (such as offices of District Attorneys) and then they license crime and endorse criminals and turn a once prosperous city into a hell-hole of chaos and anarchy. Weak people normally cannot take over anything, however if they employ their tactics of bribery and deceit and “paying-off” key people or financing the election of wicked people into positions of authority, then they can take over an entire city or even a State. Elon Musk reveals how George Soros has used his money to influence local elections in large U.S. cities by placing his own wicked people in power resulting in turning these cities into hell-holes. See the video link “Soros Hates Humanity” for more details.

Liberal “Toe-Hold” Strategy

Often liberals only have to buy a few seats on a company board and then they can control that entire company and dictate what they can and cannot do. Liberals are ecstatic over their great success in taking over key positions within US society because their “false god of fortress” has been working flawlessly to help them seize power. They can employ this system against school boards or boards for universities or against boards of major corporations etc. This is like placing garrisons in every critical place so that they can control an entire nation by seizing only a few places of key power.

Below is a link for illustration about how an evil liberal named Carl Icahn was able to take over the board of McDonalds corporation by buying only a few seats on the board to give himself a majority of liberal control. Then he proceeds to tell McDonalds that they cannot buy pork from farmers us utilize farrowing crates. This is complete “liberal insanity” however but Carl Icahn has effectively been able to dictate to a major US corporation whatever he wants and was able to enforce his liberal insanity upon them. See the link “Liberals Save the Pigs” for more details

Again, this is just one more example of the use of the “god of fortress” by the weak and effeminate liberals who can take over the “high-ground” in almost any area of society and then dictate their liberal insanity upon the majority of the people. It is just like an enemy placing military garrisons in key positions within a nation so that they can actually control the entire country with only a few soldiers.

Israel Under Foreign Domination by Use of Garrisons

1 Samuel 10:5 (ESV)
5 After that you shall come to Gibeath-elohim, where there is a garrison of the Philistines. And there, as soon as you come to the city, you will meet a group of prophets coming down from the high place with harp, tambourine, flute, and lyre before them, prophesying.

When Israel sinned and turned away from God and broke all of God’s commands then God turned them over to foreign domination as a punishment for their sin. In the time of the prophet Samuel, he was instructed to anoint Saul as the first King of Israel (who would be used to defeat the enemy and set the people of Israel free). In the scripture above, it mentions that there was a garrison of the Philistines placed within the land of Israel. Again, it should be noted that the use of garrisons was the method by which a foreign power could employ to exploit an entire nation with only a small number of their enemy soldiers occupying key positions throughout the land. All they had to do is seize the “high ground” and place garrisons on major transportations routes so that they could control entire regions. If anyone moved their commodities on that route then the occupying forces staying within that garrison could tax them heavily or even seize all of their goods completely. Thus the enemy only had to control key positions in key areas and then they can exert their influence of “total control” over an entire nation (with only a small number of soldiers).

This is again another illustration of the use of the “god of fortress” because even weak and insipid people like liberals can take over an entire nation like the U.S.A. simply by seizing control over key positions of authority. Thus a few weak people can take over the strongest nation on earth without firing a shot!

This is how the antichrist will take over the entire world. The world will consolidate under ten-kings and their control. The antichrist will remove or displace three of these kings (probably those who do not agree to comply to his dictates). Then he will bribe the remaining kings with wealth and power if they cooperate with him. Thus they can take over the whole world by intrigue and deceit and bribery and this is why the antichrist will worship the “false god of fortress” because this system will give him world dominion. He will not have to fight a great military like that of the U.S. military because he only has to seize key positions of authority and then coerce key players to join his scheme of gaining world dominion.

Payback for Liberals – Remove Their Fortress

1 Samuel 13:3 (ESV)
3 Jonathan defeated the garrison of the Philistines that was at Geba, and the Philistines heard of it. And Saul blew the trumpet throughout all the land, saying, “Let the Hebrews hear.”

Jonathan the son of King Saul was a man of faith and took bold action against their enemies who held their nation under oppression. Jonathan attacked and defeated the garrison of the Philistines (that was strategically placed by the Philistines at a place called Geba). This garrison was a stronghold of control over the people of Israel and this garrison had to be defeated and removed (as the first step for bringing freedom back to the people of Israel).

This same principle however still has application to present day situations where liberals have taken over every key position of political power throughout the land and they are controlling the majority of citizens and are enforcing their own godless agenda upon everyone else. But currently no one does anything to regain lost ground taken by the enemy. It is as if conservative people fear the liberals worse weapon (which is only name-calling). If a conservative takes bold action then the liberals will scream dictator! Liberals cry-out for equality when they are not in power but once they seize power they give no freedom to anyone else and become total tyrannical dictators themselves. Liberals always accuse others of their own crimes. But the fact of the matter is that real men need to stand up and do what is right and take back every area of authority that has been usurped by godless liberals throughout the land. If real men do nothing, then they will allow weak and insipient liberals to destroy the entire nation! Jonathan son of Saul is an example of a man who took action and defeated the garrison of the Philistines that was controlling their nation. The same thing also has to be done to our enemies the godless liberals and they must be defeated and removed from every position of control which they now hold throughout all American society from top to bottom.

David Paid Oppressors Back with Garrisons

2 Samuel 8:6 (NASB95)
6 Then David put garrisons among the Arameans of Damascus, and the Arameans became servants to David, bringing tribute. And the LORD helped David wherever he went.

After King Saul failed God and was removed from office, then God raised up David as the new King. After God gave David success against all of his enemies, then David repaid these former oppressors by placing Israeli garrisons throughout the land of their enemies. The Arameans became servants to David after he reduced their land to servitude through the use of placing garrisons throughout their land.

2 Samuel 8:14 (NASB95)
14 He put garrisons in Edom. In all Edom he put garrisons, and all the Edomites became servants to David. And the LORD helped David wherever he went.

Again, David paid back those nations that previously had plundered Israel by placing Israeli garrisons throughout their land and thus reducing these former enemies to vassals under the control of Israel.

The placement of Israeli garrisons was “payback” for when their own nation had previously been controlled by enemy garrisons. In the same way, there also is a spiritual principle that conservative Christians should take back what the devil has stolen and stop being passive with their enemies. Conservative Christians are to place garrisons of their own in the cities that are currently under liberal control. They should do to the liberals what these same liberals have done to God’s people. They should remove them from office and replace them with godly leaders who will do what is right according to biblical standards. Never should conservatives allow themselves to be shamed out of doing what is right by liberals and their pathetic name-calling! Typically liberals will falsely accuse them of being “dictators” just because they finally became bold like Jonathan and seized back what belongs to them.

A good example of a strong leader doing what is right (as Jonathan did) is when former Korean president Park, Chung-Hee seized power away from the weak and pathetic leaders who served before him. These worthless leaders had been only serving themselves (while their nation was languishing in poverty). President Park, Chung-Hee seized power away from them and even formed a task force to resist any other self-serving wicked leaders from taking over again. Then he began to rebuild his nation and the income of the Koreans increased tenfold during the presidency of Park, Chung-Hee. But even until today, there are liberals who still accuse President Park, Chung-Hee as being a dictator. But it was his strong manly leadership that turned South Korea around and brought them out of being a poverty-stricken and war-torn country. See the link “Strong Leader Verses Dictator” for more details.

Korean President Park, Chung-Hee was just like Jonathan who defeated a Philistine garrison and removed that position of enemy control out from his country. Park, Chung-Hee did the same thing by removing self-serving useless leaders who were doing nothing for Korea and then he took over and began his program of national reform. We need real men to do what is right and take over the positions of “high-ground” and seize back key positions of power and rule again according to biblical principles of righteousness.

Liberals Worship the False god of Fortress

Weak and effeminate liberals have discovered how they can take over the most powerful nation on earth without firing a shot. They only have to take over key positions and thus their “god of fortress” has been highly effective in taking over all American society from top to bottom. All this is made possible when godly men do nothing and allow these evil people to take over. The “god of fortress” is a system that enables weak people to take over and liberals have been “ecstatic” over their great success. They even worship this “god of fortress” because it has empowered them to the success of gaining control of everything (more than any other generation before them had ever achieved).

The antichrist will continue the same system of using the “god of fortress” system and seize all the high ground by intrigue and bribery and manipulation. Thus as a weak and pathetic man (like a liberal) will even go as far as to take over the whole world. Once such an evil man has taken over then he will assume himself into the position of being a god and will demand that every human on earth worship him. If anyone refuses to do so then they will be put to death. Also this evil ruler will take control over the banking system and no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they accept his mark (probably a computer chip) in their right hand or forehead. Thus he will seize complete control over the lives of the entire population of people on earth and if they do not comply with his dictates, then they will be cut off from everything including food and finances.

Many dictators have sought to gain world dominion throughout world history but only this weak character (the antichrist) will be able to accomplish this goal by paying off key players and seizing key positions of authority for himself. Currently world events are already headed in this direction as godless liberals seize power in many nations by employing their system of the god of fortress.

Also the technology already exists to chip every human and thus gain godlike control over their entire lives. Wicked men like the antichrist can then dictate what others can do and even cut them off from food and finances (or even cull them if they refuse to worship him as a god). It is outrageous that a weak and pathetic character like the antichrist will be able seize control over the whole earth in this manner.

Real men need to take action (as Jonathan did) and take back that which the devil has stolen. If real men do nothing, then weak and pathetic “liberal-types” will take over the whole world. This action of real men retaking the high-ground must be accomplished before all of our freedoms are completely gone.

Just as the liberals are now seizing control (like an enemy placing garrisons in key places) so the coming antichrist will do the same and gain control over the whole world without even having to defeat any armies. The signs of the times point to what is coming and already the freedom of millions of people worldwide is fast disappearing.

Refuge System Preparing for Coming End-Time Events

Our refuge system will become more valuable than ever after the entire planet comes under the control of godless and evil world leaders. Before these events take place, we will establish our secure subsurface living system which is self-sufficient in food and water and energy. Thus we can provide our people with the freedom they need to help them escape from being forced by this coming one-world ruler to comply with his evil dictates because of his control over the finances and food on earth. See the link, “Building a Siberian Refuge System” for more details.