Gift of Businessman “Giver”

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There are businessmen with whom God has endowed with the gift of being a “Giver” and these men can be identified by their ability to generate great wealth in business. God gave these men the ability to generate great wealth so that they could support the work of God on earth and enrich all humanity by their giving. This gift goes beyond just an ordinary believer who works a job or runs a small subsistence business but rather these are men who are gifted to generate millions and even billions for the kingdom of God.

Romans 12:8 (7KB)

If your gift is to encourage others then be encouraging. If your gift is that of a “Giver” (having been born with a God-given gift to generate wealth for giving) then exercise your giving with simplicity and generosity. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others then exercise this gift gladly.

A “Giver” will typically be a businessman who has a gift for generating wealth and who is a business owner with a company that has potential to create great revenues. A businessman cannot give what they do not have so the first step is generating the wealth through business enterprises. Then from this wealth they are able to give generously to support the work of the kingdom of God and to help humanity in a big way.

The 7KB translation of Romans 12:8 above clarifies the fact that some men are born with a gift of being a “Giver” and this is a God-given gift to generate wealth on a large scale for giving.

Jacob’s Vow

Genesis 28:20-22 (7KB)

20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear

21 so that I return safely to my father’s house, then the LORD will be my God

22 And this standing-stone I have setup will be a memorial pillar and will become a place for worshiping God, and of everything you give me, I will faithfully return one-tenth to you.”

There are both natural and spiritual sides of prosperity but it is the spiritual side which is the most important. This can be illustrated by the fact that many of the large US founding companies which made America great were started by men who followed the same principle of Jacob to honor God with their giving. Jacob vowed a vow to God that if God would prosper him then he would honor God by giving a tenth back to God as an act of worship.

Proverbs 3:9 (7KB)

Honor the LORD from your wealth by giving the first tenth-part of all your income.

There were many big company names involved with founding the economy of America. Many of these companies had founders who were Christian businessmen who started with nothing and dedicated their lives to honor God with their businesses. They were all tithe payers and many of them gave huge amounts to God and lived a frugal life so they could give even more. The more that they gave the more God blessed them for their giving until their companies became huge industries that affected the entire US economy.

A common trait about these men were that they had been endowed by God with the gift of being a businessman “Giver” and as such these godly men all honored God with the first tenth of their income.

Honoring God in Business

There are secular companies who do everything to earn money but neglect honoring God and “giving” of their income so they did not attain to the success of those businesses which were owned by Christian businessmen who placed honoring God above profits. Those men who honored God and followed the principle of Jacob in giving a tenth of their income (or even more) were blessed by the God of Israel. These companies would have people line up to buy their products and sales increased into a flurry only because of the favor of God.

Ordinary Believer Giving

It should be noted that if a businessman is born with the gift of being a “Giver” he cannot assume that he can randomly teach everyone in general to do the same thing as he can do. This is a special gift from God and therefore these businessmen “Givers” cannot teach others to do the same thing or mentor them to have the gift of “Giver” (unless their pupils happen to be born with such a gift).

This gift of businessman “Giver” is different than an ordinary believer who gives from earnings of wages or from a subsistence business. Every believer must learn to honor God with their increase and this is the major way that God can use to bring people out of poverty. But the giving of ordinary believers is not on the same level of a businessman possessing a gift of being a “Giver” who may have million flow or even billion flow in prosperity.

An example of an ordinary believer being blessed by giving is that of a woman in the Philippines who learned about giving to God and honoring God with the firstfruits of her increase. She was selling women’s handbags but when she honored God by giving a tenth of her income then her bags started to sell like hotcakes! People were lining up to buy her bags even though her competitors had products of better quality than hers. This is an example of God giving favor to a small subsistence business which honored him by paying a tenth of their income to the Lord! Supernatural prosperity from God is not dependent upon natural factors alone but God can even bless someone selling inferior products only because they are a tither!

This hand-bag selling woman was an ordinary believer but she used her faith and within three months she had enough money to build her home upon their family owned lot. She rose up out of poverty and had her family needs met when she learned how to give to God and honor the Lord from her increase.

I know hundreds of examples of ordinary people coming out of poverty by giving and in fact I spent 14-years in the Philippines as a missionary teaching the principles of biblical-giving which caused poor people to rise out of poverty by faith in God alone!

Eternal Purpose for Businessman “Givers”

There are many testimonies where the businesses were failing in the beginning when the owners were doing everything by self-effort. There must be an eternal purpose for a business because “making profits” is not enough to satisfy a “purpose-statement” for a believer. There must be an eternal purpose for the profits and this is why many of these owners of US founding companies used their profits to advance the kingdom of God and to help mankind by giving their wealth and they caused the world to be enriched because of their giving.

Unbelievers with a gift of “Giver” Unrealized

Those unbelievers (who are able to generate great wealth) are typically showing evidence that they were born with the gift of “Giver” but because they were never saved, they are not using their gift for the glory of God. Typically, unsaved businessmen born with the gift of “Giver” are businessmen who only serve themselves and even when they do give it is typically only to glorify themselves with some type of memorial building with their name on it or a scholarship fund in their name. This type of giving activity is only self-serving in motive as worldly businessmen seek to glorify only themselves as they try to preserve the memory of their name on the earth.

See the link “Distinguish Worldly Rich Men” for more details.

Psalm 49:10-14 (7KB)

10 For the wise man and the rich man must all die (and just like the foolish and brute men) they to must also pass away. They are forced to leave their wealth to others because they can take nothing with them when they perish and go to the grave.

11 They think their homes will last forever, and imagine that their dwellings will last through all generations. So, they give their own names to their estates and create memorials for themselves.

12 But even a rich man (despite his assets) will live only briefly on the earth. He will not last because he is no better than the beasts that perish and are no more.

13 This is the fate of those who are arrogant and trust only in themselves. Their way is folly even though their followers may continue to approve of their sayings long after they are gone. Selah

14 Like sheep these wicked rich men are laid in the grave and death shall feed on them. But the upright will rule over them in the morning, and their beauty shall be consumed in hell, far from their lofty abode.

These scriptures speak of the vanity of wicked rich men who lay up wealth only for themselves and never give to anyone. Even naming lands or estates after themselves does not cause people to remember them nor does creating memorials with their names engraved upon it.

Isaiah 53:9 (7KB)

His place after death was assigned with wicked men, and He was in the place of the rich man’s hell ensuing his decease. He suffered punishment for all human sin as a sacrifice even though He had done no violence, nor was there any deceit found in His mouth.

Hell is often referred to as the place of the rich men because all “wicked” rich men go to hell. When worldly rich men only serve themselves with their wealth then they are not fulfilling the eternal purpose for which God created them.

Romans 12:8 (7KB)

…If your gift is that of a “Giver” (having been born with a God-given gift to generate wealth for giving) then exercise your giving with simplicity and generosity…

Again, the righteous rich man (who possesses the gift of “Giver”) should exercise this gift in simplicity and with generosity. Not everyone can earn huge amounts of wealth like those businessmen gifted by God to be “Givers” because most of the people will only work a job or a small subsistence business and tithe to God out of their meager incomes. But a man with a gift of “Giver” can generate huge amounts of wealth and give in a huge way to God’s kingdom that is in the millions or even billion flow!

There is a danger however for a believer who possesses the gift of “Giver” that he does not fall into the self-deception of giving only to himself. If for example, a “Giver” should create a foundation in his own name and give only to that foundation then he has not really given to the Lord because he still retains control of that money. It is just like moving the money from the right hand to the left hand and saying that he gave to God. There are many “Givers” who retain control of their donations and this often cancels out any rewards that they may have received for giving to God.

NOTE: A warning must be made here to the businessmen “Givers” not to sow seed (give money) into false tare-preachers or else they will reap a “curse” instead of a blessing for their giving. Only giving to a real Fivefold Ministry Gift will produce eternal rewards for them when they give. All others are false tare-preachers who are planted by Satan and bring a curse to whoever gives to them!

See the link “Giving and Kingdom Finances” for more details. on how to distinguish a false “tare-preacher” from a real Fivefold Ministry Gift.

In order for a donation to qualify as a gift to the Lord it should leave their hands rather than being placed in a foundation (under their own control). The first priority in the word of God for giving is to be toward the NT Fivefold Ministry Levites followed by the needy like widows and orphans. The reason that the Levites are given first priority is that it is the job of the Levites to teach the word of God. Teaching God’s word has a lasting effect of bringing poor people out of poverty. Only God can prosper an entire nation and the biblical teaching of Levites can cause any nation to rise out of poverty.

This can be illustrated by the country of South Korea because after the Korean war this nation was totally destroyed and the people were left destitute and living in abject poverty. In the early 1960’s Korea was one of the poorest nations on earth. Out of this time of great poverty Dr. Cho rose up and began teaching biblical principles of faith and giving. Soon people began to prosper by having faith in God and giving to God from their increase. The number of people attending his church eventually grew to about a million people and they had a big effect on bringing the country out of poverty. Today some of the biggest churches on earth of every denomination are found in South Korea and this nation now enjoys a great deal of prosperity and a high standard of living. This can largely be attributed to spiritual factors of having the widespread teaching of the word of God and people giving in faith to God and trusting God for their own prosperity.

If a rich man gives only to the needy then it can be a self-defeating thing because such people will only consume what they have and ask the rich man for more. But if the same rich man supports the ministry of New Testament Levites then these Levites can teach the word of God and the poor people can rise out of their poverty by faith in God and by following biblical principles. Helping the needy with direct donations therefore is only a temporary means to keep them going only until they can be taught the word of God and rise up in prosperity themselves by having faith in God. Only God can prosper millions of poor people and bring entire nations with hundreds of millions of poor people out of poverty.

It is for this reason that the Levites are the first priority in financial support because their ministry of teaching God’s word is able to bring lasting change and remove poverty from an entire nation of poor people! Only God is capable of blessing hundreds of millions of poverty-stricken people and we do the poor a great disservice if we cause them to look to humans for provision rather than God (who is able to bring them out of poverty on a permanent basis).

Blessing Cursed People

I also know of a businessman “Giver” who tried to help people in a third world African nation who were engaged in demon-worship culture. When this man invested several million dollars into this project to help them, it all came to failure because God destroyed his works. No one is allowed to bless those whom God has cursed. I have often seen projects fail and I have seen businessmen “Givers” have a financial reversal and lose their wealth then they tried to bless those who were cursed. Before any lasting benefit can be had from a social project the people must first have a heart change. That is why the ministry of an Apostle is necessary to go in first and teach the people how demon-worship culture and idol-worship culture angers the living God and brings a curse. This curse causes poverty and natural disasters and every type of curse that can be imagined! If this heart issue is not dealt with by biblical teaching of an Apostle then these native people will remained “cursed” even if some businessman could cover their country knee-deep in gold coins! God will curse the businesses or projects of anyone trying to bless those who are cursed by engaging in demon-worship and idol-worship culture.

If businessmen consulted real Apostles and Prophets (who have the operation of Revelation Gifts) they could avoid many of the loses and business reversals that are commonplace for those who attempt to do social projects to help poor people (who are cursed by engaging in idol-worship culture).

See the link “Projects and Levites” for more details.

Nothing angers the jealous God more than the worship of idols because idol-worship people ascribe anything good God does for them to help from the idols. Those engaging in idol-worship culture seek to curry favor with the idols and ask the idols for good luck or blessing. But this activity brings a curse from the jealous God who will not share credit for the good he does with these false idols made by human hands and created by human minds. Any businessman who seeks to help poor cursed people (who are poor and cursed because of idol worship) will reap a curse upon his business for trying to bless those whom God as cursed. These people cannot be helped until an Apostle first teaches them what angers the living God and until after they repent of idol-worship culture and forsake it entirely. Only then can they become a candidate for God’s blessing. This is why nations (which are full of natural resources and good land) languish in poverty because of the curse of idolatry.

See the link “Idolatry-Curse of a Nation” for more details.